— Breed of the Month —


The American Kennel Club (AKC) did not register a Chihuahua until 1904.

The breed’s popularity exploded when Taco Bell chose “Gidget”, a female Chihuahua for its mascot. Movies like “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” and “Legally Blonde” have made them more popular than ever.

Back to Breed of the Month

Breed Traits and Characteristics

According to the American Kennel Club, here are some breed characteristic you can find in Chihuahuas. 


  • Height

    5-8 inches

  • Weight

    Not exceeding 6 pounds

  • Life Expectancy

    14-16 years

  • Coat Type/Length


  • 80 Affectionate with Family
  • 20 Good with Young Children
  • 60 Good with Other Dogs
  • 60 Trainability Level
  • 80 Energy Level
  • 100 Barking Level
  • 40 Shedding Level
  • 20 Drooling Level


The Chihuahua's history is complicated and sketchy at best. There are many thoughts and theories in relation to the origin of the breed. Archeologic diggings have unearthed what seems to prove that the breed originated in Mexico. The most common and most likely theory is that Chihuahuas are descended from the Techichi, a companion dog favored by the Toltic civilization in Mexico and the smaller hairless dog brought from Asia to North America via Alaska.

There are no records of the Techichi available before the 9th century, although artifacts dating back to 300 BC have been located, buried as part of the western Mexico shaft tomb tradition. Which are thought to depict Techisis society that buried the pets along with their owners.

There is also proof that the Chihuahua’s were used as living hot water bottles. Anyone who lives with a Chihuahua will understand why that is more than likely fact.

The Chihuahua

The Chihuahua may be small in stature but is large in personality. Although considered the world’s smallest dog, its spunky, adventurous and loyal personality makes it one of the most loved toy dogs. Nicknamed “Chis”, this breed has grown to be the fourth largest in popularity. Bark Buster trainers are often called upon to deal with this breed’s yappiness and tendency to be aggressive if not trained or socialized properly. (see tips on correct way to socialize this breed in this article)

Why is this breed so popular among toy dog lovers? Its extreme devotion to its master, its look of vulnerability and love of affection make it a great companion dog.

If you decide a Chihuahua is your breed, be prepared to have your dog follow you around wherever you go. Going shopping? Better put him in your purse as you roam around the mall. Want to make dinner? Be prepared to have a mini chef at your feet. Going to sleep? Chihuahuas will burrow themselves under the covers right next to you as fast as they burrow into your heart.

Chihuahuas have one of the longest life spans compared to other breeds. If you adopt a Chihuahua, you can expect it to live until at least 15. In fact, the oldest Chihuahua ever, lived a full 20 years, 265 days old, and was named “Megabyte.” Another reason people love this breed stems from their wide range of colors with blue, brown, chocolate and black being the most common.

Remember that with any toy breed, you have to be careful because they can be easily injured by stepping on them or jumping out of your arms. Because they are small, they are easy prey for coyotes, hawks, wild pigs, etc. Never leave them unattended in your back yard because if there is a tiny hole in your fence, they’ll find a way to squeeze through. As bold explorers, they can fit in places other puppies or dogs can’t fit.

Hawks have been known to swoop down and capture this breed, so keep them safe.

Chihuahua Breed Facts


Dog owners beware: if you pamper your pooch too much, he can become aggressive and bark incessantly at both people and other animals. Without proper training, this breed can become very demanding. They don’t respond well to negative reinforcement. Instead, a firm tone establishing yourself as the boss right from the start will help to prevent many misbehaviors.

If you don’t want endless yapping or biting and aggressive misbehaviors, start training and socialization early. You’ve heard the phrase “dynamite comes in small packages”? Their natural distrust of strangers can create a nasty temperament if not stopped early on.

Also, too often they don’t know how small they are and will take on a breed twice their size. Fast learners, Chihuahua’s can compete in obedience and agility trials with the same finesse as much larger breeds.

They can be hard to house train. Because they do not like the cold or rain, getting them to potty outdoors in bad weather can be challenging.

Socialization at a young age is extremely important for these dogs. Try to expose them to different people, sights, smells and experiences so that you have a well-rounded and happy dog.

