Live a Happier Life Together With Your Dog

Are you experiencing behavioral issues with your dog? Our dog-friendly training methods can help you overcome these issues quickly. We train in your home where you and your dog are most comfortable. With our efficient, results-oriented training program, you can achieve the communication and leadership you want with your dog.

Dog Training Services

Common Dog Behavioral Issues We Address:

  • Aggression
  • Barking
  • Biting
  • Change in Address
  • Chewing
  • Destruction
  • Digging
  • Focus & Listening
  • Housebreaking
  • Improving Confidence
  • Jumping
  • Leash Pulling
  • Marking
  • New Baby Preparation
  • Obsessiveness
  • Respecting Other Pets
  • Running Away
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Sibling Rivalry – in House Tensions/ Fights


Not sure where your dog could use improvement? Take our free behavioral quiz today.

About Dan

large dan lanfranco

Best Dog Training in Walnut Creek, Concord, Pleasanton, CA!

Bark Busters is the worldwide leader of in-home dog training, helping over 1 million families and their dogs for more than 30 years. Hello fellow dog-lovers! I’m Dan Lan Franco, your Bark Busters Dog Trainer and Dog Behavioral Therapist in Walnut Creek, Concord and Pleasanton.

I was born, raised, and educated in the Bay Area and have been surrounded by dogs my entire life. I can’t remember a time when we didn’t have a dog or two running around the house, even fostering a few along the way. Currently, I benefit from the love and enthusiasm of my Rottweiler mix, Linus. He’s a sweet, patient, and gentle 9-year-old, who loves spending time with our family, including the cats and a new baby. Winston, pictured above, is my brother's 2-year-old Boston Terrier, a pup with boundless and loving energy, and he wants everyone to know it!

I've been a leader on numerous sports teams, including football, baseball, and lacrosse. I graduated summa cum laude from Dominican University of California with a degree in Business Administration and Management and a minor in Leadership. Both in the classroom and on the field, I strive when helping, teaching, and mentoring my peers. Seeing others succeed and achieve their own personal goals is just as fulfilling as doing so myself.

I've found there is nothing more fulfilling than helping create harmony in people's homes, by helping to teach you to speak dog!

As a former Bark Busters client - of Karen Gaines in Northern California, who we hired to work with Linus primarily because of his fear and anxiety with strangers - I’ve seen first-hand the positive impact a calm and happy dog can have on an individual and an entire family. I want you all to have that as well.

Our distinctive methodology is built on leadership, respect, and trust. At Bark Busters, we clear up the miscommunication between dogs and humans, which is typically the root of many behavioral issues, by teaching everyone to speak the same language – dog!

In home training. We come to you! I work with you in your own home and tailor our dog and puppy training methods to your specific goals and to meet your dog’s unique needs. You'll get results – and nurture positive relationships and lasting emotional bonds with your canine family member. Your home and neighborhood are where most dog behavior issues begin and where your dog can focus. Being in a familiar environment, where there's nothing competing for your dog's attention, enables us to address dog obedience issues very quickly. 

Personalized dog training. No "one size fits all" group dog training or puppy training classes. We develop a personalized one-on-one program for you based on your dog's particular personality, perspective, and your goals. You'll learn how to read your dog's reactions and adjust your communication as needed depending on how your dog is responding.

Positive dog-friendly training. No shock collars, choke collars, pinning, intimidation, or clickers. We never use harsh techniques or bribe with food to extort good behavior. Our dog training focuses on using dogs' natural instincts to work toward a win-win situation for you and your dog. Trust, clear communication, and understanding produces longer lasting results than treat training or force.

Effective dog training. You will learn more in our first training lesson and get better results than in group classes that last several weeks. You'll be amazed at what your dog will be able to do once you learn to "speak dog."

Learn to speak dog. Dogs don't understand English any better than Italian. It's no wonder they can't immediately understand your verbal commands. We will teach you to communicate using the language your dog already understands, which is especially helpful if your dog is stressed or seems resistant to what you have already tried.  You will learn how to use your body language and voice tones to get your dog to focus on you and respond to your directions. It's really amazing for both you and your dog when you can finally understand what each other wants!

