Live a Happier Life Together With Your Dog

Are you experiencing behavioral issues with your dog? Our dog-friendly training methods can help you overcome these issues quickly. We train in your home where you and your dog are most comfortable. With our efficient, results-oriented training program, you can achieve the communication and leadership you want with your dog.

Dog Training Services

Common Dog Behavioral Issues We Address:

  • Aggression
  • Barking
  • Biting
  • Change in Address
  • Chewing
  • Destruction
  • Digging
  • Focus & Listening
  • Housebreaking
  • Improving Confidence
  • Jumping
  • Leash Pulling
  • Marking
  • New Baby Preparation
  • Obsessiveness
  • Respecting Other Pets
  • Running Away
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Sibling Rivalry – in House Tensions/ Fights


Not sure where your dog could use improvement? Take our free behavioral quiz today.

About Kendra

kendra tycocki

Best Home Dog Training in Greater Lexington!

You love your dog, but feel frustrated and embarrassed by its behavior and don’t know what to do. Maybe your dog jumps on guests, fusses on a leash or pulls you down the street while you beg it to “heel.” Maybe your dog charges the front door with such exuberance you can’t open the door without tripping. Maybe your dog uses aggressive strategies against other dogs or people, or carries on whining and howling when you leave.

Believe it or not your dog can learn to be in a calmer state-of-mind and, thus, have better behavior.

Welcome. I am Kendra Monroe Tycocki, your Bark Busters Dog Trainer and Dog Behavioral Therapist in Greater Lexington. I am very passionate about dog training because I get to see seemingly mischievous and misbehaving dogs transform into responsive, attentive, curious, calm and loving ones. The relationship becomes enjoyable and more positive. Dog owners are relieved and less stressed and so is the dog. Since 2003, I have successfully helped thousands of dog owners educate their canine companions to be well-behaved, well-balanced dogs that owners not only love, but enjoy!

We educate dog owners. Imagine you are sitting in a classroom and the teacher comes in and starts speaking French. Chances are, you don’t understand a word she is saying. The same holds true for you and your dog. Dogs are hard-wired at birth to be dogs and the mama teaches them how to communicate with each other like dogs do. Then your dog comes into your home and you start speaking in English. Because dogs operate based on social order, he is sorting out who out ranks where and is testing you (and you’re probably a soft touch) to see if he’s in charge. Once dog owners learn how to establish their place in the pack as the “Top Dog”, your dog will gladly relinquish control to you, knowing that you will keep him safe. Then he will respect you and start to follow your commands and education.

We get to the root of the behavior. Dogs don’t just act out. They act out for a reason. A dog’s behavior is reflective of its state-of-mind. We will help you get to the “why” or the root of the issue. When we address the cause, the symptom/unwanted behavior will, with time and practice, be eradicated.

We only use positive, humane methods. Unless you own stock in a dog treat company, treat training is not the way to train your dog. You don’t see mama dogs walking around with their treat pouch on dishing out food to educate their pups. Treats can be used as a reward from time to time, but once the treats stop coming so, too, will your dog’s good behaviors. Additionally, negative reinforcement such as shock collars, prong collars or punishment can result in a more aggressive dog. Dogs are a conflict resolving species – they do not like to get physical. So, we needn’t get physical either. I will teach you how to get your dog to listen to you using a natural method of garnering your dog’s respect through leadership and using voice tones and body language to speak to your dog in “dog.” Yes! You will learn to communicate the way dogs communicate. Woof!

You will see results after your first session. You will see amazing results after the first lesson launching you into a foundation that we will build on to provide the lasting changes you desire.

Any Breed. Any Age. Any Issue. Because all dogs speak the same language, our dog training system works for ANY dog, ANY age, ANY issue! Puppies and their owners can start off on the right paw, eliminating behavior issues before they can even start, and old dogs can learn new tricks. Rescue dogs, shelter dogs, puppies and senior dogs, we love them all.

Contact me Today

Visit my Dog Training Lexington website

Association of Professional Dog Trainers Member
American Red Cross Cat and Dog First Aid

What Makes Bark Busters Lexington Unique

Bark Busters is the worldwide leader of in-home dog training, helping over 1 million families and their dogs around the globe since 1989. We wholeheartedly believe in our methods and 30+ years of results. At Bark Busters Lexington, we clear up the miscommunication between dogs and humans at the root of many behavioral issues by teaching everyone to speak the same language – dog!

