Bark Busters Fairfax, Manassas & Burke Reviews


47 Reviews ★★★★★(Average 5 out of 5)

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  • Kerri
    11 months ago — Centreville, VA

    Photo of Bella Tommy has been fantastic to work with! Our biggest concern was our dog Bella's reactivity to new people entering our home. In just one session, we saw an enormous change. And one week later, we had another new visitor to our home. Using the tools we'd learned with Tommy, we had no issue with the guest coming in at all!

    Tommy spent a couple hours with us in the first session, teaching us some techniques to use (and importantly, the "why" behind them). He is an excellent teacher and it's obvious he adjusts and tailors his approach depending on the dog and the need. It does take some regular practice with your dog to have continued success, so make sure to consider that. He's followed up with us several times after to see how things are going and offer more tips, and has done drop by visits to give us and Bella more practice with having people at the door. We've had new visitors coming by our home several times after, and the difference in our dog is amazing. It's been a relief to us to know we can have people over much more easily. My husband and I said at several points, "Why didn't we do this sooner?" If you're on the fence about whether he can help you, I absolutely recommend giving him a call!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Pulling
    • #Other
  • Katy D.
    18 months ago — Springfield, VA

    Photo of Arlo We’ve had a great experience working with Tommy and our 7 month old pup! We noticed a big change during our first visit with Tommy. Our dog had pretty bad separation anxiety, and Tommy has been helping us to make changes to give him a more stress-free life. He doesn’t judge, and he’s very encouraging. He’s helped with other situations, like people coming to the door and anxiety at the vet. Not only did he show us what we can do to help our dog, but he’s great at explaining why it’s so important and how it works. We would definitely recommend Tommy and Bark Busters!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Jumping up
    • #Puppy management
    • #Separation anxiety
    • #Other
  • Jean K.
    18 months ago — Fairfax, VA

    You can tell Tommy was born to work with dogs, he truly has the passion and natural emotional intelligence. I've had 13 dogs in the past, none of which have been trained professionally. Ive worked with him with my two Westies (2 years old now) in preparation for good behavior around my 6 month old. He's also recently come over to help with my mom who is my babysitter who brings her 10 year old maltese who does not get along with one of my westies. Because of his training and support, our schedules have become SO much easier because all the dogs and baby gets along. I really recommend Tommy for anyone who has a dog- its been SUCH an amazing difference. Thank you so much!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management
    • #Other
  • Pam V.
    21 months ago — Burke, VA

    Photo of Trixie Trixie, my 5 pound Yorkie, was having a hard time adjusting to my newly mobile grandson. As he was crawling around, she would not stop licking his face and nipping his fingers while constantly following him around. Tommy came over and Trixie responded immediately. He stayed for a couple of hours to take us through a few scenarios and practice on location. Trixie and I both loved having Tommy over. He is extremely personable and very good at what he does. I highly recommend him.

    • #Chewing
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Recall
    • #Other
  • Jami R.
    24 months ago — Centreville, VA

    I needed help for my 7 yo AmStaff mix who had issues on walks. Barking, pulling, growling at other dogs. It cause anxiety for my dog and for myself. As a pit mix, she already has strikes against her and I wanted to make sure she was a great breed ambassador. She had a rough past, abuse, used for breeding, etc. She needed help and so did I. Well, I reached out to Tommy and had him come to help. After ONE session, my girl now walks by my side, happy, relieved, and looking to me for guidance instead of going off the rails. And yard barking! Starting to see positive results! My wonderful girl now knows to look to me for direction, instead of doing it on her own. cannot thank Tommy enough and I cannot recommend him enough. If you and you furry friend need help, Tommy is your guy! Thank you, Tommy!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    Trainer Note:
    I needed help for my 7 yo AmStaff mix who had issues on walks. Barking, pulling, growling at other dogs. It cause anxiety for my dog and for myself. As a pit mix, she already has strikes against her and I wanted to make sure she was a great breed ambassador. She had a rough past, abuse, used for breeding, etc. She needed help and so did I. Well, I reached out to Tommy and had him come to help. After ONE session, my girl now walks by my side, happy, relieved, and looking to me for guidance instead of going off the rails. And yard barking! Starting to see positive results! My wonderful girl now knows to look to me for direction, instead of doing it on her own. cannot thank Tommy enough and I cannot recommend him enough. If you and you furry friend need help, Tommy is your guy! Thank you, Tommy!
  • Stephanie G.
    24 months ago — Manassas, VA

    Tommy has made all the difference with our babies!! Our girl Rogue has done a total 180! She had a rough start before she came to us, but now that’s all behind her. With Tommy’s help we understand her needs and make her feel safe.

    • #Aggression
    • #Puppy management
    • #Sibling rivalry
    • #Other
  • Laila K.
    24 months ago — Fairfax, VA

    Photo of Ziggy We recently enlisted Tommy's assistance to help with training our 1 yr old pup and are writing to recommend him 100%. We had previously done group training classes with our puppy that he excelled at but were having more "advanced" issues specific to him. For context, he is a rescue from Puerto Rico and he's been at home with us since he was 2 months old. He loved other dogs too much, was scared of bicycles/scooters/anything on wheels, and was nervous passing people on walks, all of which resulted in out-of-control barking, lunging, etc. He also got to 50 lbs. so I was really struggling to control him physically, which was really dangerous for both of us. Lastly, he absolutely was not able to tolerate having guests over in the house when I was home alone with him and would bark and rush the door, and aggressively bark nonstop even when in his crate or a separate room. It got to the point where I dreaded our walks and was constantly tense, looking out for potential triggers. It was tough and embarrassing dealing with his freak outs and we were definitely the owner/dog pair that had to cross the street to avoid things he was fearful of or excited about. I similarly dreaded any time we did maintenance in the house, etc. because I could not have a conservation over the loud barking.

