— Breed of the Month —

The Boxer

In 2012, the AKC changed the rules and added boxers to the list of breeds eligible for herding titles.

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Breed Traits and Characteristics

According to the American Kennel Club, here are some breed characteristic you can find in Boxers. 


  • Height

    23-25 inches (male), 21.5-23.5 inches (female)

  • Weight

    65-80 pounds (male), about 15 pounds less

  • Life Expectancy

    10-12 years

  • Coat Type/Length


  • 80 Affectionate with Family
  • 100 Good with Young Children
  • 60 Good with Other Dogs
  • 80 Trainability Level
  • 80 Energy Level
  • 60 Barking Level
  • 20 Shedding Level
  • 60 Drooling Level


Boxers originated in Germany and were bred as bull-baiting dogs and then butcher’s helpers, assisting in controlling cattle in slaughterhouses. They descended from a long line of bullenbaiser breeds (bull biters) that were used to hunt boar, bear, and bison on large estates. Boxers were eventually bred with Bulldogs and even Great Danes.

Boxers were invaluable in the World Wars carrying ammunition, messages and supplies. Some of the soldiers fell in love with the dogs and brought them home with them. There are various theories about the origin of their name. Some say it comes from the German word boxl (nickname for one of the Boxer’s ancestors), whereas others think it comes from the way they use their fore paws like a boxer in the ring.

The first boxer was registered by the AKC in 1904 and the first AKC Championship was won in 1915. They really became popular in the U.S. in the 1950s when Bang-Away, a Boxer, won the Westminster dog show. Now the boxer has become extremely popular, always appearing in the top 10 breeds.

The Boxer

Who doesn’t fall in love with their wrinkled, worried faces? Their imposing stares, noble posture and jaunty gait? Don’t be fooled. Behind that stern façade lies one of the friendliest, most playful and loyal breeds Bark Busters has ever had the pleasure to train.

And training they will need! Boxers are highly energetic and without consistent mental and physical stimulation, they can get into a lot of trouble! They love to jump on people, so it’s important to break this behavior as soon as possible. Because they are so people oriented, they do not like being alone, so separation anxiety can always be an issue.

Boxers are well-muscled and of medium in size weighing between 50 to 80 pounds and generally live 11 – 13 years. Their coloring is generally fawn, brindle or white. About 1 in 4 boxers are white, often with colored markings called “Checker boxers”. It is a misconception that white boxers are less healthy than other colors of boxers and always deaf because 14% are born deaf.

Many boxers have docked tails and cropped ears, although it is becoming more common among pet parents to not crop the boxer’s ears and just let them hang down.

If a boxer is joining your family, know that their intelligence, courage and easy-going nature makes them a great family dog!

Boxer Management

Boxers are unique in that they don’t fully mature until three-years-old, meaning their puppyhood seems to go on forever! Boxers can be stubborn dogs, so they require a strong leader. Early training is important before your Boxer gets too big. Like many of the bully breeds, Boxers do not train well using physical punishment or being bossed around. Instead, with methods like Bark Busters uses, Boxers respond better to their leaders after you have earned their respect.

Think about it. Dogs learn how to communicate with each other at their Mother’s teat. They use voice tones (growling, barking, yipping) and body language (stance, position of tail, etc.) Therefore, it is best to use this same method of communication when dealing with your boxer. Mother dogs speak dog and teach their pups the law according to the dog.

Boxers don’t tolerate the heat too well, so walks during the cooler times of the day are best. They don’t like extreme cold temperatures either because of their short coat, so a doggie coat might be the ideal thing for your Boxer if you live in a cold climate. Many pet parents kid that their Boxers' range of tolerance is between 72 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit (21-22 degrees Celsius).

Boxers love to play and make great family companions displaying the utmost in love and loyalty. Even though they are not small, they often think they are lapdogs! When they get excited they do a little dance called a “kidney bean” where they twist their bodies into a semi-circle or even a full circle. They also make a special sound called a “woo woo” when excited. Owners of boxers know what I am talking about!

They can be headstrong, meaning you will have to have patience when training them. They can become overexuberant and in their zest to protect their family, can lead to some aggression, so training in good doggie manners, is advised. Early socialization is important so they become exposed to different sights and experiences. Exercise is key to keep their energy in check -- the boxer is a big dog and can do a lot of damage if he's bored or lonely.

