— Breed of the Month —

Siberian Husky

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Breed Traits and Characteristics

According to the American Kennel Club, here are some breed characteristic you can find in Siberian Huskies. 


  • Height

    21-23.5 inches (male), 20-22 inches (female)

  • Weight

    45-60 pounds (male), 35-50 pounds (female)

  • Life Expectancy

    12-14 years

  • Coat Type/Length


  • 100 Affectionate with Family
  • 100 Good with Young Children
  • 100 Good with Other Dogs
  • 60 Trainability Level
  • 100 Energy Level
  • 100 Barking Level
  • 80 Shedding Level
  • 20 Drooling Level


Siberian Husky were used by the Chukchi Eskimos of Northeastern Asia to haul long distance loads over rough terrain. The Chukchis lived inland and needed to get to the sea to hunt and be able to haul back a sled full of walrus meat. Huskies were ideal sled dogs. They were also known for herding reindeer.

They arrived in the United States and Canada in 1909 via Alaska during the Nome Gold Rush to help with transportation and compete in races. Originally named the Alaskan Husky, their name was changed to the Siberian Husky as a salute to their originating country -- Siberia, Russia.

Some historians believe the breed could be 27,000 years old, as suggested by DNA from the ancient bones of an Arctic Wolf.

The Husky is now ranked #12 in the American Kennel Club’s list of most popular breeds.

The Siberian Husky

A true hero of dog breeds, the Husky used to race across the rugged tundras of Alaska delivering life-saving medicine to remote areas. Today, this breed still glides gracefully across ice, and loves the cold!

The graceful, medium-sized Siberian Husky’s almond-shaped eyes can be either brown or blue—and sometimes one of each—and convey a keen but amiable and even mischievous expression. Quick and nimble-footed, Siberians are known for their powerful but seemingly effortless gait. Tipping the scales at no more than 60 pounds, they are noticeably smaller and lighter than their burly cousin, the Alaskan Malamute.

As born pack dogs, they enjoy family life and get on well with other dogs. The Sibe’s innate friendliness render them indifferent watch-dogs. These are energetic dogs who can’t resist chasing small animals, so secure running room is a must. An attractive feature of the breed: Sibes are naturally clean, with little doggy odor.”

Siberian Husky Personality & Temperament

If you are looking for a guard dog, a Husky would not be a good choice as they love people too much! They might tell you a stranger is lurking about, but they have no concept of protecting you. In fact, they may lick a burglar to death. Nor are they one-person dogs. However, if you want a dog that looks stunning, is outgoing, sensitive, mischievous, and great with children, the Husky is your breed!

Although Huskies can look intimidating and their Arctic temperament makes them determined and self-sufficient, they are extremely sensitive. They are the original Houdini dog and can dig under a fence faster than you can fill the holes, and over the fence quicker than you can catch them. In fact, the average fence won’t even stop them. They can leap over gates and escape from leashes and collars if not trained properly. Because of their wanderlust, they should be microchipped and identified with a tag at all times.

Huskies are highly intelligent but not needy. They are territorial but not aggressive. Be careful of cats and smaller pets because the prey instinct is ingrained in a Husky. They can be trained as great therapy dogs, as they are sensitive to a drop in blood sugar or the beginning of a seizure.


Think of the “energizer bunny” and that’s a Husky! This breed wants to be by your side at all times. Huskies don’t like to be left alone, so pet parents need to be wary of separation anxiety. Huskies are not content to snooze by your side on the couch and want to be out and about among other people and dogs. If you’re thinking of leaving them outdoors by themselves for hours at a time, expect to come home with a crater in your yard!

They will get along well with other dogs but early socialization is important. Why? So your dog gets used to new people, things and places and doesn’t develop any fears that turn into phobias. Also, so they develop pleasant associations, such as going to the park is fun! It’s even important to take them to the vet early on so they aren’t frightened by the experience.

