— Breed of the Month —

Shih Tzu

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Breed Traits and Characteristics

According to the American Kennel Club, here are some breed characteristic you can find in Shih Tzus. 


  • Height

    9-10.5 inches

  • Weight

    9-16 pounds

  • Life Expectancy

    10-18 years

  • Coat Type/Length


  • 100 affectionate with family
  • 100 good with young children
  • 100 good with other dogs
  • 80 trainability level
  • 60 energy level
  • 60 barking level
  • 20 shedding level
  • 20 drooling level

The Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is quickly becoming one of the most popular small dog breeds as the number of Shih Tzu we are seeing for dog training is rapidly increasing. In the world of small breeds, this is one of the cutest breeds and unlike the Yorkshire Terrier, is not usually looking for a fight. The Shih Tzu has a reputation for getting along with most dogs that it meets.

Bred to be lap dogs of Chinese Emperors, they love nothing better than snuggling with you. They will worm their way into your heart and will let you know what they want from you and when, which usually means to just be curled up on your lap in front of the fire or TV.

They are not overly demanding, but their barking can be a big issue and needs to be addressed as quickly as possible or it will drive you to distraction. At least you need to be able to turn them off. This breed will just want to be pampered, nestled on your lap. If you do not want a lap dog, this might not be the right breed for you.

Bark Busters trainers train hundreds of this breed each year and our methods suit their sweet nature and friendly disposition.

Shih Tzu Management

The Shih Tzu is a highly intelligent breed and they will know what you are about to do, possibly before you do. They are very trainable and love learning new things, but they can train their owners far quicker than their owners can train them.

Before you know it, they will lead you to the pantry for a treat and then back to the couch for a cuddle, then out the door for a walk, leaving you wondering whose idea this was.

They love their daily walks and will be much loved by everyone they meet. They will easily fraternize with other dogs, providing they have not had a bad experience as a puppy.

Bad experiences stay with Shih Tzu’s and any trauma they have incurred is carried around with them like baggage. Because they are not generally fighters, they prefer to try avoidance over engaging the perceived enemy.

Although small in stature, they can perform tasks as easily as breeds twice their size, like obedience and agility competitions. However, they don’t cope too well with the hot weather.

This breed is easy to manage as they are small and generally obliging, but they need your attention and don’t like to be ignored. Despite their high level of intelligence, they do adapt to just lazing about and are happy to just be your companion, following you around.

If you have a Shih Tzu or are thinking of getting one, then make sure you have time to spend with them. They will want to be soaking up the love and sitting on your lap a lot, because they want the reassurance that you are there for them.

Most Shih Tzu parents have them clipped in the summer to help them cope with the heat. Their dense coat means that they will need regular flea and tick treatments, so speak to your vet for more information. You will need to ensure that your Shih Tzu has regular vet checks to ensure they stay healthy.

Shih Tzu Breed Traits

Capabilities of the Breed

  • Great all round, fun dog for all the family
  • Loves to play and romp
  • Great travelling companion-compact and adaptable
  • Capable of competing in obedience competitions
  • Good walking companion, easy to manage and control
  • Great dog for the elderly
  • Suitable for apartments and condominiums

Personality & Temperament

The Shih Tzu is lovable, adorable, cuddly and full of fun. They have a very stable temperament that adapts quite easily to change and different environments and circumstances.

This stability possibly stems from their breeding as a lap dog, a dog to be pampered, preened and adored, unlike other toy breeds that were bred to catch and kill other animals.

They are capable of fitting into most households and family situations, happy to. Just romp with the kids or soak up the love.

Good breeding is important to ensure your dog has the right personality and temperament to suit yours. They can be hard to find in rescues and shelters because they are one of the first breeds to be adopted!

They are a very trusting breed and generally love everyone and with some training and communication, they will make a great companion and great family dog.