Adjusting to new dog/puppy adoption: Dog and Puppy adoption is at an all-time high - which is great! We have helped countless families welcome their newly adopted puppy or adult dog into their home. Not all dogs (unfortunately) have had the best experiences before you adopt them. We will help your new furry family member adjust to your home and establish a calm, balanced environment that you both desire.

Contact me today

What Makes Bark Busters Walnut Creek, Concord, Pleasanton Unique

Bark Busters is the worldwide leader of in-home dog training, helping over 1 million families and their dogs around the globe since 1989. We wholeheartedly believe in our methods and 30+ years of results. At Bark Busters Walnut Creek, Concord, Pleasanton, we clear up the miscommunication between dogs and humans at the root of many behavioral issues by teaching everyone to speak the same language – dog!

Our nurturing, dog-friendly approach teaches you, the pet parent, the same natural communication methods that dogs understand instinctively. Our efficient, results-oriented, training program prioritizes clear communication and leadership while addressing issues in the locations they occur.

This means faster, longer-lasting solutions for you and your dog.

Dogs learn best in a familiar, safe environment, free of outside distractions and disruptions. That is why we come directly to your home, on your schedule to build an effective foundation for better behavior. We work first to build an effective foundation for better behavior. We teach you how to communicate with your dog. Dogs naturally live in families and look to their family leaders for guidance, safety, and love. Most people don't know how to appeal to a dog's natural sense of leadership or communication. We teach you how to use friendly, canine leadership and to "speak dog" using your body language, voice tones, and timing so you and your dog communicate better! You will see results. You want to see a change in your dog’s behavior, preferably sooner rather than later.

Any Breed. Any Age. Any Issue. Get Started Today!

We customize our training sessions to achieve your specific goals and meet your dog’s unique needs. When you learn to "speak dog" the Bark Busters way, you get real results – and nurture positive relationships and lasting emotional bonds with your canine family member.

Learn More about Bark Busters


Home Dog Training

Our Services

Bark Buster trainers conduct the one-on-one training in your home, without the distraction of other dogs or the stress of being sent away for dog obedience training at a kennel. After learning in your home, our behavioral therapist and trainer will work with you as needed outside and around real distractions, once you and your dog are ready.

Life of Dog Support Guarantee

Life of Dog Support Guarantee

Bark Busters Home Dog Training provides a Life of Dog Support Guarantee that is unique in the industry. It is designed to help owners resolve their dog's behavior and obedience problems and to provide customers with the satisfaction of ongoing support and peace of mind.

Behavior Issues

Tips & Advice

We're here to help. From general dog training tips, to puppy toilet training best practices, to learning about various dog breeds we've worked with, Bark Busters offers our free tips and advice on common dog behavior problems and more.

Let's Get Started!

Connect with us Call 1-877-500-BARK (2275)or enter your zip code.

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Walnut Creek, Concord & Pleasanton Client Reviews