    After much research and some over-the-phone consultations with different trainers, we decided to work with Tommy mainly due to the stellar reviews and his ability to come to our house and address problems specific to our dog in his home environment (where his issues were the worst). Within 5 minutes of walking through the door, Tommy was able to help our dog calm down, something that has NEVER happened before. In just the first visit Tommy covered almost all the problem behaviors on my extensive list. Tommy gave us explicit directions and training techniques with notes for practicing to help us stay on track. He was completely judgement-free and listened in-depth to all the scenarios and problems I described so he could tell us how to work on them. He really seemed to understand what my dog was feeling and why. He taught me how to get my dog to respond to me with little to no treats. Immediately after the first visit, I noticed a HUGE change. We had a follow-up visit to go over additional things like recall, coming to my husband when called, reviewing ways to set him up for success with leaving him home alone etc. and to get an assessment from Tommy on the progress we've made. Tommy is also very quick/responsive via email for follow-up questions.

    From the first visit to the second, it's like we have a completely new dog. I joke that it's like he's had an exorcism- but really, it is! We are now able to have relaxed, long walks that are enjoyable for the both of us. We used to receive a lot of compliments from strangers commenting that our dog is handsome, but now we are able to receive compliments without our dog subsequently barking away said stranger. We also receive a lot more "I like your dog" compliments from small children (which our dog used to bark at). We even can pass dogs on the sidewalk that our dog used to lose his mind at. He has completely stopped pulling and we can have guests over with minimal reaction from him. He frequently "checks in" with us on walks/anytime we encounter something that used to set him off.

    I had seen many other reviews that mentioned changes in the dog after the first visit. I was skeptical because I thought our dog was so out of control, it would surely take a few visits to see an improvement. I was wrong- Tommy really has the magic touch that has helped our family immensely.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Recall
    • #Separation anxiety
    • #Other
  • April St O.
    4 years ago — Burke, VA

    Tommy has had a profound impact on our puppy, both directly, and indirectly by influencing our perceptions and behaviors. I had high expectations and was skeptical of them being even remotely met when Tommy entered our lives. But here’s the thing; Your dog is a family member that lives with you but speaks an entirely different language. And the only way it will really work, and to have a happy, healthy household for everyone involved, is to learn how to communicate with each other. You will not find another equally wonderful trainer for less money or a better “deal”. You will not find a better deal anywhere, because it’s the best, most meaningful, insightful, comprehensive, and limitless (for the life of your pet) training available. You get your money’s worth and then some, because training and communicating with your pet is a lifetime endeavor as things change and your needs change and evolve. Let my research and experience save you time and disappointment. I can’t speak to other trainers at Bark Busters, but Tommy Meyerhoeffer is the absolute best. Through all the ups and downs, stress and worry of the first year, I don’t know how I would have made it through without Tommy, who also happens to be incredibly communicative and responsive. Look no further. You’ve found the best choice already. You will not regret it. You will thank your lucky stars for finding your answer.

    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Puppy management
    • #Toileting
    • #Other
  • Chelly D.
    4 years ago — Fairfax, VA

    Tommy Meyerhoeffer changed my pup’s life and mine. Tommy gives you the right skills and tools to correct any problematic behaviors or to manage it. My (at the time) 9-year old American Eskimo-poodle dog, Noah, was aggressive (growling, lunging, barking) towards other dogs and food possessive towards humans and dogs. Tommy taught me which behaviors were normal for canines and what were manageable issues. The important thing I learned was that if you truly want change and to improve your pup’s lifestyle, you must consistently train them. Also, I saw improvements the same day that Tommy came to train Noah with me. Tommy took the time to answer and manage any issues that I had or thought of until I had the correct tools to improve my pup’s life and behavior. I really appreciated that Tommy is passionate about his own dog’s lifestyle as well. A year later, Noah is now living peacefully with his new puppy sister and meeting different dogs of different ages without issue. I couldn’t imagine that he likes his puppy sister so much, either...being the dog that has lived without other canines for 9 years. I am so blown away by this. I have such a wonderful life with my pups now. His pulling, lunging, and barking at other dogs is now much more manageable and definitely SO much less than before, now that I have the different skills and methods Tommy taught me.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Pulling
    • #Sibling rivalry
    • #Other
  • Laura C.
    4 years ago — Centreville, VA

    Have you heard of the dog whisperer? He’s real and his name is Tommy Meyerhoeffer. My daughter’s recent move into a third-floor garden apartment presented an unexpected problem: her perfectly perfect lab of 7 years wanted nothing to do with the open-riser stairs one must climb to access their home. We tried every trick we could think of over the course of the past few weeks and had no luck. Enter Tommy. We set up an appointment to meet at the apartment building. Spoiler alert: by the end of our session, Tommy had Duke up and down those three flights of stairs, no hesitation in his movement. Tommy moved purposefully and calmly from the moment he met Duke. He simultaneously led Duke and responded to him, adjusting along the way as he observed Duke’s behavior. He pointed out Duke’s subtle behaviors to me and highlighted what they meant. He was patient and resourceful, and Duke responded accordingly. In addition to helping Duke to meet this challenge, Tommy then guided me as I accompanied Duke up and down stairs, pointing out ways in which I and other family members could ensure a safe and stress-free continuation of Duke’s new skill. Happy to report that Duke is happy as can be to be reunited with his family and is a pro at those scary open stairs. Thank you, Tommy!

    • #Other

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