Boxers Personality & Temperament


  • Smart, friendly, fearless
  • Loyal and graceful
  • High energy and like to stay busy
  • Great guard dogs
  • Must be exercised regularly
  • Don’t do well in hot weather (overheating) or cold weather since they are short coated
  • Tend to snore and snort
  • Initially distrustful of strangers particularly if they sense a threat to their family
  • Will jump, twist and somersault to entertain humans

Fun Facts about Boxers

  • Because of their playful nature, they are sometimes called the “Peter Pan” of dogs.
  • Their short muzzles can cause them to snore.
  • A boxer holds the world record for the longest tongue – 17 inches.
  • Boxers are cousins to the bully breeds.
  • According to the AKC, the boxer was one of the first breeds used for German police training.
  • It is a myth that all white boxers are deaf – only 12 to 14% are.


Boxers are excellent guard dogs and have an above average IQ, making them diverse in the roles they can play. Boxers love to be active and are perfect for agility, obedience and flyball.

  • Athlete
  • Cattle dog
  • Show dogs
  • Police dog
  • War dog
  • Dog for the blind
  • Search and rescue

Bark Busters Trainer Mark Renshaw on Boxers

Having been the original office now to have opened in the United States, with nearly 17 years in training over 6,000 dogs, I would have to say that Boxers are among my most favorite breed to train! Although highly energetic, with proper leadership, mental stimulation as well as exercise, I typically find this breed to be very receptive to learning new rules and boundaries and generally a good fit for most homes.

I advise most people looking to get a Boxer as a puppy to carefully research responsible breeders, as they are susceptible to breed-specific genetic conditions which include very serious afflictions such as dilated cardio myopathy (very serious heart condition) as well as various forms of cancer and hip and elbow dysplasia. I often deal with a lot of clients who have rescued adolescent or adult Boxers and advise them to work closely with their veterinarians to monitor for any of these issues and seek their recommendations on appropriate supplements to aid in their general well-being.

One of the most typical behavioral concerns that I often see with this breed is their unprecedented desire to jump on people. Because of their size and muscular frames, jumping can be very problematic especially around children and elderly people. In addition, pulling on leash is common due to their physical strength. I find that these dogs are great candidates for the Bark Busters Wagg Walker communication harness for learning to walk at a prope heel position. Another concern that I commonly see, especially when training adolescent or adult Boxers, is a trait that the breed was originally designed for (protection/guarding) manifesting into a pattern that can escalate into fear aggression and excessive barking habits if left unchecked. As with other ‘working’ breeds, they need extra mental stimulation and entertainment in addition to physical exercise to avoid destructive chewing behaviors due to boredom and inactivity. In essence, Boxers are truly wonderful dogs that are easily trainable!

Fortunately, utilizing a system of training which dogs readily understand which is neither compulsory nor reliant on food and bribes, the Bark Busters training method is ideal for this working breed. By engaging with the simple use of voice tone, body language and timing, the nuisance behaviors that are typical of the Boxer are easily resolved within the first two hours of training in most cases. I personally find the breed to be very intelligent, quick learners and genuinely compliant. (They are usually ‘softies’ occasionally acting out in assertive ways).


Bark Busters Trainer Jeff Drier on Boxers

It’s not true that these dogs were so named because they stand up on their back legs like kangaroos and “box” with their front feet, although I might start that rumor. As a trainer for 15 years, I have worked with many boxers and there are some things that I can generalize.

They have the greatest facial expressions. I love their expressiveness and if there is a dog that wears its feelings on its face it is the Boxer.

They are energetic and will be great companions if you are working towards running a marathon. They will not be as helpful if you are working on a crossword puzzle championship or doing a jigsaw puzzle. That’s not to say that they can’t stay quiet and still, but they can’t stay quiet and still for long. As I said they are energetic.

They bounce, pounce and jump. Do you remember superballs? Those were the hard rubber balls that bounced higher and longer than any other ball? Boxers are the superballs of the dog world. They WILL greet you by jumping up on you, unless you are very determined. Counter-surfing is also a common issue with them once they realize they can reach the counters.