Other Breed Traits

  • Loyal, trustworthy and affectionate
  • Confident and outgoing
  • Great family dog
  • Lap dog, loves to be pampered
  • Good energy levels
  • Not typically aggressive unless provoked
  • May want to guard their toys and possessions, fixed easily with training
  • Cute as buttons, little or no shedding
  • Highly intelligent and adapts to training if you are persistent
  • Level of barking is high with this breed
  • No shedding, but coat needs regular grooming and clipping

Training Your Shih Tzu

The right training for your Shih Tzu

You might experience some chewing when your Shih Tzu is a young puppy, but that will soon pass. They do love to play with soft chewy toys and squeaky toys. Chewing will not be your biggest challenge - barking and refusal to come to you might be.

You might also experience some guarding issues. They tend to want to protect what is theirs, or what they consider to be theirs.

All dogs, regardless of breed, need their education and some basic training. We know that your dog is like your child and the type of education you choose has to be the very best type of education for you and your dog.

Bark Busters tailors all training to your dog’s personality and your needs. You cannot just trust your dog’s education to just any dog trainer. They need someone who understands the breed, their personality and how to get the best from them in a gentle and kind way.

To train a Shih Tzu, you have to establish your rules first and then stick to them. Consistency and routine is the key. Is your dog going to be allowed in your bed, or on your couch? Then once you have your ‘rules list’, set about making sure your dog knows what the rules are and be consistent.

Bark Busters believes that dogs are predisposed and hard-wired at birth, to want to belong to a social group that has a strong leader at its core. It’s what makes them feel secure, safe, and less anxious, knowing that their needs are going to be met. This is why dogs like to form strong bonds with humans and other animals. It’s in their DNA to want to be part of a strong social group.

A dog really needs that ‘vacation mind’ and the feeling that it is always in vacation mode. You know that feeling you have when you are on vacation, you don’t have a care in the world, you don’t are free from all your woes. When on vacation, you feel like you have left all your cares behind you at home and now you can finally relax and enjoy yourself. This is the way your dog should feel all the time. It’s the best frame of mind for all dogs, because it means you are taking care of things for them, and have their back.

Bark Busters training employs no force, no pain, only ‘communication’. We speak to dogs in a language they understand, a language they learned at birth. It’s ‘dog language’ and they respond almost immediately. We ‘train the brain’ and look for signs that the dog understands what we are communicating. We look for the dog’s cooperation and understanding that it knows what we are asking it to do.

Show and Guide

At Bark Busters, we believe that there should be no force involved in training and that hands should only be used for praise. Your dog should never fear being touched by you, they need to know that your hands mean kindness, not pain.

We teach dog parents how to show and guide their dog to make better choices. There is never any need to use force.

The use of treats as a way to train dogs has become very popular in the last 20 years and may seem like the right choice. However, many dogs either come and take the treat, then run off or they don’t care about food, and don’t respond.

Either way, the treats have their limitations and that type of training does not offer the complete answer for all dogs for all behavioral issues or training needs. Many doggie parents are happy to hear that Bark Busters training does not rely on the use of treats as they are tired of carrying pockets full of treats in order to get their dog to comply with their wishes.

Bark Busters will use treats sparingly if a case calls for it or if a dog’s personality calls for their use, but it’s not our main source of training. We only use treats when required and or when the need arises.

The main core of our training program is ‘canine communication’. This allows the dog owner to gain fast results, because this is the dog’s first language. Speaking dog is learned from their mum and litter mates. Human language is the dog’s second language. They can learn to understand the human language, but it takes time and repetition.

Our training is based on building trust, respect and forming a strong bond between a dog and human. By using voice tones and body language, you will have a well-trained dog in no time. Most pet parents see amazing results after the first lesson.

Come When Called

The “Recall” or “Come When Called” issue is quite often a case where the dog dislikes going to their human because their human has grabbed them with their hands when they approached, or they immediately made them sit or put them outside.

This creates a miscommunication in the dog’s mind that it will feel uncomfortable when it approaches the human, so they avoid that and stay away.

Many people think that their dog is being stubborn or cantankerous if they don’t respond to “come” or “sit”. Actually, they are just practicing avoidance of something they have long since learned caused them discomfort.

If you want your dog to come when called, then make sure that you always greet them in a nice and gentle way, give them lots of praise and don’t go straight to carrying out an action that was the reason you called them. Praise and pet them when they arrive, don’t grab them, or immediately clip a leash to them. Instead, spend some time greeting them. Also let them wander off and repeat the recall again, bringing them to you.