See what our clients have to say

Our dog Luna is an angel when alone with us, but is very anxious and loud in unfamiliar situations. A few sessions with Dan has made a huge difference! Luna used to bark at random noises, jump on house guests, lunge at other dogs, and refuse to go on walks. She has shown such an improvement in all these behaviors, and while she still has a ways to go, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our previous trainer would keep recommending harsher punishments for her, but we knew that wasn't what she needed. Dan understands the root of her behavior and gives us creative ways to help her. We really appreciate Dan teaching us to work with Luna's anxieties so we can all live a happier life.
2 days ago my 6 month old Australian labradoodle was like a bull in a China shop. 3 hours with Dan and he has gone from sassy to sweet. (See before and after pics below) After one session kona does not run to the door barking ready to greet my latest Amazon package. In one session and my 15 minutes of homework a day, he hears the doorbell he sits away from the door at a place designated for him and waits for me to come at my voice. It's pretty darn amazing.
Dan is the best! I have the sweetest boy, but his hyperactivity and anxiety were getting in his way. Dan helped me realize that with proper stimulation, everyone (including me) could see the best out of Charlie. Training your dog is just part of the equation. Giving them a fulfilling life is the other part. I was skeptical at first, but the results are more than I ever could have asked for. If you're struggling with an unruly pup, please call Dan!
We first contacted Dan last year when we got our first dog. Though my husband has experience with dogs, I'm a new dog owner and had no clue what I was doing. Dan was very patient with us, and like most dog trainers will tell you, was clear that dog training was really about training the owners and then us being consistent with our dog. When we contacted Dan, I was in a bit of a panic because we had rescued our dog not knowing that she was extremely reactive to other dogs while on leash. He quickly taught us how to address it - it wasn't an overnight cure and it took time, patience and consistency. Dan is very reliable and responsive - he replies quickly to emails or calls and always manages to find time to squeeze in a quick check in session at our home. He runs through training exercises with you and has you do the exercises with your dog in front of him so he can watch and critique. He comes to your home and works with you privately and in a way that is very tailored to the layout of your house, the members of your household, etc. I'm so happy to report that we can now walk her on leash without her losing it around other dogs.

Fast forward 8 months, and we were asked by a rescue organization to adopt a second dog. We met the dog, fell in love and took him home. It turns out that Dan had briefly worked with our second dog when the dog was with his former owners, so it was just amazing luck that Dan had some background knowledge and experience with our second dog. We worked with Dan again to help with some basic behavior issues with this second dog. And again, Dan has been consistently reliable, comforting and patient with us as we found our way with both of our dogs.

I originally had a little trouble with some of the methods Dan was teaching me - this is a me issue, to be clear. I really love that Dan was very supportive of me trying to incorporate elements of what he was teaching in a way that I could actually do. He was non-judgmental and always kind and understanding as I was finding my way as a new dog owner. Thank you, Dan!
Dan has been so helpful in achieving our goals for our dog. We are first time pup parents and a bit in over our heads. We thought Dan was a dog trainer, in fact, he is an excellent owner trainer. Yes, he has trainer magic and Charlie behaves like a prince when Dan has the lead. But Dan's strength is teaching us some of that magic. Thanks to him, we have gone from a house run by a canny border collie poodle mix to having a well trained, respectful, joyful companion in Charlie. At two years old, Charlie passes his Public Access test on his first try. Thank you Dan for your ongoing support.
My wife and I grew up with dogs and for the most part, simple training (house breaking, general responsiveness) worked just fine. However, we quickly realized that was not going to be the case when we adopted our good boy, Gus, from ARF when he was 1 year and 3 months. Gus is a Pitbull/Mastiff/Terrier and is much more active and athletic than any other we have had.

Gus has high prey drive, extremely curious, stubborn and independent, highly active and a bit destructive, and took some time to learn his new name (previously Catamaran and prior to that a number)

Given all this, we felt it necessary to call in help and it could not have been a better decision - Dan and the BarkBuster principals are a game changer.

There is no magic bullet and Dan made that very clear - it is on every Dog Parent to DO THE WORK!

However, with the the tools, knowledge and routines Dan has given us, Gus is able to have more freedom to explore and we are more confident in introducing him to new experiences, places, people and other dogs.

He went from absolutely ignoring me any time we went outside to a (developing) off leash dog who is hiking right at my side and extremely attentive to the core commands (Wait, No, Come and Heel). He went from not knowing how to play with other dogs and respect boundaries, to being best friends with a Dachshund and part of a pack.

When we first told people how much we were paying for training they thought we were crazy. However, these are now the same people commenting on what a good boy Gus is and how calm and attentive he is.

Some dogs can afford to be untrained (we have had them our whole lives). Gus was not one of them. And we felt we owed it to Gus and ourselves to call in help and we are so grateful we did.