Personality & Temperament

It is the chihuahua’s feisty nature that usually gets him in trouble. Chihuahuas never back down from a fight, even when encountering a larger, aggressive dog. Therefore, you need someone who can train this dog correctly, finding a happy medium between being a good watch dog yet not being aggressive. This breed will run your life if you let them. As the “leader of the pack”, you have to establish the rules and boundaries or they will take over.

Because this breed is so tiny and somewhat fragile, you need to be extremely careful with a Chihuahua around younger children. It is very important that you don’t leave young children alone with your chihuahua because they could be easily snapped at, nipped at or bitten. Also, toddlers can play rough thinking this dog is like a doll. Chihuahuas can easily be injured with rough play.

Points of Interest

Chihuahuas make ideal companions for people who live in apartments or don’t have a large yard. Know that Chihuahuas are not tolerant of cold weather and would prefer to be in the warm indoors, snuggled under a warm blanket. Cold and Chihuahuas don’t mix which is often why you see them bundled up in sweaters. If you don’t curb their natural tendency to bark a lot with the right training at the onset, other dwellers in the apartment complex may complain.

  • Adults usually weigh less than 10 pounds
  • Smallest dog breed in the world
  • Easy to carry around or as a travelling mate
  • Wonderful go everywhere companions
  • Adapt well to apartment living
  • Have either long or short coats
  • Easy to groom
  • Long life span (up to 18 years)
  • Come in a variety of colors
  • Warm weather dogs

Bark Busters Trainer Ruth Marquardt on Chihuahuas

A Case Study on Socialization

The Chihuahua can conjure up images of a sweet little dog cuddled up with its owner, or a snarling little “ankle biter”, depending on who you ask. Why are some Chihuahuas perfectly well-behaved, and others seem to hate everyone but their owners? The answer lies in two areas: socialization and training.

Carly was a great dog and she fit right in, sleeping at the foot of their bed each night and sitting on their laps every chance she got. She was like their child, and they treated her just like their child, looking to give her everything her heart desired.

Chihuahuas, as with other dogs, need to be well-socialized, and the best time to do that is when they are puppies. When a puppy is born, he has no preconceived idea of whether people are good or bad. A puppy must be socialized by taking it into public often when it is young. He must have many positive experiences early on in order to view people as a positive influence.

She would then greet them wildly on their return, as if they had been gone for weeks. Apart from that, their lives together were fun and Carly was always just one step behind them, asleep on their lap or asleep in their bed. She was so loving, they saw no reason not to give her everything she wanted.

There is also a misconception that small dogs don't have to be trained. I tell my clients all the time that if they are relying on picking up their dogs in order to control them, then if they can't catch them they have no control. Sit on the floor or on a low chair often with your Chihuahua. Height is status to a dog, so if you are lower to the ground, you are less threatening. Call him with a fun voice! If they think that there is something good that will happen, they will be much more likely to come to you. Always use lots and lots of praise when they listen!

Sarah and James were confused as to why she had suddenly gone from being so good, to being so bad.

Sitting on the floor is also a great way to pet your dog. Remember, height is status to a dog. But people with small dogs (Chihuahuas being one of the smallest) pick up their dogs a lot! To a Chihuahua, he thinks you are giving him more status. Picking him up when he is doing something wrong then, really gives him the wrong idea. Even sitting on your lap is status to a dog, so he should only jump up onto your lap if you invite him first. Otherwise you may find your Chihuahua growling at other dogs or even your children when he's in your lap. If you can get your dog to come to you every time, then you will not need to pick him up to control him, just to love him.

This 12-month milestone in dogs usually coincides with reaching maturity. They hit that age of maturity, full grown, where they are now ready to work out the pecking order and to work out where they fit in the family unit, their position in the household, if you like. What they decide depends on how we behave and what we tell them via our actions and behavior.

Often, I find small dogs are afraid to be picked up and will run away from the owner. This is usually a case of the owner overhandling his dog, such as picking him up to put him someplace where he doesn't want to go, or even handing him to someone he doesn't know! Dogs need to know their owners will keep them safe, and handing the dog to a perfect stranger to get him over his fear will only make him afraid of being handled. First, he has to know his owner will keep him safe, and then he will learn he doesn't have to worry about strangers, because the owner will make the decision for him.