We have experienced cases where the human has sent the wrong messages to their dog by only calling it by its name. They generally demand that their dog return, using harsh commands, which frighten the dog or they might have previously tackled their dog out of frustration.

When commencing the ‘come when called’ (recall) exercise, you need to remember that your dog does not understand your language, but it can interpret body language. Crouch and raise your voice a few octaves and make encouraging high-pitched sounds. Never demand that your dog come. That is not the way to win him over and to make him want to approach you.

If you want your dog to “come” when called, negative reinforcement will not work. Your dog must feel that it can approach you without fear or concern.

It is probably not your intention to scare your dog, but is an unforeseen consequence of harsh tones. Your dog may think its name is “bad dog”.

When calling your dog, it must first want to be with you, then it must want to stay with you. How you react when your dog approaches will depend on whether they want to stay and spend time.

It is very important to keep the invitation to approach appealing, in a high-pitched enticing voice, and lower your height. Don’t forget to offer lots of praise when they arrive. You can then take them to the treat jar and treat them, but this must only be after they have been praised for coming when called.

Don’t grab your dog’s collar, or try to hang onto him, because this will cause your dog to try and avoid your hands.

Never chase your dog if it refuses to approach you. That will only cause your dog to run away and possibly hide, causing a bad association. It is better to move backwards and away, while lowering your height, or even lay down.

Bark Busters International Head Trainer Donna Ryan on the Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu’s are one of my favorites. Being the doggie parent of two large dogs, it is great when I have a toy breed like a Shih Tzu to train.

They are a loving breed, want to please and just be close to you, which works well for me as a trainer.

I have never found the Shih Tzu to be a pushy breed. They will stand back and allow the bigger dogs control, but then they give you that look that says, get me some loving and some lap time please and funnily enough you want to oblige.

I do counsel the parents of Shih Tzu’s on the risks involved in over-indulging them as they are so sweet that they tend to worm their way into your heart and can be spoiled.

Their coat needs regular attention and I do recommend daily brushing to keep their fur clear of any tangles. If left unattended for too long, they need expert attention from the groomer and some serious clipping to return their coat to its former glory. If you don’t like grooming or brushing regularly, you can keep your Shih Tzu clipped, but you will then need a coat for warmth during the winter. But clipping largely takes away the cuteness and cuddly factor of this breed.

This breed loves to cuddle up on your lap and be where everything happens, but do practice some separation time or you can create problems with Separation Anxiety.

If you are consistent, you will have no problem training your Shih Tzu. They love to learn new things and if you are patient, you can get the best out of them. They are people pleasers!

Case History of Separation Anxiety

Carly Hates to Be Left Home Alone

Carly was rescued from a shelter at the age of 6 months by Sarah and James. They wanted a dog that would be a great family dog and good with kids as they planned to have children in the near future. Meanwhile, they wanted a dog that would be able to fit into their busy lifestyle.

Carly was a great dog and she fit right in, sleeping at the foot of their bed each night and sitting on their laps every chance she got. She was like their child, and they treated her just like their child, looking to give her everything her heart desired.

Sarah told us that Carly hated being left alone, sulking each time they left the house, but she soon settled and waited anxiously for their return.

She would then greet them wildly on their return, as if they had been gone for weeks. Apart from that, their lives together were fun and Carly was always just one step behind them, asleep on their lap or asleep in their bed. She was so loving, they saw no reason not to give her everything she wanted.

Sarah noticed that things started to change when Carly was about 12-months of age. She started barking at them as they tried to leave, even nipping their ankles as they tried to push her back with their feet. She also would bark for hours after they left for work and soon the neighbours began complaining.

Sarah and James were confused as to why she had suddenly gone from being so good, to being so bad.

They spoke to some of their friends who told them that Carly suffered from Separation Anxiety and that they should contact Bark Busters. So, they decided to give us a call.

This 12-month milestone in dogs usually coincides with reaching maturity. They hit that age of maturity, full grown, where they are now ready to work out the pecking order and to work out where they fit in the family unit, their position in the household, if you like. What they decide depends on how we behave and what we tell them via our actions and behavior.