Thank you, Dan, for giving us the confidence, tools and knowledge to live our best life.
What a life saver Dan is. I was at my wits end with potty training, and he gave me such great tips and the confidence boost I needed. Winnie is doing great, and responds well to all of the tools Dan has given us for keeping her on her best behavior and improving her skills every day. excellent communicator and easy to work with. Thank you, Dan!!
Dan is seriously a magician! He is thorough with his training and knowledgeable. He is personable and wants to make sure you understand his training. Within one training, I’ve got better lead on my puppies behaviors. Plus, if something arises, I can text Dan the problem and schedule something within a week. What a convenient solution! Absolutely recommend Dan!
We recently rescued a 1.5 year old Border Terrier from the Oakland SPCA. While we have had pets for years we have never engaged in any formal training. This time we decided to give it a try. My wife looked online and found Dan Lan Franco from Bark Busters. We liked his stated philosophy and certainly the reviews that he has received. That said, after the first session (2.5 hours) we were impressed with Dan, his delivery, the information we received and our hands-on training. We were amazed at how our dog, Perry, interacted with him and behaved. He left us with basic homework to do each day for 10-15 minutes, which we have done. We had another session 2 weeks later to check in and report that Perry was doing quite well and he continues to do so. Needless to say, we are thrilled with Dan and his methods, and we look forward to continued success!
2 days ago my 6 month old Australian labradoodle was like a bull in a China shop.

3 hours with Dan and he has gone from sassy to sweet.

After one session Kona does not run to the door barking ready to greet my latest Amazon package. In one session and my 15 minutes of homework a day, he hears the doorbell he sits away from the door at a place designated for him and waits for me to come at my voice. It's pretty darn amazing.
Dan has been so great with our 8-month old cattle dog-mix Minnie. She is a super-sweet and smart ball of pure hyper puppy energy, and Dan has a very gentle bur confident way of taking charge while still allowing her to be the curious and excited little pup that she is. He is very reassuring, practical, and enthusiastic about his work.. I know Minnie will have an even-happier life thanks to the solid training we're starting her out with. Thanks y'all!
Our dog Luna is an angel when alone with us, but is very anxious and loud in unfamiliar situations. A few sessions with Dan has made a huge difference! Luna used to bark at random noises, jump on house guests, lunge at other dogs, and refuse to go on walks. She has shown such an improvement in all these behaviors, and while she still has a ways to go, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our previous trainer would keep recommending harsher punishments for her, but we knew that wasn't what she needed. Dan understands the root of her behavior and gives us creative ways to help her. We really appreciate Dan teaching us to work with Luna's anxieties so we can all live a happier life.
We tried 2 other dog training companies before Bark Busters and were so frustrated with the lack of success. We were thrilled after the very first session with Dan Lan Franco of Bark Busters!!! Dan really knows dogs!! And the fact that he comes to our home where the behavioral issues happen makes all the sense in the world. Being with a trainer at a public park with the other companies didn't work to address our shitzu's barking when we leave the house or when a stranger comes. We are so grateful to have found Dan.
Dan is fantastic, we have been so pleased with his training. Our rescue has been very challenging, with anxiety, reactivity, and aggression. Dan is masterful with him, calm and very effective at teaching us how to communicate with both our dogs. The training exercises are clearly presented and effective -- and not overwhelming at all. It's basically just working a few tweaks into what you are already doing. The fact that it has such a big impact is a testament to Dan. We were not expecting such significant results already at all! Cannot wait to see Jun continue to develop into the calm, happy dog we know he can be.
This is the best way to get training for a wonderful relationship with your pawrtner.
This training is unique and perfect because you sign your dog up and you can continue the training as needed for the life of the dog. I started my great dane with Dan and we got a good start on basics. Next my dane was dragging me down the street trying to chase other dogs. One more lesson with Dan and she was a new dog.
I love that I'm not using shock collars or prong collars, they just didn't work for my girl. My prior trainer insisted.
Dan is the best. It is way more realistic to train over time, which this process allows and accommodates. If you have a big dog like mine, this is the best training you can get and my dog loves me for it :)
Dan is a lifesaver! Zoe is a 5 year old strong willed Corgi who constantly was barking, pulling, jumping and overall not listening. After the first lesson with Dan, my boyfriend and I saw a major improvement with how she was walking and she was starting to understand that she was no longer in charge. After our second lesson with Dan, my boyfriend and I saw a new well - behaved Corgi. She understands how to walk with us, she grasps that certain areas of the house are not her space but my boyfriend's and mine, and she is understanding the commands when we tell her not to bark. I did not think it was possible to see her improve and the fact that she did and turned the corner so quickly was very impressive! This is all thanks to Dan!
Dan showed up a few minutes early to the house And told me all about the program and what to expect. He was very thorough reviewing and showing me how bark busters works through non-aggressive training. I have a Jack Russell named Olive who is four months old and if anybody knows anything about Jack Russells, they are crazy active. She calmed down and watched and listen to his commands and actually obeyed. Of course the trick will be to see if I can get the same results. lol
Dan Lan Franco has changed our home forever in the best way possible! My husband and I were hesitant to do training since our dog is a 3 year old chocolate lab. We tried training her ourselves as a puppy, but it did not work out so we just gave up. After our son turned one years old, we knew she needed some extra training since us training her as a puppy was not as successful as we wanted. Not even 3 sessions in and our sweet girl is doing amazing!! She is listening 10x better, respects our space when we get ready to walk out of the door and is barking way less at visitors. We have more sessions to go but even our neighbors have seen a huge difference in her. We just got a puppy and plan to add him on to training because we couldn’t imagine live without Bark Busters now!!
I can not express my gratitude enough towards Dan!!! We got a new puppy and he was all over the place! Dan helped us so far with potty training, claiming my kitchen, front door and sooooo much more!! I constantly get compliments that he is such well behaved puppy!!! I cannot agree with everyone more and all that credit goes to Dan guidance and coaching. He always returns call/emails quickly when questions comes up between sessions. I highly recommend him. He is truly amazing!!!!
We rescued Luna 2 months ago and knew immediately that we needed help. Separation anxiety was our main issue to tackle and we had no idea where to start. We found Dan with Bark Busters and were able to meet with him right away. We love the convenience of having the training done in our home and in a one on one setting.