They are very intelligent, friendly and easy to train and typically fun-loving. They are happy to participate in any physical activities, the more strenuous the better. If you want a frisbee chaser you cannot pick a better breed. They live to run, and jump. If you are a hurdler, Boxers will adopt you immediately and will give you a great home.

If they aren’t given outlets for their high energy they will develop their own outlets which probably won’t be what you want them doing, (see counter-surfing above).

They are very affectionate with their family but can be a little wary of strangers and visitors, so leadership is vital in keeping that under control. They can play rough so interactions with children need close monitoring. They don’t mean to hurt anyone but often they don’t know their own strength.

These are all breed generalizations and there are certainly boxers that don’t fit these descriptions, but of all the boxers I’ve worked with, most do resemble the above. Bark Busters’ methodology makes it easy to teach your dog, even Boxers, how to be great family members. Love, trust and respect are necessary elements of a great relationship and all those grow from understanding and clear communication. This is where Bark Busters excels, teaching our clients what their dogs are looking for and how to provide the leadership and structure that dogs instinctively seek. If you have issues with your Boxer or any other breed, contact your local trainer for assistance. You and your dog will be happy you did.


Boxer Common Behavioral Issues

Boxer puppies need socialization as early as possible and firm but fair training. Boxers need to be positively motivated and love praise. Establishing yourself as the alpha dog and providing a consistent and structured environment goes a long way with a boxer.

Remember that your dog wants to please you – he just doesn’t know how. He will challenge you for control if he suspects you are not going to be a strong leader. Letting him know who is in charge and earning his respect upfront is key to successful training.

Boxers tend to have a mind of their own. Remember that boxers don’t like to be left alone, so separation anxiety can be a problem. They respond best to firm but fun training to help overcome their jumping, biting, barking and other mis-behaviors. Praise should be a major part of your training program.

An essential part of your training must involve exercise. Because of their high energy, a rousing game of fetch, or a long walk daily is a good idea. Remember that a bored dog is a mischievous dog.

Separation Anxiety

Some Boxers don’t do well when left home alone. They just don’t like solitude (especially if their doggie parents have never prepared them for it).

Things like leaving the home for a few minutes, but staying close by, to gauge your Boxers reaction to being left alone.

Leaving durable toys or treat-dispensing toys with your dog can help break the boredom, but sometimes they just want you.

This might sound great since anyone would want to be loved that much? However, the issue is that you might never be able to leave your dog at home alone while you go out to the movies or a meal.

It is best to start practicing separation from your Boxer as soon as you can. For example start off by teaching your dog not to follow you from room to room. They need to understand that they cannot always follow wherever you go.

If your dog sleeps with you or a family member, that might seem like a wonderful thing and no issue if your dog does not suffer Separation Anxiety, but a problem if it does.

The reason is your dog never gets to experience separating from you or the family when you are at home and the only time you do is when you all go out.

So practice separating, stopping your dog from following you everywhere you go and understand that the wanting to be with you all the time, might not be love, but could be the start of Separation Anxiety.

Connect with Us!

Need help training your Boxer? Call 1-877-500-BARK (2275)or enter your zip code.

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Boxer Health

Common Injuries and Illnesses

Your Boxer's health concerns will change over the course of their life. A puppy might be more prone to eating something they shouldn’t, a 2-year-old Boxer is more likely to develop a cancerous mass, and a senior Boxer may develop urinary tract infections as they age. Boxers also have personality and physical traits that may make them more prone to certain conditions—they’re prone to heart conditions as they age, and tend to be active dogs that can injure themselves when playing or running.

If you are ever concerned about your dog’s health, your local veterinarian is a great resource—no matter how small the question.

At any stage of life, here are some of the most common injuries and illnesses you should be aware of when bringing home a Boxer:

  • Cruciate ruptures
  • Allergies
  • Eye conditions
  • Lymphoma
  • Arthritis
  • Masses
  • Heart problems

Genetic Health Concerns

Like many popular breeds, the Boxer has a number of hereditary health issues, like eye conditions and heart problems. Boxers are also susceptible to allergies and multiple types of cancer. Most reputable breeders now have their breeding stock checked and scored for these hereditary ailments by a vet. You can request proof that the puppy you are purchasing comes from parents that have been checked for these issues.