Carly had learned, over time, through Sarah and James’s behavior around her, that she was the ‘queen bee’ and the one calling the shots. How dare they leave her behind? Didn’t they know she was in charge? This was why she was barking and biting them when they tried to leave her. She was telling them in dog language, that she was not pleased with their behavior.

The reason she took so long to get to that point was due to her lack of maturity. Until 12 months, she was not ready to act to claim her position until she reached the maturity needed to hold that position.

Sarah and James had never educated or trained Carly at all, they had not displayed any leadership qualities with her, preferring to just shower her with love and adoration. There was a position at the top vacant and Carly was now applying for the job.

Sarah and James had also made another fatal mistake of never separating from her when they were home. She slept in their bed, sat on their laps, and followed them from room to room, making the only time they left her alone was when they left for work.

This is one of the main causes of Separation Anxiety and Carly’s behavior is consistent with dogs that suffer this behavioral issue. It’s the result of lack of education and leadership and a failure to practice separation while at home.

Bark Busters showed Sarah and James how to easily fix their problems with Carly, through basic exercises that subtly changed the balance of power in a kind, gentle but effective way and it worked. Dogs like Carly are happy to fall in line once things are brought back to a proper balance.

Carly was not a bad dog. She was just confused, as her dog owners led her to believe that she was in charge. She never wanted them to leave her.

Footnote: All dogs are hard-wired at birth to fill a leadership void. If one exits, they will try and exert control. It is up to dog owners to assume the leadership role.

Every dog needs to learn to separate from its pet parents. This can be addressed by practicing separation while at home. Love alone is not enough to have a happy, well- balanced dog. We all love our dogs, but we also want them to be happy when everyone is not together. They need to learn to cope with our absence.

Shih Tzu Common Behavioral Issues


When Bark Busters gets the call to train a Shih Tzu, it will be for one of several specific reasons: barking, aggression to their family, biting the groomer or playing a little too hard at the doggy-day-care center.

Apart from the barking which is inherent to the breed, most of the behavioral issues we are called upon to deal with originate in bad experiences versus breed traits.

As we have said, Shih Tzu barking can seem out-of-control. They tend to bark at people and dogs passing the window, or off in the distance when walking. They love to bark at the front door when visitors arrive as if saying please pet me, bark.

Barking while travelling in the car can be a problem that is easily rectified. Dogs can become over-stimulated in cars as images do go flashing by. You could try adding a crate to your vehicle and popping your dog in their crate while you travel. To address barking, you must catch your dog in the act and let them know, via communication that what they are doing is wrong.

We have seen great success with the Bark Busters style of training to stop inappropriate and unwarranted barking.

When we see a tough case where a dog has become over-stimulated to the level of fixation, we have had success with a product called a Calming Cap (available at many stores) when coupled with our training.

Connect with Us!

Need help training your Shih Tzu? Call 1-877-500-BARK (2275)or enter your zip code.

Please begin by confirming your zip code.

Shih Tzu Health

Common Illnesses and Injuries

Your Shih Tzu’s health concerns will change over the course of their life. A puppy might be more prone to ear infections, a 2-year-old Shih Tzu may be more likely to show signs of dental disease, and a senior Shih Tzu may be more likely to develop eye problems later in life. Shih Tzu’s also have personality and physical traits that may make them more prone to certain conditions—the adorable short snout of the Shih Tzu makes it sensitive to warm weather and prone to heat stress.

At any stage of life, here are some of the most common injuries and illnesses you should be aware of when bringing home a Shih Tzu:

  • Ear infections
  • Dental disease
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Eye problems
  • Kidney disease
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bone and joint problems
  • Glaucoma

If you are ever concerned about your dog’s health, your local veterinarian is a great resource—no matter how small the question.

Genetic Health Concerns

Like many popular breeds, the Shih Tzu has its fair share of hereditary based issues, like bone and joint problems. Most reputable breeders now have their breeding stock checked and scored for these hereditary ailments by a vet. You can request proof that the puppy you are purchasing comes from parents that have been checked for these issues.

Because many other health issues are also hereditary, you should do some research on the ancestry of your puppy and any health issues of that particular breed. Many rescue organizations also check for common-ailments before making them available for adoption.