The reason she took so long to get to that point was due to her lack of maturity. Until 12 months, she was not ready to act to claim her position until she reached the maturity needed to hold that position.

Finally, remember that a Chihuahua is a dog, not a child in a fur suit. They learn by association, so if they get a positive reaction from you, they will likely repeat that action. A negative reaction will help them to avoid that behavior. Teach your dog to follow you and come when he is called, and you will be well on the right path to a well-behaved dog, one that everyone can enjoy!

Sarah and James had also made another fatal mistake of never separating from her when they were home. She slept in their bed, sat on their laps, and followed them from room to room, making the only time they left her alone was when they left for work.

Bark Busters Trainer Jeff Drier on Chihuahuas

The right training for your Chihuahua

This breed needs gentle and consistent training to control any aggression, nipping or barking as well as any tendency he has to fight with other dogs. The Chihuahua is generally not the most social dog with others outside their family and rarely with other dogs, unless they have accepted them into the family. Therefore training is required in many cases, but it does not need to be regimented but it needs to be consistent and focused on the issues your dog has.

Our methods are very compatible with this breed as we don’t have to just rely on treats to train, we also use communication. The Chihuahua is a very finicky eater and it will usually ignore treats as being any incentive to do anything.

Always start any training with your dog slowly, gradually and try not to pick your dog up to control its behavior. This can make them more determined to still do that which it always did but just then try to avoid your hands and run away.

The Chihuahua has been known to jump straight out of their doggie-parents hands to get to someone entering the home, seriously injuring itself as a result.

Many doggie-parents might think that training is unnecessary or pointless, but that would be akin to not seeking some form of education for your children. The facts are you owe it to your dog to educate it if you can, or you seek professional help if you can’t. Remember that your dog would have received ‘canine education’ if it had remained with its mother and litter mates. You have a responsibility to now complete its education.

Although we often hear about Labradors or German Shepherds being service dogs, don’t rule out the Chihuahua who is quite capable as well. Chihuahuas are intelligent and can be trained when it is done with a gentleness, patience and kindness.

Their large, round eyes are expressive and their single-minded determination makes them good at a variety of activities when they put their mind to it.

  • Very territorial
  • Good watchdogs
  • Loves frequent attention
  • Survive best in warmer climates
  • Escape artists
  • Can be suspicious of strangers or other dogs if not socialized properly

These diminutive dogs have personality plus and are experts at getting their way. They often do it by being very sweet and loving, jumping into their owner’s laps and snuggling in for hours at a time.

Multiple Dog Households

I vividly remember a very nice woman we worked with who had five Chihuahuas. To her they were like potato chips, she couldn’t have just one. She called us because she couldn’t have a cup of coffee or read her newspaper without the dogs being all over her. She loved them and the snuggling and cuddling with them but at times wanted to be left alone to enjoy her morning coffee or sit in her sunroom and read.

We spent a little time getting to know her and her dogs and watched as they continuously demanded and received her attention. Her biggest problem was that her dogs didn’t respect her. Because they didn’t respect her, they didn’t respect her space.

Chihuahuas Are Very Clever at Getting Their Own Way

One of them had her completely fooled. While four of the five would readily jump up on the sofa and then start climbing on her, one of them, who was a little on the plump side, would put her paws on the woman’s legs and make a little crying sound. The woman would then reach down and lift the dog into her lap, giving her the most desirable seat in the house.

We watched this happen a couple of times and then I told the woman she was being played and the dog could easily jump up on her own. The woman didn’t believe me so I asked if she’d like me to prove it. She agreed and I asked her to give me one of the dog’s favorite treats, which she did.

We got all the dogs into the next room and then I put the treat on the sofa. I let only that one dog into the room and within a matter of seconds, the dog was up on the sofa eating the treat. The woman laughed and said, “that little stinker has been playing me for two years”.

We helped her understand how her behavior affected her dogs’ behavior and how to begin changing the dynamics there. By the time we left she was able to sit on her sofa, drink her coffee and read her paper without her dogs demanding her attention. She said it was the first time in years she had her coffee while sitting down. She was now able to both enjoy her dogs and enjoy time without them.