Our nurturing, dog-friendly approach teaches you, the pet parent, the same natural communication methods that dogs understand instinctively. Our efficient, results-oriented, training program prioritizes clear communication and leadership while addressing issues in the locations they occur.

This means faster, longer-lasting solutions for you and your dog.

Dogs learn best in a familiar, safe environment, free of outside distractions and disruptions. That is why we come directly to your home, on your schedule to build an effective foundation for better behavior. We work first to build an effective foundation for better behavior. We teach you how to communicate with your dog. Dogs naturally live in families and look to their family leaders for guidance, safety, and love. Most people don't know how to appeal to a dog's natural sense of leadership or communication. We teach you how to use friendly, canine leadership and to "speak dog" using your body language, voice tones, and timing so you and your dog communicate better! You will see results. You want to see a change in your dog’s behavior, preferably sooner rather than later.

Any Breed. Any Age. Any Issue. Get Started Today!

We customize our training sessions to achieve your specific goals and meet your dog’s unique needs. When you learn to "speak dog" the Bark Busters way, you get real results – and nurture positive relationships and lasting emotional bonds with your canine family member.

Learn More about Bark Busters


Home Dog Training

Our Services

Bark Buster trainers conduct the one-on-one training in your home, without the distraction of other dogs or the stress of being sent away for dog obedience training at a kennel. After learning in your home, our behavioral therapist and trainer will work with you as needed outside and around real distractions, once you and your dog are ready.

Life of Dog Support Guarantee

Life of Dog Support Guarantee

Bark Busters Home Dog Training provides a Life of Dog Support Guarantee that is unique in the industry. It is designed to help owners resolve their dog's behavior and obedience problems and to provide customers with the satisfaction of ongoing support and peace of mind.

Behavior Issues

Tips & Advice

We're here to help. From general dog training tips, to puppy toilet training best practices, to learning about various dog breeds we've worked with, Bark Busters offers our free tips and advice on common dog behavior problems and more.

Let's Get Started!

Connect with us Call 1-877-500-BARK (2275)or enter your zip code.

Please begin by confirming your zip code.