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Hear from Bark Busters Clients Who Have a Shih Tzu

BEST TRAINING SESSION EVER. I have had my two shih tzu-y rescue dogs for 10 years. I knew their barking, nipping, and bad behavior was because I am super lax with them and I don't want my poor fur babies ever to feel bad, so I let them be large and in charge. But their demanding barks were getting out of control.
Justine came over and taught me how my behavior was doing my doggies a disservice. In just one session, she taught me the appropriate commands to use for refocusing my dogs' attention and the barking ceased. I practiced Justine's technique, without supervision, while feeding them dinner and I was SHOCKED at how instantly they responded to the commands (and I didn't even perform them perfectly). I worked with other trainers, in the past, when my dogs were much younger but neither they nor I were interested in keeping up with what felt like boring and arduous training. Justine gave me simple techniques that my dogs responded to easily. I am confident we will all be able to keep up these skills and with consistent practice, I will have the most beautifully behaved pups. This is the best financial investment I have ever made for my dogs and for my sanity. So worth the price of admission!
We have a pack of Shih Tzu's ages 1 - 10. Decided recently that the cute poster that says "Dogs have owners but Shih Tzu's have Staff" is cute but was getting too close to reality. Mike arrived and gave us a new look at how to interact with our little guys and after the first lesson watching Mike get a pack of barking dogs sit and wait to be told what to do next, we were on our way.
The second visit by Mike helped us realize that we were so thrilled with the success from the first visit we were slacking on follow up training. Mike is natural with our best friends, and we hope we can develop some of those talents.
Ben was wonderful with our 7 month old Shih Tzu Mina. Before we met Ben her barking was off the charts! Ben gave us the tools we needed to correct her behavior and helped us set boundaries. He also explained why some of the things we were doing were actually reinforcing her “barky” behavior (we had no clue!). Mina has always been a sweet and happy dog….but now she’s a sweet, happy, and QUIET dog. We are simply in awe. Thank you Bark Busters!
I am so pleased with the results I am seeing in Molly. She is a 4 month old shih tzu puppy with lots of energy. Molly responded so well to Jerry's methods. I was amazed how quickly she caught on. Jerry was so thorough teaching and explaining to us his methods. We covered a lot during our first session. I think Molly really enjoyed learning how to behave. Now we are enjoying Molly growing up.
Ryanne has been incredible, I can highly recommend her to anyone with a dog with behavioral issues! We have a very stubborn mini dachshund who showed territorial aggression and excessive marking and barking. We have only had a handful of sessions with Ryanne, but our dog has shown improvements we would not have believed a couple of weeks ago. He is able to stay overnight in his own crate without wining, we can eat in peace without him harassing us, his barking has reduced by 80-90%, and we have learned very easy-to-use techniques to help him calm down more quickly when we have visitors. We love Bark Busters focus on communication techniques rather than treats or punishments, as we can use these techniques anywhere.