Training Exercises to Try

One easy to start is try walking from room to room, or throughout your home and make sure you always lead the way through all doors as well as up and down the stairs. Dogs instinctively know that ‘the leader always leads’ and they are ‘hard-wired’ to try to see who is fit to lead. It must be you if you want to make sure that your dog listens to you.

If your dog rushes through the door before you, then just turn around and go the other way immediately. Your dog will more than likely try once again to get ahead of you, but don’t give up.

Once your little charge starts to drop in beside you or drops behind, praise with just a very high-pitched melodic tone.

Once you gain the ability to have your dog stop rushing ahead of you praise lavishly and go to the treat cupboard, you have done enough for the day.

Just remember to always do this every time you start to walk around your home or go for a walk.

Remember: ‘The Leader always Leads’ and this is a gentle and passive exercise to establish you as leader.

Do’s and Dont's of Training for Chihuahua Parents

Never force your shy puppy or dog to make friends with visitors or strangers, this will only make them more concerned-instead have visitors or friends you meet in the street ignore your dog and just chat to you. This will make your dog feel less threatened and they will learn from your example to remain calm.

Ask visitors not to get excited when they see your puppy or dog, this will encourage your dog to become over-excited when it hears that door-bell go-instead have guests remain calm and enter your home sedately. This will make for a calm dog when you open the door to greet your visitors.

Never rush to the door when you hear a knock or the door-bell, this will encourage your dog to do the same thing-instead walk calmly to the door. Also never say things like; Who's that? Who's that? This once again, causes anxiety and excitement for your dog. Always try to stay calm and in control and encourage your visitors to do the same and you will have a better-behaved dog.

Your dog’s behavior is in your hands and you owe it to them to make sure they understand what is acceptable-part of the key to successful canine education, is how you react in every-day situations.

Never encourage your dog to bark-dogs do this naturally and this only encourages them to bark more and will turn them into ‘nuisance barkers’ which will cause your neighbors to complain.

Because of their diminutive size, parents of Chihuahuas can sometimes cope with their dog’s bad behavior and generally only seek help from Bark Busters when their patience in managing the behavior runs out or they receive complaints from their neighbors.

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Need help training your Chihuahua? Call 1-877-500-BARK (2275)or enter your zip code.

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Chihuahua Health

Common Injuries and Illnesses

Your Chihuahua’s health concerns will change over the course of their life. A puppy might be more prone to eat something they shouldn’t, a 2-year-old Chihuahua may show signs of dental disease, and a senior Chihuahua may be more likely to develop a heart condition as they age. Chihuahuas also have personality and physical traits that may make them more prone to certain conditions—as a small, active breed, Chihuahuas tend to be more prone to fractures.

At any stage of life, here are some of the most common injuries and illnesses you should be aware of when bringing home a Chihuahua:

  • Fracture
  • Luxating patella
  • Dental disease
  • Retained deciduous teeth
  • Tracheal collapse
  • Bladder or kidney stones
  • Heart disease
  • Eye problems

Genetic Health Concerns

Like many popular breeds, the Chihuahua has its fair share of hereditary based issues, like bone and joint problems. Most reputable breeders now have their breeding stock checked and scored for these hereditary ailments by a vet. You can request proof that the puppy you are purchasing comes from parents that have been checked for these issues.

Because many other health issues are also hereditary, you should do some research on the ancestry of your puppy and any health issues of that particular breed.

Tips for Every Dog Owner

Things to consider before getting a puppy

Thinking of Getting a Puppy?

Before you make the commitment to bringing home a puppy, consider your lifestyle compatibility, breed temperament and your experience with dogs.
Preparing for a vet visit Bark Busters Home Dog Training

Preparing Your Dog for a Vet Visit

A first time vet visit can be stressful for pets and owners alike. Taking your dog to the vet is essential for their health and well-being. Help create a positive experience for your dog, and the vet team, by following our tips.

Owner Taking Dog on Walk on Leash

One Step at a Time: A Guide to Successful Dog Walking

Walking our dogs is a great source of exercise for both pets and pet parents. It not only helps keep our canine companions healthy and physically and mentally stimulated, but also strengthens the bond between us. There are several factors for pet parents to consider, however, to keep walks fun and safe for all.

Bark Busters Dog Trainers Training Two Dogs

Tips for Every Dog - Why Training?