Siberian Husky Breed Facts

Physical Characteristics

The Siberian Husky, often called a Husky or Sibe, is a medium-size dog. They are less burly than their cousin the Alaskan Malamute and easier to train. The Husky has a wild, wolf-like appearance with a muscular body. You may often see a white and black or red and white pattern on its head. The ears are shaped like triangles and eyes can be either a gorgeous blue and brown or a combination of each. Their small ears are designed to maintain body heat, unlike the large ears of the Chihuahua, which are designed for cooling.

Huskies like to dig! A Husky’s feet often function as snow shoes and the hair between their toes keep their paws toasty. Their claws make it easier to dig through ice and snow and burrow themselves into a hole to stay warm. Huskies can curl up in the snow to sleep and still survive.

The Husky tail points downward when they are relaxed and curls up when they are on the move. Their whiskers are especially sensitive which come in handy when they are hunting at night.

  • Average Height: 21 to 23.5 inches (male); 20 to 22 inches (female)
  • Average Weight: 45 to 60 pounds (male); 35 to 50 pounds (female)
  • Average Life Expectancy: 12 years

Unique Breed Traits

Less known as sled dogs today, Huskies are great family pets and companions. With a great sense of humor, the Husky will keep you laughing with his antics. At the same time, their energy requires these dogs to be well exercised daily or there is a strong potential for digging and destructive behavior.

Unique Traits:

  • Intelligent, affectionate, mischievous
  • Great with kids
  • Great with other dogs
  • Happy-go-lucky and even-tempered
  • Always on the go
  • Innate desire to work
  • Adapts easily to new environments
  • Stubborn

Fun Facts

  • The Disney movie “Eight Below” is based on the true story of the 1957 Japanese expedition to the South Pole and stars six Huskies.
  • A statue of the Husky named Balto stands in Central Park, NY
  • The color of a Husky’s nose reflects the color of his coat. If the dog is black, brown and gray, his nose is black. White dogs have a flesh-colored nose and copper dogs have a liver-colored nose.
  • Huskies in colder climates shed less than Huskies in warmer climates.
  • Husky howls can be heard up to 10 miles away – pet parents will swear they can “talk”.
  • The indigenous Chukchi people used Huskies versus nannies to watch their children.
  • Huskies have a “snow nose” which appears is winter and goes away in the summer.
  • When they sleep their tails touch their noses – known as “the Swirl.”
  • Many universities – such as the University of Washington and Northeastern University have the Husky as a mascot.
  • In the story of The Husky, there will be no appendix, as this bred doesn’t have one!
  • Huskies have been banned from Antarctica since 1994 due to fears they could bring canine distemper to the seal population.

Siberian Husky Common Behavioral Issues

A Husky may not be the best choice for a first-time pet parent. The phrase “obedient Siberian Husky” is something of an oxymoron. Too many Huskies end up in shelters because pet parents choose them for their classic looks and aren’t ready for their challenging nature. Sometimes referred to as “canine divas,” Huskies will often ignore your commands unless you learn to speak their language.

The Husky typically doesn’t respond well to punishment or treats. Instead, you must establish yourself as the “Top Dog” and communicate using voice tones and body language. This is how Bark Busters produces such awesome training results – we “speak dog.” Bark Busters trainers love working with Huskies as they are highly intelligent and loving, if you understand their needs.

One of the behavioral issues we encounter with this breed is ‘escaping’ - they won’t stick around if they see an opportunity to bolt. This stems from their need to belong to a strong pack. As a pet parent, if you don’t provide leadership, they might look elsewhere.

Also, Huskies can have barking and howling issues, although they howl more than bark thanks to inherited wolf howling behavior. It’s not enough to know that a dog barks or howls, it’s important to know why!

Huskies are not as people pleasing as some other breeds and can be known for the following mis-behaviors:

  • Escaping
  • Chewing, mouthing, and digging
  • Destroying when bored
  • Howling
  • Difficulty house training, requiring consistency and patience

Adult Huskies can be rambunctious and their puppies are even more high maintenance. Huskies need the equivalent of three to five miles of exercise four to five times a week. Exercise will help your husky maintain strong and healthy bones, a healthy heart, and proper growth. Don’t forget that the best exercise of all is ‘mental exercise’ so find ways to stretch your Huskies intellect daily - simple training exercises can do the trick!