Ryanne has also been very responsive and often checks in with us. Bark Busters is well worth the price, which is very affordable compared to similar companies who typically do not offer as many in-home training hours or follow-up appointments.
Moose and I had our first training session with Bonnie she was wonderful! Moose still needs a lot of work, but I am hopeful that the more work we do with Bonnie, and the more comfortable he becomes with our new home that he will be much calmer and happier. Thank you Bonnie!
Truly transformational! It was amazing to see what Marc could accomplish in just 3-hours. He taught me how to be the "Alpha dog" so Ollie doesn't think he needs to do it - i.e. no aggressive barking when friends come over. The leash training is still a challenge - we continue to practice each day. It's a long road, but I think we'll get there. Thanks so much!
Marc did an amazing job with Leonardo on our first visit. The main thing I needed worked on was his barking at the door as I live in a senior condominium yet Leonardo took to Marc immediately that we had to induce barking while Marc remained outside and knocked on the windows and yet still no barking. It was not until the knock on the door and the attempted entry when Leonardo finally started to bark which was immediately stopped by using the techniques Marc had worked on with me.
In addition he no longer jumps on me while I am at the computer and stays outside the areas I am in unless invited in as Marc showed me.
I still need a lot of work on me but Leonardo and Marc were wonderful.
I would recommend him to anyone.
Great 1st session with Karen. Instant results and the tools to give our new boy the training to make his life and ours stress free. Bark Busters is well worth the time and investment and we look forward to having their support throughout the life of our best buddy!
There are many choices, programs, and pricing when it comes to signing up for the training for our fur family. Bark Busters stood behind their reviews and transformed our dog's behavior in the 1st hour of spending time at our home. Moreover, they also help US/the owners understand what we are continuously doing wrong and why our dogs have not responded to any previous techniques, especially those we just "came up with" on our own. It is 5 hours after Mark left our home, and we can already see improvement in Hatun's and Olaf's behavior. We are so excited to continue applying the techniques we were shown and taught today, to continue applying with our pets, and receiving the resources and lifetime support Bark Busters agreed to offer. We love our dogs, and they are part of our family, but we certainly want them to know who the head of the household is. :)
Mark is a gem trainer, and I would recommend wholeheartedly to anyone!
Marc was amazing with my dog! My pup Leo and I moved to Florida from NYC and we were both experiencing "moving anxiety". We had worked with Barkbusters in NYC and I knew it was the way to go! He spent no less than two hours dealing with all our (and I say OUR as of course it's up to me to make it work!!) issues. By the end of our session, Leo was definitely compliant and I was reminded of all the reasons Bark Busters is the best home dog training there is (shout out to Sarah in NYC too). Marc left me with a complete write-up on all the things I have to do to make sure Leo behaves - and this way I can't say I don't have the tools to make it work! I LOVE BARKBUSTERS.
In 3 hours our dog was transformed into a well behaved dog. Marc worked with all three of us and we are amazed at how quickly and effectively the training is. I would recommend Bark Busters without hesitation. We are enjoying our now well behaved dog immensely!
I rescued Milo a year and a half ago. He is a sweet dog, however, he began having severe separation anxiety if I left the house. I tried several exercises when didn’t work. Other unwanted behaviors began to surface and I realized that I was not communicating well with him and he believed he was in charge! I called Bark Busters in the hopes of a solution. Karen started by having me realize how dogs REALLY communicate. That was an eye-opener! Then she began teaching me how to communicate and set “rules”. I immediately began to see changes in Milo’s response! I was blown away!! However, I was still worried about the separation. I had a crate that was folded and put away. Karen made me realize that he needed the crate as his own safe place to be. We set the crate up, made it nice and comfy and put some treats in there and in he went. That also shocked me because I tried the crate when I first got him, but failed miserably, and he did not like it at all. We then took it a step further and left him in the room with the door closed for 20 minutes! I was in AWE to say the least.
I know this process takes time, but I feel so reassured knowing that if I encounter a difficulty, I can always contact Karen. No other company I have ever researched provides ongoing support for both me and my best buddy. I feel very secure, knowing that I am now in the beginning stages of making Milo, a happy stress-free dog🐶.
So grateful for Bark Busters!!!!
Contacted Bark Busters and within an hour had a response. Mark the trainer came and spent 3 glorious hours with us. Sawyer, our 6 months old Samoyed went from a wild “I’m Alpha” dog to a well mannered loving puppy that very night. Walks are enjoyable now...I’m not getting mouthed nor barked at nor pulled. Wish I had known about this method of training sooner.Worth every penny!
My husband and I started to working with Karen a month ago with our dogs Chewy and Snippet. All I can say is WOW!! Results were immediate. Karen is extremely knowledgeable and provides outstanding support. She showed us how to get our house back by being pack leaders of (2) 10lb Rat terriers lol. My only regret is not doing this sooner