Because many other health issues are also hereditary, you should do some research on the ancestry of your puppy and any health issues of that particular breed.

Many rescue organizations also check for common-ailments before making them available for adoption.

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Hear from Bark Busters Clients Who Have a Boxer

Adrienne is AWESOME! Who knew that our fur son was feeling like he needed to take care of us. Adrienne came in and started training us to let Sugga Ray (our 1-year 11-month-old Boxer) know that we are taking care of him. I was amazed at the training techniques. So simple, that it made us feel really stupid. I guess you don't know, what you don't know. We are working on his reaction to other dogs if they bark at him or get in his space, but of course when we need dogs to pass by us on the trail that bark, there are none to be found. Adrienne gave us a great start and left us with plenty of homework for Sugga Ray. I know we have more things to work on, but we feel so good about his progress in just a week. We had overnight company this past weekend and he did not jump up on anyone not once. We are super proud of his 1st week of progress and our parent progress. I look forward to a very long relationship with Adrienne and Bark Busters. You all have been a blessing to us. I wish I would have found you all years ago with past fur babies, but I am definitely looking forward to a long partnership with Bark Busters.
We have a one and a half year old Boxer puppy and quickly realized we were going to need some help! Our issues with Chugga - the constant jumping on visitors, leash walking and “stay”.
We have never used a trainer before but Barbara is fantastic, Chugga responded to her training methods on the first visit! She took time to explain the training process to us as well as demonstrate. (we were being trained as well as Chugga)
We have been working with him and there has been a big improvement. We are very happy with the results.
It is reassuring that Barbara will be always be available to help us with Chugga if any other behavior changes arise as he grows older.
We are very pleased with Bark Busters and especially our trainer Barbara. We highly recommend this service to anyone.
Look no further for your dog training needs. Ben has been crucial in helping us acclimate our new boxer pup with our other boxer. We have addressed everything from aggression, dominance, potty training and learning to "speak dog". Our dogs are now happy and playing together! Definitely a one stop shop for training. Even when not in an active training, Ben is always available for questions, pointers and ongoing support. We couldn't be happier!
Pam is amazing!!! We are SO happy we found her through Bark Busters. Our boxer, Judge, responded to her immediately. Her expertise in training is evident the moment she walks in the door. Not only is she extremely good at what she does, she’s also easy to talk to, personable and down to earth! Her love for animals in general is apparent as you can feel the love she shares with your dog while training.
Ryanne has been incredible, I can highly recommend her to anyone with a dog with behavioral issues! We have a very stubborn mini dachshund who showed territorial aggression and excessive marking and barking. We have only had a handful of sessions with Ryanne, but our dog has shown improvements we would not have believed a couple of weeks ago. He is able to stay overnight in his own crate without wining, we can eat in peace without him harassing us, his barking has reduced by 80-90%, and we have learned very easy-to-use techniques to help him calm down more quickly when we have visitors. We love Bark Busters focus on communication techniques rather than treats or punishments, as we can use these techniques anywhere.