Connect with Us!

Need help training your Siberian Husky? Call 1-877-500-BARK (2275)or enter your zip code.

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Bark Busters Trainer Jeff Drier on the Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are fascinating dogs on many levels. Although dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years, they do retain some of their wild ancestors’ characteristics and Huskies probably more than most. They have even retained very wolf-like looks although their gentle eyes will give them away.

Like wolves, Huskies have a very strong pack drive and many of the Husky owners we’ve worked with have multiple Huskies. This pack drive makes them have a strong need to be included in activities. It also means that the people they live with need to understand and practice pack leadership because if they don’t, their dogs will take over and run things their way, which rarely aligns with human thinking. Luckily understanding and practicing leadership is not a physical endeavor but involves understanding canine psychology and communication.

You may have heard a Husky pet parent state that their dog can “talk.” They will readily “voice” their opinions on everything with loud yips and howls. But they are not typically nuisance barkers. They are also not typically very good “watch dogs.” Their social nature can make them friendly to everyone, yet they feel very territorial if they perceive a threat. It’s that pack mentality again coming into play. 

Like wolves, Huskies are athletes. If you are a marathoner, you won’t go wrong if you get a Husky to run with, although some of these dogs will think the marathon is just the warm-up! These dogs can run all day while pulling many times their own weight. As with human athletes, they need more than physical exercise – they need mental exercise as well. They also love to pull, so teaching them to walk with you and not drag you can be a challenge. Remember they are “mushers” at heart. 

Huskies are smart dogs and love learning but once they learn something, unless they view you as the pack leader, they may not do what you ask them to do. They can be stubborn and frustrating in that regard, so patience and determination will be required. Be creative in finding things that hold their interest, other than just running, which is their first love. Speaking of running, if there are young children around who leave the doors open, a Husky will escape and take off sprinting. Did I mention that Huskies love to run? 

Huskies are definitely not the breed for people with allergies, because no matter how much you brush them, dust bunnies will fly about. You will also need a bucket or towel by the door.

Huskies, like wolves, burrow. They will dig holes, mainly to curl up in. Their relatives in cold climates do that to maintain their warmth and even in Florida, they will dig holes when left outside without supervision. Expect worn paths where they run in the yard and holes where they curl up to rest. If you are an avid gardener, expect help from your Husky although it might not be the kind of help you want. 

We are often consulted by Siberian Husky Rescue in Florida regarding helping some of the more troublesome dogs in their wonderful care. Their close relation to their wild cousins can make them challenging to make part of your family. Often these troublemakers are really seeking leadership. If they don’t find it in the humans they live with, they do try to take that role on themselves.

Understanding the dynamics of the pack is crucial to having calm, happy Huskies. They are wonderful dogs, but they are not for everyone. Bark Busters’ trainers can help you understand these wonderful dogs and teach you how to become the leader of your pack without drama. It is well worth the effort.

Games to Play with Your Husky

Running at speeds of up to 28 mph, it’s hard to get a Husky to slow down. In fact, if you love to bike or jog, a Husky would make a great sidekick especially for going long distances.

Since most of us don’t live in the tundra, many Huskies still enjoy “urban sledding.” Urban sledding is a form of mushing and may involve one or more dogs. Activities include carting, sled dog racing, scootering, biking, canicross, pulka, freighting, weight pulling, and other activities. Originally developed to keep sled dogs in shape during the off season, dryland sledding is growing in popularity.

Walking Your Husky Correctly

As we said earlier, Huskies have been bred to be sled dogs and “pull” things. This does not work out so well for pet parents on a walk. Huskies love to roam, so it is best to always walk yours on a leash or you’ll tune your head and they’ll be chasing a squirrel or rabbit.

Siberian Husky Grooming

Huskies are double-coated with a top coat that is straight and a bottom coat that is thick. They shed year-round so they need to be brushed weekly. In Spring and Fall, their undercoat sheds known as “blowing their coat.” A lint brush, coat rake, and vacuum are must-haves if you own a Husky! Fastidiously clean and with little body odor, their coat can keep them warm in temperatures as low as negative 50 degrees. Yikes!