Lexington Client Reviews

See what our clients have to say

As a first time dog owner who got an 8 week old puppy I was completely lost about what to do/how to train my dog. I decided to get professional help from bark busters and Kendra has been such a great source of information. I have used the techniques she has given me and it’s made my life so much easier. My sweet dog has been such a joy since. I also decided on this service specifically because the training is for the life of the dog. I don’t have to deal with several very different techniques or trainers; anytime I need help I just call up Kendra and she always gets back to me and visits with new training skills.
Kendra is an excellent trainer. She is very reassuring when I report how my training is going. I was able to learn how to be the Alpha of my pack. My 9 month old labradoodle is learning what I ask of her. My older dog is also catching on although he can be a little sassy at times.
I had a couple of questions after I started training and Kendra referred me to my print outs and also reassured me I was doing well.
I find this training to be a wonderful and easy way to teach my pup and especially to teach me!
Kendra is great. She is patient and supportive. She shows us what she wants us to do and helps us achieve success before she leaves. She gives us "homework" and is attentive to questions in between sessions. We have only worked with her a short time and we have already seen huge improvements with our pack. I would recommend her to anyone having fur baby issues. We are excited to see what will be next and we are hoping to have even more success as time moves forward. Check her out. We love her.
Kendra came out and spent so much time with us. She was detailed in each of her instructions, she was patient and helped us with each of our four dogs. We have jumping, barking, aggression and sibling rivalry issues and she went through it all. She was responsive to our questions and brought us helpful information. She has training and a life time guarantee. She schedules out so you know when she will be back and she gave us multiple ways to reach her in between sessions if we need her. I highly recommend her if you and your dog(s) need help.
We enlisted Kendra's help when we adopted our 3rd dog and couldn't be more pleased with the entire experience. While I have done dog training classes at facilities before, nothing can compare to having someone in your home, seeing the dynamic of your dog/dogs, triggers they might have, the behaviors you want to address, it was really perfect for us. Kendra really has a wonderful presence that our dogs picked up on right away, they actually all laid at her feet while we discussed our issues and what we wanted to accomplish, thus making me look like a liar about their jumping and bad behavior ;). Honestly though, it really showed me how effective her methods could be for us, she totally changed our view on interacting with our dogs and establishing the correct hierarchy in our home, it just made so much sense and the dogs pretty instantly got on board with the program. Kendra is just so calm and patient and in tune with all the dogs and offered great solutions when other issues arose during our training. She is also wonderful at communication, I could email her a novel and she responded to every single question clearly and concisely. Our most recent addition is a larger dog, which we have never had before, so it was imperative to learn manners when guest come over and it really has been so much more enjoyable to entertain now that we have implemented Kendra's methods. My husband and I enjoy fostering/foster failing and I feel so much more confident in continuing to do that knowing what we have learned, it just makes so much sense and we are really super happy with our decision to enlist Kendra's help, we can't recommend her enough!
Kendra Tycocki has been a tremendous help in getting our newest addition in line with the pack! We are a household of three people and three dogs. We reached out to Bark Busters because our newly adopted young female, was a little more challenging to train than my experience allowed for. Bark Buster's offers a lifetime program which is truly unique because new problems can crop up down the line - this just seemed like the right path to take. When Kendra came into our home, the tone was different immediately. Our female took notice and paid attention. From the very first lesson, our female stopped jumping and we got the tools to put in place that day. As promised, if practiced, we'd see a real difference - so true! Our friends have seen the difference and have commented on how much calmer our girl is. No more jumping, or excessive excitability. Just a happy-go-lucky pup that is enjoyable to be around. This is all without harsh punishments: just following the natural rhythm of the pack, by putting the people at the top, thus creating a natural hierarchy which makes life so much simpler for everyone! Thank you Kendra!!! The Kearl Pack :)
I think Kendra with Barkbusters is fantastic. I purchased the lifetime support. At first, I honestly thought I could have purchased a lesser option because her initial teaching to us and our dog was so successful. We went from having a super-active, wildly ready to party dog to a well-behaved, super-active, happy and ready to play dog. She responded so well to learning the door boundary that I’ve never had to worry about her trying to run out. Then over the years, changes have occurred (new dog in the neighborhood, Covid changing schedules) and Kendra has continued to be there. Often, the tweaks she suggests are quick, easy and effective. Yes, it’s because we put in a lot of work on the front-end to follow her guidance. But also, it’s because she knows how to teach us to redirect our dog for the specific issues she’s having. If we ever get another dog, I would retain her services again in a heartbeat. And if you just got a new dog or are experiencing struggles with a dog whose been with you a while, I would strongly recommend Kendra and Barkbusters. Money well spent for us.