After only 3-4 sessions, Luna is a different dog. Her separation anxiety has seriously improved. With Dan's help, her leash manners, potty training, comfort level around new people, etc have all gotten better too. Dan is very responsive and has been great about creating a training plan tailored to our needs. We focus on just a few things at a time so that it doesn't feel overwhelming. He has a simple yet effective idea for every issue that I bring up. I highly recommend working with Dan!
My family is thrilled with our experience with Dan and the Bark Busters program over the past two months. We recently rescued one year old Maddi - a very independent and spirited black lab mix who we were told spent the majority of her first year as a stray. Maddi likely never lived in a home before, and had no experience being on leash. Maddi is sweetheart at her core, but as she got more comfortable in our home in the first few weeks we started to have some challenges with potty training, bolting, jumping, nipping, chewing, lunging at the cat etc. We do not have experience training a dog with Maddi's background, and knew she would benefit from some professional support to transition to her new life as a family dog. After a lot of research, we decided to try Bark Busters. We could not be happier we did! Dan is a treasure. He is knowledgeable, responsive, easy to communicate with and set appointments, confident as a trainer, patient as a teacher, and very pleasant to work with. Dan came to our first session ready to listen to our experiences with Maddi - he took notes, observed us all together, interacted with Maddi, and quickly identified her as a "front of the pack" dog. He explained some of the tendencies and behaviors that are characteristic to this kind of dog, and it was like a little light bulb went off. We were already on our way to better understanding our pup. We have met with Dan 4 times so far. Dan has provided valuable insights and has demonstrated really helpful exercises during each session that we can practice with Maddi to improve her behaviors and help her understand her new role in our family. We have learned how to become leaders of our pack - to "Bah" effectively, to claim our space, and to utilize praise and simple corrections to help teach Maddi what are acceptable and unacceptable behaviors while preserving her wonderful personality and spirit. We have learned how to support Maddi's leash training, and how to start socializing her with our cat so they can be more tolerant house mates. Maddi showed progress immediately, with significant improvements in her behavior after just the first session. Her progress has steadily continued over the last two months. After each session Dan provides more training exercises that are tailored to our goals, and seeks feedback in between our sessions to see how the exercises are going. Dan has gone above and beyond to make our training run smoothly. He has been flexible when our schedules have changed, and he even made a special trip to our home to bring Maddi a better fitting harness when we were starting our leash training. We are incredibly satisfied with our experiences so far, and are eager to continue our work together. Thank you Dan and Bark Busters!
Dan is a GREAT trainer to get your dogs to learn to obey their owners. He has helped us with a variety of issues for both of our dogs. Because they were both pandemic dogs, they had severe separation anxiety when we went back to work. We also had a hard time walking both of them on leash. Dogs are amazing animals that are great companions, but they need training to learn how to behave. And we humans need training to understand how to properly communicate with our furry friends. If they aren't properly trained they can exhibit problematic behaviors and they wind up being blamed for these behaviors. Dan really teaches you how to communicate with your dog. He spends more time training the owner than the dog, because that's really where the training begins -- consistency, respect and love.