Ryanne has also been very responsive and often checks in with us. Bark Busters is well worth the price, which is very affordable compared to similar companies who typically do not offer as many in-home training hours or follow-up appointments.
Moose and I had our first training session with Bonnie she was wonderful! Moose still needs a lot of work, but I am hopeful that the more work we do with Bonnie, and the more comfortable he becomes with our new home that he will be much calmer and happier. Thank you Bonnie!
Truly transformational! It was amazing to see what Marc could accomplish in just 3-hours. He taught me how to be the "Alpha dog" so Ollie doesn't think he needs to do it - i.e. no aggressive barking when friends come over. The leash training is still a challenge - we continue to practice each day. It's a long road, but I think we'll get there. Thanks so much!
Marc did an amazing job with Leonardo on our first visit. The main thing I needed worked on was his barking at the door as I live in a senior condominium yet Leonardo took to Marc immediately that we had to induce barking while Marc remained outside and knocked on the windows and yet still no barking. It was not until the knock on the door and the attempted entry when Leonardo finally started to bark which was immediately stopped by using the techniques Marc had worked on with me.
In addition he no longer jumps on me while I am at the computer and stays outside the areas I am in unless invited in as Marc showed me.
I still need a lot of work on me but Leonardo and Marc were wonderful.
I would recommend him to anyone.
Great 1st session with Karen. Instant results and the tools to give our new boy the training to make his life and ours stress free. Bark Busters is well worth the time and investment and we look forward to having their support throughout the life of our best buddy!
There are many choices, programs, and pricing when it comes to signing up for the training for our fur family. Bark Busters stood behind their reviews and transformed our dog's behavior in the 1st hour of spending time at our home. Moreover, they also help US/the owners understand what we are continuously doing wrong and why our dogs have not responded to any previous techniques, especially those we just "came up with" on our own. It is 5 hours after Mark left our home, and we can already see improvement in Hatun's and Olaf's behavior. We are so excited to continue applying the techniques we were shown and taught today, to continue applying with our pets, and receiving the resources and lifetime support Bark Busters agreed to offer. We love our dogs, and they are part of our family, but we certainly want them to know who the head of the household is. :)
Mark is a gem trainer, and I would recommend wholeheartedly to anyone!
Marc was amazing with my dog! My pup Leo and I moved to Florida from NYC and we were both experiencing "moving anxiety". We had worked with Barkbusters in NYC and I knew it was the way to go! He spent no less than two hours dealing with all our (and I say OUR as of course it's up to me to make it work!!) issues. By the end of our session, Leo was definitely compliant and I was reminded of all the reasons Bark Busters is the best home dog training there is (shout out to Sarah in NYC too). Marc left me with a complete write-up on all the things I have to do to make sure Leo behaves - and this way I can't say I don't have the tools to make it work! I LOVE BARKBUSTERS.
In 3 hours our dog was transformed into a well behaved dog. Marc worked with all three of us and we are amazed at how quickly and effectively the training is. I would recommend Bark Busters without hesitation. We are enjoying our now well behaved dog immensely!
I rescued Milo a year and a half ago. He is a sweet dog, however, he began having severe separation anxiety if I left the house. I tried several exercises when didn’t work. Other unwanted behaviors began to surface and I realized that I was not communicating well with him and he believed he was in charge! I called Bark Busters in the hopes of a solution. Karen started by having me realize how dogs REALLY communicate. That was an eye-opener! Then she began teaching me how to communicate and set “rules”. I immediately began to see changes in Milo’s response! I was blown away!! However, I was still worried about the separation. I had a crate that was folded and put away. Karen made me realize that he needed the crate as his own safe place to be. We set the crate up, made it nice and comfy and put some treats in there and in he went. That also shocked me because I tried the crate when I first got him, but failed miserably, and he did not like it at all. We then took it a step further and left him in the room with the door closed for 20 minutes! I was in AWE to say the least.
I know this process takes time, but I feel so reassured knowing that if I encounter a difficulty, I can always contact Karen. No other company I have ever researched provides ongoing support for both me and my best buddy. I feel very secure, knowing that I am now in the beginning stages of making Milo, a happy stress-free dog🐶.
So grateful for Bark Busters!!!!
Contacted Bark Busters and within an hour had a response. Mark the trainer came and spent 3 glorious hours with us. Sawyer, our 6 months old Samoyed went from a wild “I’m Alpha” dog to a well mannered loving puppy that very night. Walks are enjoyable now...I’m not getting mouthed nor barked at nor pulled. Wish I had known about this method of training sooner.Worth every penny!
My husband and I started to working with Karen a month ago with our dogs Chewy and Snippet. All I can say is WOW!! Results were immediate. Karen is extremely knowledgeable and provides outstanding support. She showed us how to get our house back by being pack leaders of (2) 10lb Rat terriers lol. My only regret is not doing this sooner