We recently had Kendra come to help us with our dog. He was very rambunctious knocking people over with his 80 lbs of "love." He also barked A LOT, pulled us on leash and basically did what he wanted. Our furnace went out a little over a week ago and we were worried about the repairman coming and if Koda would behave. We were told it was find to have our dog out if he was friendly. We rang Kendra for back up and she told us to apply the methods we'd been practicing and gave us a few tips and reminders. When the man arrived we employed the methods and Koda did NOT rush the door. He went and laid down just as we had been practicing. There was no barking or fussing. Our walking has been so enjoyable and relaxing. No more being yanked down the street by "Koda Bear." This has truly been a quality of life change for us and Koda. If we never saw Kendra again it would be worth every penny we spent. But, we are glad to have the lifetime support if we need her. We highly recommend Kendra and the methods she teaches.
Our experience with Kendra and the methods she taught us has been AMAZING. Previously we had been attempting to get our dogs to do the right thing and listen to us by using treats or using commands. Often we ended up yelling commands due to frustration. Our dog would be jumping or barking and we were yelling SIT! SIT! NO BARK! NO BARK! It was like we were arguing with our dogs or barking with them. We were very discouraged. Kendra taught us the difference between educating our dog and training our dog. When we learned how to educate our dog using the "dog" methods it worked and we saw a difference immediately. MINDS BLOWN! With us being consistent with the education our dog has learned that he is not too go to the door when we have company. WE answer the door! He has learned not to be barking at people just walking by minding their own business. He walks without zig-zagging and pulling us along like he was walking us, which he was!! He has basically learned what is okay to do and what isn't okay to do and we don't have to "bark" commands at him. If he makes a mistake we can use our "dog speak" and get his focus and guide him to the right behavior. It's definitely different then our past treat training and command based training. We love it! And, our dog is so much more relaxed! We also like the lifetime support as we can reach out to Kendra at any time and she responds quickly and coaches us on what to do. Kendra is very passionate about what she does and she is fun to work with. It was worth the investment to bring peace, calm and more fun to our home. 10/10 recommend!
Our little Moose has pretty bad separation anxiety. He would follow us around the house like we're attached: we couldn't even take the trash outside without him crying and digging at the front door. When we would leave him in the crate to go to work or etc, he would cry the whole time(no matter how many hours) and dig and scratch to the point he started injuring himself. Of course we were starting to feel the stress from this, but we were more worried about Moose continuing to injure himself. That's when we found Bark Busters.
We had ONE two hour session with Kendra and we saw results IMMEDIATELY! Moose is already so much more relaxed being by himself. And we use no punishment, treats, or clickers! It's honestly like magic! I would 10/10 recommend Bark busters to ANYONE!
I highly recommend Barkbuster’s to anyone who wants to give their dog a fast track to successful family dynamics. While, to me, having a puppy is so overwhelming; Kendra put my family at ease when entering our home when meeting our dog for the first time. She took to our 13 year old son, and he looks forward in working with Kendra for direction on how to use different skills in making our dog respond in such positive ways. It’s so amazing how Kendra has shown how dog training can be so fun. Kendra is responsive, and has a true love for animals, as it shows. Thank you Kendra for training our our Dog. By the way, I don’t see how anyone could give Kendra under a 4 star rating after meeting her!
Our veterinarian recommended we get professional training for our dog. We were feeling very frustrated with his behavior and having no luck with our group classes. Our dog, Titus, is a 1.5 year old Goldendoodle with a lot of energy and intelligence. His energy (and now we know also his lack of education he understood) led to jumping, pulling on leash, listening IF he felt like, which was generally not often, never really coming when called and general across the board misbehaving. We were not really enjoying him the way we wanted. After Kendra educated us on how dogs think and communicate, we learned we were confusing him and he probably wasn't enjoying US as much as he could. LOL Now, we see the dog we knew he could be. Kendra was thorough, patient and walked us through each and every exercise with encouragement. She had our homework on a calendar for us to track, which was very helpful. She has been quick and cheerful in responding to our questions and never makes us feel that any question is a stupid question. We also enjoy the piece-of-mind knowing we have Bark Busters for Titus' life whenever we have a need. We like the fixed price and feel it was more than a worthwhile investment. Frankly, it came out cheaper than the series of group classes we tried with no real results. We are so happy and feel we are now bonding with our dog in a new and much better way. We highly recommend Kendra and the Bark Busters method. We only wish we had tried her sooner.
Wow! We just had our first session with Kendra. Amazing, a miracle, like going from hell to heaven. She showed us how to communicate with Riley. No punishment, treats or clickers. We're learning to speak dog. We know Riley loves us and is very smart.

