Puppy Training

Give Your Puppy a Great Start!

Bark Busters Puppy Training Group of Puppies of all Breeds

Puppies need guidance to learn good manners and develop a pleasant nature – after all, they are very similar to infants and toddlers. That’s where you come in! While it’s true that puppies receive much of their socialization from their mothers and litter-mates in the first 12 weeks of life, you will pick up where the mother left off in teaching and reinforcing proper behavior.

Puppy Fundamentals

Bark Busters trainers offer puppy training in your home. We help build a basic foundation of trust and respect in a safe and nurturing environment, including crate training, potty training, and leash training your puppy.

Get Started Today!

Bark Busters’ Puppy Management and Training Program gives you everything you need to successfully train your puppy at home, including how best to deal with the many common problems that occur in the first six months. It can be started a few days after your puppy has settled into their new home, but please note: puppies can get tired very quickly, so some training may only be able to be explained and not demonstrated on the day of your training session.

Bark Busters Puppy Training Can Include:

  • Effective house-breaking
  • Successful crate training
  • Diet and good food manners
  • Recall (coming when called)
  • Gate and door control
  • Basic command training (sit, stay, down)
  • Proper leash control and leash manners
  • Distance control (staying with you when there are other distractions)
  • Puppy socialization skills
  • Grooming and vet visit preparation
  • Bad behavior management and prevention (jumping, mouthing, biting, chewing)

Puppy Training Tips & Advice

General puppy tips Bark Busters Home Dog Training

General Puppy Tips

Ensure your puppy's growth and happiness with this guide on meeting their basic needs, understanding behaviors, and beginning early training.
Bringing home a puppy Bark Busters Home Dog Training

Bringing Home a Puppy

Prepare your house with this checklist: find a vet, get essential supplies, puppy-proof your home, and set up a safe space for your pup.
Things to consider before getting a puppy

Thinking of Getting a Puppy?

Before you make the commitment to bringing home a puppy, consider your lifestyle compatibility, breed temperament and your experience with dogs.
Bark Busters Dog Trainers Training Two Dogs

Tips for Every Dog - Why Training?

All dogs need some form of training and education. Love is vital to the bond you and your dog share, but on its own and without all the other elements of a strong relationship, your dog won’t feel fully fulfilled.
Toilet Training Puppy

Toilet Training Basics

There’s no way around it: potty training is vital for pet owners and dogs. Establishing a toilet training routine with puppies (usually at around three months old) requires time, effort, and consistency to yield results, but the benefits are well worth it.
Know Poisons

Know What Poisons Lurk in your Home and Yard

Keep your curious canine safe! Learn about potential poisons in and around your home.

How to Choose the Right Breed

Whether you are looking to purchase or adopt your first furry friend or add an additional member to your family, there are several important questions to ask before making the big decision.

Don't just take our word for it.

Here's what our clients' have to say!

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16333 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

Hear from our Clients about Puppy Training with Bark Busters

Don't walk, run to work with Bark Busters. Please read my review if you relate to any crate-anxiety issues.

Here's my story: I have a puppy GSD who's shockingly lazy, but his shepherdation (separation) anxiety was really out of control to the point where he could break out of his crate AND open my front door.

I would describe myself as highly dog knowledgable so I am VERY particular about the methods used by trainers. To each their own, but e-collars, prongs, etc are band-aids (or worseners) for most problems since most dog-owners don't really understand the timing/utility of these tools enough to ween off of them at any point. If your dog is a 100/10 lunatic, then I guess I get it :|

Anywho, I was honestly shocked to learn they don't even rely on clickers or treats, just straight up dog behavior and psychology, yet have the reviews they have.

Here's my summary. I am only 2 days post training, have received a comprehensive training plan with new crate recs, have gotten 5-7 minutes of a CALM dog in his crate once I've left (a miracle), and did nothing but learn to amend MY body languages and sounds.

Bonus that Anthony was an absolute delight to work with.

Hire them - you're welcome in advance ;)
A life-changing experience. John provided the most thorough, extensive lesson and training which had immediate effects on our puppy. John's patience, expertise and professionalism made the session productive and positive while training our dog. We are very grateful for John's help and understanding in helping us properly train Milton.
When we met Amber we were very impressed with her knowledge and with her enthusiasm we had just acquired a 10-month-old German Shepherd puppy and we needed to be able to not only integrate her into our family but she had a very bad habit of jumping on us and as a very large puppy, It was something we needed to address quickly .She gave us the tools and the steps we would need to not only accomplish this , but to also address some of the issues with our other dogs. We see this training as ongoing as the need arises. The total support that we get from this organization is ongoing for the life of our dogs and that was very impressive to us. We see this as a investment into our future and the future of our dogs and we know Amber will be there with us all the way.
It was a pleasure meeting Jeri for our first training. I learned so much on how to relate to Reiff. I was so happy to see a improvement only with the first lesson and it made me very hopeful and excited to know that Reiff will be able to be the best obedient and happy puppy that he deserves to be. Jeri was down to earth but very professional and you could see she loves and cares deeply of all pets.
Thank you so much and I’m looking forward to the future with Reiff.
Ryanne has been incredible, I can highly recommend her to anyone with a dog with behavioral issues! We have a very stubborn mini dachshund who showed territorial aggression and excessive marking and barking. We have only had a handful of sessions with Ryanne, but our dog has shown improvements we would not have believed a couple of weeks ago. He is able to stay overnight in his own crate without wining, we can eat in peace without him harassing us, his barking has reduced by 80-90%, and we have learned very easy-to-use techniques to help him calm down more quickly when we have visitors. We love Bark Busters focus on communication techniques rather than treats or punishments, as we can use these techniques anywhere.