All dogs need some form of training and education. Love is vital to the bond you and your dog share, but on its own and without all the other elements of a strong relationship, your dog won’t feel fully fulfilled.

Dogs at Dog Park

Tips for Every Dog - Socialization

Dogs are social animals and like to be part of a structured social group. In the wild, their pack provides this purpose, but in the domesticated world, this consists of the humans they live with and other animals that live in your home.

Large Group of Dogs of Various Breeds

Tips for Every Dog - Four Basic Needs

At Bark Busters, we believe that every dog has four basic needs. When these needs aren’t being met, misbehavior will likely follow. Find out more about the four basic needs: food, shelter, safety and leadership, and entertainment.

Hear from Bark Busters Clients Who Have a Chihuahua

Josh is an absolute wizard with dogs. We adopted a chihuahua that was giving us a headache with territorial behavior, growling, barking, and not listening to our commands. After working with Josh, we can recall our dog, walk him calmly and confidently next to other dogs, and he knows his boundaries inside the house. Our dog is so much more well behaved than we ever thought was possible at the beginning of the process.

Josh's methods are all non violent, never relying on physical coercion. He instead teaches you how to communicate with your dog so that he understands what is right and what is wrong. Josh knows when to slowly introduce new methods to see constant progression. Josh doesn't promise overnight results, and indeed some of his communication methods do take some time to stick, but once they stick they are long lasting, permanent solutions.

Josh has a one time upfront payment fee. Even though he doesn't have any incentive to keep contact since he doesn't make more money per visit, he has always been proactive in setting up follow up consultations without us needing to push him. He identifies problem areas and sets up periodic visits even many months after our initial visit.

All in all, we had high expectations when we signed up with Josh but somehow he has still managed to exceed them.
I was so discouraged that I tried everything I knew & could not help my 5-1/2 month old chihuahua. I got him when he was 4-1/2 months old, & from what the vet & myself could tell, he was never socialized or minimally socialized. Because of this, he was extremely scared of people, barked at everything, would not walk with the leash, & when I held him around people he would constantly shake, growl/bark & try to bite if they got too close. He was a mess & I was heartbroken for him.

I decided to hire a trainer that would come to my house & what I found in Joanne was a lifeline. Before she even worked with my puppy, she asked me questions, thoroughly answered mine, & reviewed her training methods & how we’ll move forward. I was also trained during that time…..a must in my experience. Then, I brought my puppy into the room & the training began. I will say it’s imperative that you make changes & to work with your puppy/dog everyday.

Fast forward to two weeks & even before the two weeks, my puppy loves to go walking & he no longer is barking incessantly at people or other animals (a little ruff will escape every so often but when I correct him he immediately stops). He is getting more comfortable around people, & he doesn’t try to bite them when I’m holding him. The shaking is minimal. He is a completely different puppy & a much happier one too!! Our relationship has even blossomed & I have Joanne to thank for that.