My trainer is Karen Deppe and we have been doing our sessions over live video. She has been completely amazing helping me fix my dog issues such as lease pulling, jumping, personal space, and door/people greeting. I have had these issues for a while and with what I have been learning and implementing from this program I have already seen a huge improvement. Do not feel deterred about it being over a video call, it is just as affective as in person training because at the end of the day it’s up to you and your dog(s) to continue the training to get the results you want. I have found a glimmer of success and only time will tell but I am very satisfied and I hope whoever else decides to go through this program is as well.
We asked alot from Marc and Bark Busters. Mr. Magoo is a great dog and one who we know wants to follow the rules. We just needed to learn how to be good leaders and how to 'speak dog'. We had engaged in basic obedience training with Mr. Magoo, both in person and online, and achieved some successes but still struggled with issues such as barking at and charging the door, maintaining a sit/down position and other issues that we really needed to correct. We couldn't be more pleased with the progress we made with Mr. Magoo in just a few short hours and we are confident that we now have the tools to continue this great journey toward achieving the goal of having a well behaved dog. Thank you Marc! Thank you Bark Busters! We will be happy to recommend you to anyone who needs your help!
We have had an excellent experience using BarkBusters with Karen. We were hesitant about a virtual experience, but desperate because my dog was becoming increasingly anxious and aggressive and we didn’t know what else to do. After just a week of using Karen’s techniques and following her advice, we have already seen a huge improvement in both of our dogs. The approach is intuitive, simple, and effective. We are so thankful to Karen for literally saving our dogs life.
Before the session Linus and Mac did not get along. Linus and Mac can now play together after this session.
Joshua was a fantastic trainer. He explained the basis for all training exercises, walked us through them and then with our dog showed us how to use them. We could see improvement in our dog by the end of our session.
Fantastic information and training for my dogs. So glad to have found BarkBusters.
I had a very beneficial experience with Bark Busters. I highly recommend this service. Marc is very skilled and made modifying my dogs' behavior a rewarding experience. It will make our lives so much better. Thank you Marc.
Bark Busters is a game-changer! After just one training lesson, our dog's behavior was completely transformed. Their skilled trainers and effective methods delivered incredible results. Highly recommended!
We were extremely pleased with our first lesson just two days ago. Within a few minutes after being in our home, Mark showed us how to keep our 3 dogs in control with some simple tools, voice tones and gestures. At first I was a bit skeptical, like, "Will this really work after he leaves?" , but over the past two days since we've been using the techniques he taught us, we see a 90% improvement in our dogs. Still a few things we need to work on but there has been a huge positive difference in their behavior. I am able to keep them calmer, more attentive and obedient. I would definitely recommend Bark Busters and I am grateful that our vet tech referred us to them!
I’ve tried a few dog trainers in the past and have not like a single one. However, Marc was wonderful. He was so thorough, educated, and explained everything easily before we introduced our dog. Once we started, we had a whole new dog in 10 minutes. Marc made sure to address everything we mentioned and we had a comprehensive plan by the time he left. I’ve never felt so confident in a plan of action and feel like my dog is happier than he’s ever been. I will recommend Marc and BarkBusters to everyone I know. Thank you for teaching an old dog new tricks!
Success in 1 day! Our 5 month old mini poodle Stella has showed amazing results with one visit from Bark Busters, Karen Deppe. Not only did "Stella" learn so much so did my husband and I. Separation Anxiety is our biggest concern and we have already seen results with this. Next barking, we don't want a little yapper or jumper and this also has already been successful. I think most would be amazed at what we all were doing wrong. We couldn't be happier with the results. And knowing that Bark Busters will be there for us at anytime is a huge comfort. Thank you Karen for the awesome training and helping us and Stella.😍
We have a four year old GS mix and we recently adopted a 5 year old GSD who was very reactive, not socialized at all and who was not leash trained. Ryanne and Omar taught us behavior techniques and modifications which we practiced on both our dogs. The results are amazing as we had hoped but doubted the two could ever live peacefully under the same roof. This weekend changed all that and we are thrilled with the results. Omar and Ryanne’s patience and knowledge has allowed us to let the dogs have the run of the house together.

Their program taught us how to train our dogs by speaking their language and we did not have to use shock collars, choke chains, or treats to modify their behaviors. Thank you so much Omar and Ryanne!

Todd, Elaine, Prince and Obi
Bark Busters is certainly the way to go when training a dog.I had no idea you could actually train a dog this way, it really works. Karen has a great personality and very knowledgeable about the health of your animal. I was so happy that Karen and her husband were recommended through my Vet. Thank you so much… i will be passing along Bark Busters to all my friends.

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CALL TODAY 1-877-500-BARK (2275)

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