Ryanne has also been very responsive and often checks in with us. Bark Busters is well worth the price, which is very affordable compared to similar companies who typically do not offer as many in-home training hours or follow-up appointments.
Moose and I had our first training session with Bonnie she was wonderful! Moose still needs a lot of work, but I am hopeful that the more work we do with Bonnie, and the more comfortable he becomes with our new home that he will be much calmer and happier. Thank you Bonnie!
Truly transformational! It was amazing to see what Marc could accomplish in just 3-hours. He taught me how to be the "Alpha dog" so Ollie doesn't think he needs to do it - i.e. no aggressive barking when friends come over. The leash training is still a challenge - we continue to practice each day. It's a long road, but I think we'll get there. Thanks so much!
Marc did an amazing job with Leonardo on our first visit. The main thing I needed worked on was his barking at the door as I live in a senior condominium yet Leonardo took to Marc immediately that we had to induce barking while Marc remained outside and knocked on the windows and yet still no barking. It was not until the knock on the door and the attempted entry when Leonardo finally started to bark which was immediately stopped by using the techniques Marc had worked on with me.
In addition he no longer jumps on me while I am at the computer and stays outside the areas I am in unless invited in as Marc showed me.
I still need a lot of work on me but Leonardo and Marc were wonderful.
I would recommend him to anyone.
Great 1st session with Karen. Instant results and the tools to give our new boy the training to make his life and ours stress free. Bark Busters is well worth the time and investment and we look forward to having their support throughout the life of our best buddy!
There are many choices, programs, and pricing when it comes to signing up for the training for our fur family. Bark Busters stood behind their reviews and transformed our dog's behavior in the 1st hour of spending time at our home. Moreover, they also help US/the owners understand what we are continuously doing wrong and why our dogs have not responded to any previous techniques, especially those we just "came up with" on our own. It is 5 hours after Mark left our home, and we can already see improvement in Hatun's and Olaf's behavior. We are so excited to continue applying the techniques we were shown and taught today, to continue applying with our pets, and receiving the resources and lifetime support Bark Busters agreed to offer. We love our dogs, and they are part of our family, but we certainly want them to know who the head of the household is. :)
Mark is a gem trainer, and I would recommend wholeheartedly to anyone!
Marc was amazing with my dog! My pup Leo and I moved to Florida from NYC and we were both experiencing "moving anxiety". We had worked with Barkbusters in NYC and I knew it was the way to go! He spent no less than two hours dealing with all our (and I say OUR as of course it's up to me to make it work!!) issues. By the end of our session, Leo was definitely compliant and I was reminded of all the reasons Bark Busters is the best home dog training there is (shout out to Sarah in NYC too). Marc left me with a complete write-up on all the things I have to do to make sure Leo behaves - and this way I can't say I don't have the tools to make it work! I LOVE BARKBUSTERS.
In 3 hours our dog was transformed into a well behaved dog. Marc worked with all three of us and we are amazed at how quickly and effectively the training is. I would recommend Bark Busters without hesitation. We are enjoying our now well behaved dog immensely!
I rescued Milo a year and a half ago. He is a sweet dog, however, he began having severe separation anxiety if I left the house. I tried several exercises when didn’t work. Other unwanted behaviors began to surface and I realized that I was not communicating well with him and he believed he was in charge! I called Bark Busters in the hopes of a solution. Karen started by having me realize how dogs REALLY communicate. That was an eye-opener! Then she began teaching me how to communicate and set “rules”. I immediately began to see changes in Milo’s response! I was blown away!! However, I was still worried about the separation. I had a crate that was folded and put away. Karen made me realize that he needed the crate as his own safe place to be. We set the crate up, made it nice and comfy and put some treats in there and in he went. That also shocked me because I tried the crate when I first got him, but failed miserably, and he did not like it at all. We then took it a step further and left him in the room with the door closed for 20 minutes! I was in AWE to say the least.
I know this process takes time, but I feel so reassured knowing that if I encounter a difficulty, I can always contact Karen. No other company I have ever researched provides ongoing support for both me and my best buddy. I feel very secure, knowing that I am now in the beginning stages of making Milo, a happy stress-free dog🐶.
So grateful for Bark Busters!!!!
Contacted Bark Busters and within an hour had a response. Mark the trainer came and spent 3 glorious hours with us. Sawyer, our 6 months old Samoyed went from a wild “I’m Alpha” dog to a well mannered loving puppy that very night. Walks are enjoyable now...I’m not getting mouthed nor barked at nor pulled. Wish I had known about this method of training sooner.Worth every penny!
My husband and I started to working with Karen a month ago with our dogs Chewy and Snippet. All I can say is WOW!! Results were immediate. Karen is extremely knowledgeable and provides outstanding support. She showed us how to get our house back by being pack leaders of (2) 10lb Rat terriers lol. My only regret is not doing this sooner