This is a long review but I wanted you to know how bad things were & the difference training has made in just two weeks. If you are thinking about a trainer, I HIGHLY recommend Joanne. I am so happy I called her because no way was I able to do this on my own. Not only can I enjoy him, but little by little so can others. Don’t give up on your puppy/dog……hire Joanne!! You’ll be happy you did!!
Maril was great! My new adopted Chihuahua mix had problems adjusting to his new home with barking, being in a crate at night and walking on a leash. He is now doing fantastic thanks to Maril's skill and knowledge! Well worth the money!
We had our first training today with our two dogs (chihuahua and chiweenie). Our chiweenie is aggressive and already his behavior is changing. Definitely has exceeded our expectations. Highly recommend.
After just two weeks, what a difference! Between Lesson 1 and 2, we had followup emails, and Deb responded to the notes we sent.
Amelia is much calmer. Random barking still an issue, but reduced frequency. Now we can get her on a leash and out the door without a major tangle. She responds to being re-focused.
It's been a process for the humans to remember how to respond consistently, but we're getting better, and encouraged that we can keep this up. Even the neighbors have noticed about how much better Amelia acts on a leash and during walks. For the first time in 2 years I feel that I could let someone else walk her without fear that they'd get knocked down or tangled up with another dog.
We've used Deb's suggestions for keeping Amelia busy with Lick-Mat and Kong; that also helps her people and dogs walking by our house.
Working with Deb, and getting her support is definitely worth the investment. Deb has brought about major change in everyone's behaviors, and things are much calmer. We appreciate the reinforcement we get with the emails, and knowing that Deb responds promptly to questions.
As you can see in the photo, Amelia now enjoys the fact that she is no longer Head of Security, which allows for more nap time.
Deb Boswell is a good teacher of both the humans and the dog. She explained the process, what was expected of us, before we introduced her to the dog. She wanted us to understand the plan before we were distracted with trying to control the dog.
Amelia is a 4y/o lab mix who was rescued 2 years ago after being abandoned while pregnant. Through a series of shelters and transport teams, we adopted her. As you can see in the photo, she worries. About many things. But the last 6 months she's increased her barking, so that it's now all the time at everything and everyone outside. We live on a bike path, and in a neighborhood with lots of kids and dogs. Out of nowhere Amelia would jump up, start barking madly, and run from door to windows and back, getting more wound up. Sometimes we see what she barks at; other times there doesn't seem to be anything. When packages were delivered, she'll run to the door, causing a major pile-up as we try to get the package. On a walk sometimes she'll react to some dogs, not consistently, and it's hard to tell if she wants to play or fight; she's managed to knock both of us down by a sudden lunge -- and that was on flat ground, without any ice or snow. Walking in winter is like a circus act. As she now weighs 70lbs, getting her under control on a leash is an important issue. Trying to take her where there were other dogs, or noises, or on travel, was a challenge.
We all were very frustrated.
Then Deb came, and in the initial session helped diagnose what was triggering Amelia, showed us ways to address the anxiety, barking, to establish our control, and gave suggestions for keeping her busy. Most she laid out a straightforward plan, that we could use consistently, and that Amelia responded to.
I really appreciated Deb's method of working with us before Amelia was invited to join the group, and her advice that we needed to fire Amelia from her job as Head of Security. That helped us think about what we were just letting Amelia do, because she was the boss of us.
I was skeptical in the promise that after one lesson, we could see meaningful change.
After Session One, I have hope that we can all adapt, and create a calmer environment.
We have a follow-up session set for about 3 weeks; Deb has also encouraged us to call or email her with any progress notes, or for help getting unstuck.
Definitely glad that we chose Deb of BarkBusters Des Moines.
Great info during the lessons.
Great knowledge and great advice.
Good time to start training - so pleased.
Jared at Bark Busters did an amazing job working with my dog and keeping her prey drive under control. Watching him in action was amazing, he broke her attention away from a squirrel multiple times and was very quick on rewarding her. He explained everything as he did it, so I could work with her whenever the opportunity arrived in the future. This is the most important part with training from my experience, the knowledge to replicate the training so we as pet parents can reinforce it throughout our dogs lives.
Flynn, my Wheaten Terrier, barked, jumped and acted aggressive any time someone came to the door or approached the car. It was frightening, frustrating and at time scary.The change in behavior after one visit was amazing. I'm looking forward to following the recipe to a calm well behaved dog. If today is any indication of what that is like I'm going to have the dog I've always wanted.
Thelma is a 6 year old black lab/pit bull mix that we adopted 2 years ago. Thelma is very well trained except for leash walking. We have tried many methods to train Thelma, but we were unable to control her sudden aggressive lunges when passing other dogs while walking. Thelma is a very powerful 75-pound dog who is extremely difficult to hold back. Her sudden lunges have resulted in a couple falls and one dislocated shoulder
Our vet recommended Jeri Wagner of Bark Busters. During Jeri’s initial visit, she taught us a number of leadership and communication exercises that immediately corrected the undesirable behaviors. Jeri also identified a few other undesirable behaviors that we were able to correct. For example, Thelma would run past me on the steps and push through the door as soon it opened. Now, Thelma always follows at least two steps behind me on the stairs, never passing me; and she waits away from the door until I tell her to enter or exit. When walking, Thelma stay precisely at my side with her collar never passing my leg. She stays on my right side when walking, never crossing in front or behind. She doesn’t try to charge ahead or lag behind to smell the flowers. After one week of me implementing changes recommended by Bark Buster, Thelma doesn’t charge at dogs, but she is definitely alert when passing. I expect, as long as I consistently follow the training schedule Jeri Wagner developed for us, that Thelma will soon be passing strange dogs as calmly as she currently passes walkers, joggers and bike riders.
I am very excited about the progress Thelma has made after only one week. Calling Bark Busters was the best decision I made regarding Thelma.
Bonnie was very helpful in teaching my family and I how to train our two new English Terrier Dogs. She showed us what we needed to do, products to buy and how to apply the products for potty training, so we could start enjoying our new dogs. I highly recommend Bonnie.
Keith was so good with our two pups. Our dog moose had shown previous signs of aggression and barking with strangers and in just one session we saw so much improvement. Would absolutely recommend to friends. Thank you!
Harley was night and day after one session! I have a clear plan to follow and I'm excited to see how we progress.
I was surprised how fast Eearl and Ford responded to my newly taught command skills!
Josh was a joy to learn from!
Taught several behavioral tips + immediately saw improvement in our puppy. Extremely satisfied with the experience.
My husband and I were looking for some help with our reactive pitbull. We had already had some experience with training her at different places but needed a new trainer after moving. Jared was a perfect fit! He came to our place and helped us learn how to read our dog's behavior in her natural environment. Our dog is making awesome progress! She is less reactive and responds more to our corrections now that we know how to communicate with her! Our dog has a long journey but knowing that Jared is by our side the whole way brings us so much peace. I cannot recommend Jared enough!