My trainer is Karen Deppe and we have been doing our sessions over live video. She has been completely amazing helping me fix my dog issues such as lease pulling, jumping, personal space, and door/people greeting. I have had these issues for a while and with what I have been learning and implementing from this program I have already seen a huge improvement. Do not feel deterred about it being over a video call, it is just as affective as in person training because at the end of the day it’s up to you and your dog(s) to continue the training to get the results you want. I have found a glimmer of success and only time will tell but I am very satisfied and I hope whoever else decides to go through this program is as well.
We asked alot from Marc and Bark Busters. Mr. Magoo is a great dog and one who we know wants to follow the rules. We just needed to learn how to be good leaders and how to 'speak dog'. We had engaged in basic obedience training with Mr. Magoo, both in person and online, and achieved some successes but still struggled with issues such as barking at and charging the door, maintaining a sit/down position and other issues that we really needed to correct. We couldn't be more pleased with the progress we made with Mr. Magoo in just a few short hours and we are confident that we now have the tools to continue this great journey toward achieving the goal of having a well behaved dog. Thank you Marc! Thank you Bark Busters! We will be happy to recommend you to anyone who needs your help!
We have had an excellent experience using BarkBusters with Karen. We were hesitant about a virtual experience, but desperate because my dog was becoming increasingly anxious and aggressive and we didn’t know what else to do. After just a week of using Karen’s techniques and following her advice, we have already seen a huge improvement in both of our dogs. The approach is intuitive, simple, and effective. We are so thankful to Karen for literally saving our dogs life.
Before the session Linus and Mac did not get along. Linus and Mac can now play together after this session.
Joshua was a fantastic trainer. He explained the basis for all training exercises, walked us through them and then with our dog showed us how to use them. We could see improvement in our dog by the end of our session.
Fantastic information and training for my dogs. So glad to have found BarkBusters.
I had a very beneficial experience with Bark Busters. I highly recommend this service. Marc is very skilled and made modifying my dogs' behavior a rewarding experience. It will make our lives so much better. Thank you Marc.
Bark Busters is a game-changer! After just one training lesson, our dog's behavior was completely transformed. Their skilled trainers and effective methods delivered incredible results. Highly recommended!
We were extremely pleased with our first lesson just two days ago. Within a few minutes after being in our home, Mark showed us how to keep our 3 dogs in control with some simple tools, voice tones and gestures. At first I was a bit skeptical, like, "Will this really work after he leaves?" , but over the past two days since we've been using the techniques he taught us, we see a 90% improvement in our dogs. Still a few things we need to work on but there has been a huge positive difference in their behavior. I am able to keep them calmer, more attentive and obedient. I would definitely recommend Bark Busters and I am grateful that our vet tech referred us to them!
I’ve tried a few dog trainers in the past and have not like a single one. However, Marc was wonderful. He was so thorough, educated, and explained everything easily before we introduced our dog. Once we started, we had a whole new dog in 10 minutes. Marc made sure to address everything we mentioned and we had a comprehensive plan by the time he left. I’ve never felt so confident in a plan of action and feel like my dog is happier than he’s ever been. I will recommend Marc and BarkBusters to everyone I know. Thank you for teaching an old dog new tricks!
Success in 1 day! Our 5 month old mini poodle Stella has showed amazing results with one visit from Bark Busters, Karen Deppe. Not only did "Stella" learn so much so did my husband and I. Separation Anxiety is our biggest concern and we have already seen results with this. Next barking, we don't want a little yapper or jumper and this also has already been successful. I think most would be amazed at what we all were doing wrong. We couldn't be happier with the results. And knowing that Bark Busters will be there for us at anytime is a huge comfort. Thank you Karen for the awesome training and helping us and Stella.😍
We have a four year old GS mix and we recently adopted a 5 year old GSD who was very reactive, not socialized at all and who was not leash trained. Ryanne and Omar taught us behavior techniques and modifications which we practiced on both our dogs. The results are amazing as we had hoped but doubted the two could ever live peacefully under the same roof. This weekend changed all that and we are thrilled with the results. Omar and Ryanne’s patience and knowledge has allowed us to let the dogs have the run of the house together.

Their program taught us how to train our dogs by speaking their language and we did not have to use shock collars, choke chains, or treats to modify their behaviors. Thank you so much Omar and Ryanne!

Todd, Elaine, Prince and Obi
Bark Busters is certainly the way to go when training a dog.I had no idea you could actually train a dog this way, it really works. Karen has a great personality and very knowledgeable about the health of your animal. I was so happy that Karen and her husband were recommended through my Vet. Thank you so much… i will be passing along Bark Busters to all my friends.

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