Huskies have great teeth, so if you brush them twice a week your Husky will have pearly whites.

Tips for Every Dog Owner

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Hear from Bark Busters Clients Who Have a Siberian Husky

We were at our wits end with our Husky Jimmy. He would not stop barking and lunging at other dogs on walks. He also had terrible jumping habits when guests would come over. Heather helped so much within the first visit. She showed us how to train him with simple language and no treats. We tried training before, without the results we wanted. We are working with him daily and have seen such an improvement! Bark Buster's methods work and we could not be more grateful. Thank you Heather!!
I have a 4 month old Husky puppy. I honestly thought on my own I have been doing a lot when it comes to training and felt it couldn't hurt to have another opinion and guidance now while she is young. With just 2.5 hours of work with Robert I realized she was training me more than I have been training her. He taught me boundaries, proper leash walking, area and boundary control as well as impulse control in just our first session. I always struggled with crate training because I was never fully for it, but he taught me alternative methods so it becomes a comfortable process for both me and my puppy. I highly recommend Bark Busters- they are on your side and really guide you and give you confidence when it comes to raising your pup!
10 stars! We adopted a 3rd dog. Now we have 3 husky females and a sibling rivalry going on. The first few weeks were chaotic and our family was losing it. Keith came and we saw an immediate difference. We were given techniques to obtain leadership over the pack. Scheduling is easy, Keith is always available to help. We have some time with Keith and our girls inside the house, on walks and in the fenced in yard. We're getting our sleep back and the doggies are progressing and getting along much better.
I don't usually write reviews, but Bark Busters deserves this and so does my trainer! Karina fully exceeded my high expectations. She is a top-shelf professional with impeccable customer service a genuinely caring demeanor. And most importantly, Karina knows her training stuff. After a brief chat she assessed my dog's behaviors and put me to work! We spent the next three hours going over hands' on exercises- which were immediately successful! Karina supplemented me with written and video descriptions of my homework and left me with a snazzy packet and training chart ;) Karina also made wonderful recommendations for better food and toys and remedies to reduce my dog's level three separation anxiety, and all are on their way! Finally, Karina assured me that we would stay in contact and prepare for our follow up visit. Here are a few concrete improvements that I have seen in Chase since starting YESTERDAY: My husky mix is no longer is out of control on walks, no longer attaches to me at every turn, no longer overreacts to a door knock, and can go five full minutes without barking/howling/or hurting my house after I leave. And it will only get better. I am proud to have made The call to Bark Busters after seeing a television program highlighting their approach. Yes, it is expensive, but worth it for anyone who loves their ailing dog and wants to be the alpha dog mom they crave and deserve. Call Bark Busters, you won't be disappointed.
We absolutely love Bark Busters. We own a Siberian Husky, Nova is her name, and it's been hard so far but with Derek's help we have made so much progress. Super grateful for the help it has been so stressful! Thank you!!
After just two weeks, what a difference! Between Lesson 1 and 2, we had followup emails, and Deb responded to the notes we sent.
Amelia is much calmer. Random barking still an issue, but reduced frequency. Now we can get her on a leash and out the door without a major tangle. She responds to being re-focused.
It's been a process for the humans to remember how to respond consistently, but we're getting better, and encouraged that we can keep this up. Even the neighbors have noticed about how much better Amelia acts on a leash and during walks. For the first time in 2 years I feel that I could let someone else walk her without fear that they'd get knocked down or tangled up with another dog.
We've used Deb's suggestions for keeping Amelia busy with Lick-Mat and Kong; that also helps her people and dogs walking by our house.
Working with Deb, and getting her support is definitely worth the investment. Deb has brought about major change in everyone's behaviors, and things are much calmer. We appreciate the reinforcement we get with the emails, and knowing that Deb responds promptly to questions.
As you can see in the photo, Amelia now enjoys the fact that she is no longer Head of Security, which allows for more nap time.
Deb Boswell is a good teacher of both the humans and the dog. She explained the process, what was expected of us, before we introduced her to the dog. She wanted us to understand the plan before we were distracted with trying to control the dog.