My trainer is Karen Deppe and we have been doing our sessions over live video. She has been completely amazing helping me fix my dog issues such as lease pulling, jumping, personal space, and door/people greeting. I have had these issues for a while and with what I have been learning and implementing from this program I have already seen a huge improvement. Do not feel deterred about it being over a video call, it is just as affective as in person training because at the end of the day it’s up to you and your dog(s) to continue the training to get the results you want. I have found a glimmer of success and only time will tell but I am very satisfied and I hope whoever else decides to go through this program is as well.
We asked alot from Marc and Bark Busters. Mr. Magoo is a great dog and one who we know wants to follow the rules. We just needed to learn how to be good leaders and how to 'speak dog'. We had engaged in basic obedience training with Mr. Magoo, both in person and online, and achieved some successes but still struggled with issues such as barking at and charging the door, maintaining a sit/down position and other issues that we really needed to correct. We couldn't be more pleased with the progress we made with Mr. Magoo in just a few short hours and we are confident that we now have the tools to continue this great journey toward achieving the goal of having a well behaved dog. Thank you Marc! Thank you Bark Busters! We will be happy to recommend you to anyone who needs your help!
We have had an excellent experience using BarkBusters with Karen. We were hesitant about a virtual experience, but desperate because my dog was becoming increasingly anxious and aggressive and we didn’t know what else to do. After just a week of using Karen’s techniques and following her advice, we have already seen a huge improvement in both of our dogs. The approach is intuitive, simple, and effective. We are so thankful to Karen for literally saving our dogs life.
Before the session Linus and Mac did not get along. Linus and Mac can now play together after this session.
Joshua was a fantastic trainer. He explained the basis for all training exercises, walked us through them and then with our dog showed us how to use them. We could see improvement in our dog by the end of our session.
Fantastic information and training for my dogs. So glad to have found BarkBusters.
I had a very beneficial experience with Bark Busters. I highly recommend this service. Marc is very skilled and made modifying my dogs' behavior a rewarding experience. It will make our lives so much better. Thank you Marc.
Bark Busters is a game-changer! After just one training lesson, our dog's behavior was completely transformed. Their skilled trainers and effective methods delivered incredible results. Highly recommended!
We were extremely pleased with our first lesson just two days ago. Within a few minutes after being in our home, Mark showed us how to keep our 3 dogs in control with some simple tools, voice tones and gestures. At first I was a bit skeptical, like, "Will this really work after he leaves?" , but over the past two days since we've been using the techniques he taught us, we see a 90% improvement in our dogs. Still a few things we need to work on but there has been a huge positive difference in their behavior. I am able to keep them calmer, more attentive and obedient. I would definitely recommend Bark Busters and I am grateful that our vet tech referred us to them!
I’ve tried a few dog trainers in the past and have not like a single one. However, Marc was wonderful. He was so thorough, educated, and explained everything easily before we introduced our dog. Once we started, we had a whole new dog in 10 minutes. Marc made sure to address everything we mentioned and we had a comprehensive plan by the time he left. I’ve never felt so confident in a plan of action and feel like my dog is happier than he’s ever been. I will recommend Marc and BarkBusters to everyone I know. Thank you for teaching an old dog new tricks!
Success in 1 day! Our 5 month old mini poodle Stella has showed amazing results with one visit from Bark Busters, Karen Deppe. Not only did "Stella" learn so much so did my husband and I. Separation Anxiety is our biggest concern and we have already seen results with this. Next barking, we don't want a little yapper or jumper and this also has already been successful. I think most would be amazed at what we all were doing wrong. We couldn't be happier with the results. And knowing that Bark Busters will be there for us at anytime is a huge comfort. Thank you Karen for the awesome training and helping us and Stella.😍
We have a four year old GS mix and we recently adopted a 5 year old GSD who was very reactive, not socialized at all and who was not leash trained. Ryanne and Omar taught us behavior techniques and modifications which we practiced on both our dogs. The results are amazing as we had hoped but doubted the two could ever live peacefully under the same roof. This weekend changed all that and we are thrilled with the results. Omar and Ryanne’s patience and knowledge has allowed us to let the dogs have the run of the house together.

Their program taught us how to train our dogs by speaking their language and we did not have to use shock collars, choke chains, or treats to modify their behaviors. Thank you so much Omar and Ryanne!

Todd, Elaine, Prince and Obi
Bark Busters is certainly the way to go when training a dog.I had no idea you could actually train a dog this way, it really works. Karen has a great personality and very knowledgeable about the health of your animal. I was so happy that Karen and her husband were recommended through my Vet. Thank you so much… i will be passing along Bark Busters to all my friends.

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