The training has been a virtual miracle for my dog Rosie. I know I am the one being trained, but she is so much better behaved it is amazing. I highly recommend this method and Jerry, this trainer, is wonderful. Five stars
The "girls" are a lot calmer and better behaved than ever!! A little more work needed with Kai and the Amazon delivery, but we now know what we are doing and doing it right, for once!!!! We all loved Patrick!
Heather is the best! My girl Trixie is a good girl but definitely needed some help with aggression towards other dogs and leash pulling so I could take her to breweries and parks without her acting like a fool : )
Heather taught techniques that trained both Trixie and me! She was kind and gentle with my girl but at the same time showed her who was boss. We now practice what we were taught daily. It was a great experience! Look out breweries Trixie and I are coming for ya!
My Jojo is a happier dog now that Heather worked with him to calm him and his issues. She did a fabulous job, and we are very pleased. Thank you, Bark Busters.
We were at our wits end with our Husky Jimmy. He would not stop barking and lunging at other dogs on walks. He also had terrible jumping habits when guests would come over. Heather helped so much within the first visit. She showed us how to train him with simple language and no treats. We tried training before, without the results we wanted. We are working with him daily and have seen such an improvement! Bark Buster's methods work and we could not be more grateful. Thank you Heather!!
Great service! Heather and crew are super friendly & professional.
Last Monday Michael came to my home to help me with my beautiful two year old Sherinian.When we go for a walk Mia would bark at everything and especially everyone we passed she wouldn’t let anybody into my house without barking constantly the entire time they were here. Michael worked with her for approximately 10 minutes he diagnosed exactly what the problem was Gave me some tools and instructions as to how to help her understand. We then went outside where he walked with me and showed me exactly what needed to be done in a very firm but loving way. I am happy to say Mia had an appointment at the veterinarian on Thursday she walked in that office never barked at anybody sat down while we waited our turn and was an entirely different puppy.In my opinion Michael is truly the dog whisperer he has more knowledge about dogs and they’re behaviors and how to correct them than anybody I have ever met. More importantly to me he did this with absolutely no cruel or harsh techniques and zero negativity he did this all with kindness, gentleness and understanding I would highly recommend Michael to anybody that has any issues with their dog training
First time I've seen improvement in Luca's behavior. He is learning the proper behavior, and it has given us hope!
Very Very informative, Tad Brown changed his behavior in one day!
Josh sat with us to really understand our needs and our dogs before starting and really focused on the tough areas. He really understood our dogs personalities and customized the lesson to best suit our dogs.
Joshua listened to all our concerns we had with our dogs. He explained thoroughly the steps we'd take. He provided us with various resources to ensure our success. He provided with demos and then walked us through while working with our dogs. Overall, this was a great and very helpful experience5.

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