Amelia is a 4y/o lab mix who was rescued 2 years ago after being abandoned while pregnant. Through a series of shelters and transport teams, we adopted her. As you can see in the photo, she worries. About many things. But the last 6 months she's increased her barking, so that it's now all the time at everything and everyone outside. We live on a bike path, and in a neighborhood with lots of kids and dogs. Out of nowhere Amelia would jump up, start barking madly, and run from door to windows and back, getting more wound up. Sometimes we see what she barks at; other times there doesn't seem to be anything. When packages were delivered, she'll run to the door, causing a major pile-up as we try to get the package. On a walk sometimes she'll react to some dogs, not consistently, and it's hard to tell if she wants to play or fight; she's managed to knock both of us down by a sudden lunge -- and that was on flat ground, without any ice or snow. Walking in winter is like a circus act. As she now weighs 70lbs, getting her under control on a leash is an important issue. Trying to take her where there were other dogs, or noises, or on travel, was a challenge.
We all were very frustrated.
Then Deb came, and in the initial session helped diagnose what was triggering Amelia, showed us ways to address the anxiety, barking, to establish our control, and gave suggestions for keeping her busy. Most she laid out a straightforward plan, that we could use consistently, and that Amelia responded to.
I really appreciated Deb's method of working with us before Amelia was invited to join the group, and her advice that we needed to fire Amelia from her job as Head of Security. That helped us think about what we were just letting Amelia do, because she was the boss of us.
I was skeptical in the promise that after one lesson, we could see meaningful change.
After Session One, I have hope that we can all adapt, and create a calmer environment.
We have a follow-up session set for about 3 weeks; Deb has also encouraged us to call or email her with any progress notes, or for help getting unstuck.
Definitely glad that we chose Deb of BarkBusters Des Moines.
Great info during the lessons.
Great knowledge and great advice.
Good time to start training - so pleased.
Jared at Bark Busters did an amazing job working with my dog and keeping her prey drive under control. Watching him in action was amazing, he broke her attention away from a squirrel multiple times and was very quick on rewarding her. He explained everything as he did it, so I could work with her whenever the opportunity arrived in the future. This is the most important part with training from my experience, the knowledge to replicate the training so we as pet parents can reinforce it throughout our dogs lives.
Flynn, my Wheaten Terrier, barked, jumped and acted aggressive any time someone came to the door or approached the car. It was frightening, frustrating and at time scary.The change in behavior after one visit was amazing. I'm looking forward to following the recipe to a calm well behaved dog. If today is any indication of what that is like I'm going to have the dog I've always wanted.
Thelma is a 6 year old black lab/pit bull mix that we adopted 2 years ago. Thelma is very well trained except for leash walking. We have tried many methods to train Thelma, but we were unable to control her sudden aggressive lunges when passing other dogs while walking. Thelma is a very powerful 75-pound dog who is extremely difficult to hold back. Her sudden lunges have resulted in a couple falls and one dislocated shoulder
Our vet recommended Jeri Wagner of Bark Busters. During Jeri’s initial visit, she taught us a number of leadership and communication exercises that immediately corrected the undesirable behaviors. Jeri also identified a few other undesirable behaviors that we were able to correct. For example, Thelma would run past me on the steps and push through the door as soon it opened. Now, Thelma always follows at least two steps behind me on the stairs, never passing me; and she waits away from the door until I tell her to enter or exit. When walking, Thelma stay precisely at my side with her collar never passing my leg. She stays on my right side when walking, never crossing in front or behind. She doesn’t try to charge ahead or lag behind to smell the flowers. After one week of me implementing changes recommended by Bark Buster, Thelma doesn’t charge at dogs, but she is definitely alert when passing. I expect, as long as I consistently follow the training schedule Jeri Wagner developed for us, that Thelma will soon be passing strange dogs as calmly as she currently passes walkers, joggers and bike riders.
I am very excited about the progress Thelma has made after only one week. Calling Bark Busters was the best decision I made regarding Thelma.
Bonnie was very helpful in teaching my family and I how to train our two new English Terrier Dogs. She showed us what we needed to do, products to buy and how to apply the products for potty training, so we could start enjoying our new dogs. I highly recommend Bonnie.
Keith was so good with our two pups. Our dog moose had shown previous signs of aggression and barking with strangers and in just one session we saw so much improvement. Would absolutely recommend to friends. Thank you!
Harley was night and day after one session! I have a clear plan to follow and I'm excited to see how we progress.
I was surprised how fast Eearl and Ford responded to my newly taught command skills!
Josh was a joy to learn from!
Taught several behavioral tips + immediately saw improvement in our puppy. Extremely satisfied with the experience.
My husband and I were looking for some help with our reactive pitbull. We had already had some experience with training her at different places but needed a new trainer after moving. Jared was a perfect fit! He came to our place and helped us learn how to read our dog's behavior in her natural environment. Our dog is making awesome progress! She is less reactive and responds more to our corrections now that we know how to communicate with her! Our dog has a long journey but knowing that Jared is by our side the whole way brings us so much peace. I cannot recommend Jared enough!