As first time dog owners of two German Shepherd, we've had quite a bit of a learning curve. Without Bark Busters we would have continued to struggle and not known how to get our pups to behave. The BB method works. In addition to a solid training method, Dan is always available to help out if your dog is struggling with issues. I highly recommend Dan to train your dogs
If you want the perfect way to raise a perfect pooch call Bark Busters. I waited because I was embarrassed about my dog's behaviors and I shouldn't have. The dog training is easy to follow and it really works. Jules is 8 months old (we think, she is pound puppy) and we have People think she has been in training for years...
I was about ready to give up on my dog until Dan walked into the picture. I tried other trainers. I tried treat training. It seemed that Maude and I were on separate pages. Thank goodness for Dan and his easy-to-follow but fun training! If you follow his methods and do your homework your dog will start listening to you. No more jumping at the front door and barking at other dogs while we walk. Yeah!!!!
Dan has been working with my stubborn English bulldog for three sessions now and I'm so impressed with the progress! Before training with Dan she was incessantly barking for attention, not listening to commands, and all general being difficult. After the first session I saw a decrease in the attention barking! My dog immediately responded well to Dan and his techniques. While we are still making baby steps, the training has really improved my relationship with my dog. I'm able to regain her attention now when my anxious dog gets fixated on something, walk out the front door without her tripping me, and she's getting all around less bossy.

Dan focuses on how to communicate with your dog, establish leadership, and in turn trust. He teaches you how to correct your dog in a humane, but effective way.

It's not a magic fix, it takes time and effort, but if you're willing to keep up with the exercises he shows you, you will see important improvements for you and your dog. Dan is committed to helping your pet.

I was so worried about hiring a trainer and not having it work. I thought I would end up discouraged if I couldn't find a trainer that knew how to handle my dogs needs, but I can say it was the best investment in my bully's and mine relationship I could have made. If I get a second dog ever, Dan will be my first call to rehire.
Dan took control of Pepper's behavior the second he walked into my house. Pepper is struggling with separation anxiety and the ear-piercing barking that goes along with it. Dan expresses confidence and calmness. His techniques take practice but are easy to learn. Pepper’s out-of-control barking stopped almost immediately (honestly).
Dan helped me to realize how much Pepper's behaviors mimic my own. I am high anxiety; I hate leaving him alone and I constantly demand his attention. My behaviors taught Pepper that he needs to protect me, and that I will not be OK if I am not within sight. I need to teach Pepper to be my dog; my buddy and know I will protect him.
I am a new dog owner and Pepper was 1yr when I adopted him. He did not have a traumatic background, but already had anxious behaviors. The practiced techniques already have Pepper and me calmer. I am much more confident leaving him alone.

Professional Dog Training Near You!

Servicing: Alamo, Benicia, Canyon, Clayton, Concord, Danville, Diablo, Dublin, Hercules, Lafayette, Livermore, Martinez, Moraga, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, Pleasanton, Rodeo, San Ramon, Vallejo, Walnut Creek

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