The training has been a virtual miracle for my dog Rosie. I know I am the one being trained, but she is so much better behaved it is amazing. I highly recommend this method and Jerry, this trainer, is wonderful. Five stars
The "girls" are a lot calmer and better behaved than ever!! A little more work needed with Kai and the Amazon delivery, but we now know what we are doing and doing it right, for once!!!! We all loved Patrick!
Heather is the best! My girl Trixie is a good girl but definitely needed some help with aggression towards other dogs and leash pulling so I could take her to breweries and parks without her acting like a fool : )
Heather taught techniques that trained both Trixie and me! She was kind and gentle with my girl but at the same time showed her who was boss. We now practice what we were taught daily. It was a great experience! Look out breweries Trixie and I are coming for ya!
My Jojo is a happier dog now that Heather worked with him to calm him and his issues. She did a fabulous job, and we are very pleased. Thank you, Bark Busters.
We were at our wits end with our Husky Jimmy. He would not stop barking and lunging at other dogs on walks. He also had terrible jumping habits when guests would come over. Heather helped so much within the first visit. She showed us how to train him with simple language and no treats. We tried training before, without the results we wanted. We are working with him daily and have seen such an improvement! Bark Buster's methods work and we could not be more grateful. Thank you Heather!!
Great service! Heather and crew are super friendly & professional.
Last Monday Michael came to my home to help me with my beautiful two year old Sherinian.When we go for a walk Mia would bark at everything and especially everyone we passed she wouldn’t let anybody into my house without barking constantly the entire time they were here. Michael worked with her for approximately 10 minutes he diagnosed exactly what the problem was Gave me some tools and instructions as to how to help her understand. We then went outside where he walked with me and showed me exactly what needed to be done in a very firm but loving way. I am happy to say Mia had an appointment at the veterinarian on Thursday she walked in that office never barked at anybody sat down while we waited our turn and was an entirely different puppy.In my opinion Michael is truly the dog whisperer he has more knowledge about dogs and they’re behaviors and how to correct them than anybody I have ever met. More importantly to me he did this with absolutely no cruel or harsh techniques and zero negativity he did this all with kindness, gentleness and understanding I would highly recommend Michael to anybody that has any issues with their dog training
First time I've seen improvement in Luca's behavior. He is learning the proper behavior, and it has given us hope!
Very Very informative, Tad Brown changed his behavior in one day!
Josh sat with us to really understand our needs and our dogs before starting and really focused on the tough areas. He really understood our dogs personalities and customized the lesson to best suit our dogs.
Joshua listened to all our concerns we had with our dogs. He explained thoroughly the steps we'd take. He provided us with various resources to ensure our success. He provided with demos and then walked us through while working with our dogs. Overall, this was a great and very helpful experience5.

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