She has anxiety, barks, jumps on people and furniture, is terrible around other dogs and doesn't listen to us unless it suits her.....until today. With Kendra's help and expertise we have set out on the path to a calm and happy life with our puppy.

Riley had a tough start to life. Her mother was killing the litter. She and her siblings were rescued when she was a week old. She was fostered by a wonderful young lady who bottle fed her. None the less, she has always been anxious and fearful of anything new.

We went to another trainer who was recommended by our vet. It was a horrible experience. She walked in the door throwing treats at Riley and continued to do so for the entire session. She wouldn't touch Riley or get near her. We were told Riley was one of the worst cases she had ever seen and she needed to be on medication as soon as possible and probably for the rest of her life.

Thank the good Lord and Greyhound we found Kendra and Bark Buster's. It is the difference between night and day. We are learning how to communicate with Riley and it's amazing!
Oh my gosh...what a different dog I have now. My dog, Bob, was a bit of a mess. He had anxiety, was hyper, didn't listen even for treats and was following me around the home like we were Siamese Twins. I couldn't even shower without him digging at the door. Kendra taught me all about separation anxiety and why Bob was behaving like a clingy dog. It was all about how I was interacting with him and not communicating in a way he got. She also helped me get all of his problems in order. I couldn't believe that within 30 minutes - he was no longer jumping or charging the door or following as badly on my heels. Kendra was patient and thorough and very good at teaching me! She also was honest and explained that separation anxiety takes time to correct, but I have seen a mass difference in only 2 weeks. She has encouraged me and answered my questions quickly. This was really her teaching me more than Bob because I was the one that was messing him up. Thanks, Kendra, for your coming to my house to help me and continuing to help me with any questions. You are very good at your job.
We cannot thank Kendra enough. Our dog had so many issues we didn't know where to begin. With Kendra's thorough and kind guidance we have gotten Hughie to let go of his separation anxiety, which was a major problem. As a bonus, he no longer jumps, walks great, listens to us and looks to us for guidance. We are beyond grateful. We were such a mess and so confused, but Kendra took time to educate us and get us on track. She also was available anytime to answer questions and coach us. Hughie is relaxed and happy and so are we! We have already recommended Kendra to friends and highly recommend her to anybody needing help with their dog no matter how simple or complex. She changed our lives.
Our veterinarian recommended Kendra when we went to him for help. Our dog, George, had some concerning issues as well as the fact that he just didn't listen to us. He would jump on us, guests and other dogs. He pulled horribly on the leash, which had injured me. He was demanding of our attention and a horrible beggar. He also refused to even do general obedience commands unless we had a treat and then it was 50/50. We were very frustrated. Within one session we saw a major difference because Kendra taught us how to think and speak like a dog. It was amazing. He is still a fun dog, but with good manners. And, now I can safely walk him. We like the lifetime support as we know we can ask questions and get help, as needed. Anytime we reach out to Kendra she gets right back with us and helps us get things straight. We are grateful, pleased and sing her praises. We have had two friends use her and she made US look good for giving the referral! Really our dog's behavior was the referral.
Kendra was excellent. I liked the methods used because my dog responded and I didn't have to use treats or be mean with physical acts or equipment. Kendra was patient, thorough and made sure to answer all questions. I felt like I was a slow learner (not my dog), but Kendra was happy to give me lots of encouragement and work me through exercises until I felt comfortable. Carter and I now walk without him being aggressive and without me being a nervous wreck. He also no longer lunges to the front door or jumps. His overall behavior is markedly better no question. I recommend Kendra and Bark Busters to all dog owners willing to put in the work their dog needs. It was an investment in sanity!
Kendra was very friendly, knowledgeable and professional. She was very detailed in her teaching and took her time coaching me step by step. I was harder to train than the dog...Paulie responded so quickly! She reassured me that I was doing good and made me feel confident. The more relaxed I got the more Paulie seemed better. She answers questions quickly and Paulie and me are doing great. We are much happier! Thank you Kendra for your kind help!
Kendra was amazing. She clearly explained how we needed to communicate with Sasha like a dog would so that Sasha would understand us. It worked immediately. She guided us through each task such as sits and stays, no jumping, stopping her crazy barking, teaching Sasha to not run to the front door, walking without pulling, etc.. She was patient, encouraging and even interjected humor. Sasha truly seems happier now that she knows what we expect of her. We are definitely happier! And, the homework was clearly lined out for us on a calendar so very easy to follow. We would highly recommend Kendra without reservation. 100% pleased.
We have already posted a testimonial or recommendation in regard to our original services and Kendra. She was awesome and then and cheered us on to success as we used her thorough plan she designed for us. We now face an unusual situation with our dog, Fletch, that is not even close to being in her responsibilities to us, but we asked her some questions and she has given and continues to give suggestions. She keeps thinking on it and trying to help us find a resource. She went above and beyond with what we hired her for and is now going above and beyond because that's what she does. She even called us today, on a HOLIDAY! This is why we love Kendra and Bark Busters. Thank you, Kendra, from the bottom of our hearts! You are the best. Fletch says thank you, too. Brianna and Bob Charles
Our dog, Mickey, the "Weiner dog" is 5 years old and we never got him completely housebroken. It had ruined our home. We are moving to a new home and knew it was now or never to get this right. Kendra laid out what she called a "proper plan" and told us we needed to follow it strictly. She said it wouldn't be "fun", but that we had to be vigilant. We are now six weeks later and Mickey is doing great. He now notifies us. We aren't letting our guard down, yet, as Kendra told us we need to slowly expand his space. He also no longer barks like crazy at who knows what. Our neighbors have made positive comments and brought us cookies and we weren't afraid they were poisoned. LOL! He isn't jumping on people and walks like a champ now with no more pulling! We will now move forward with putting down new carpet (we had old all torn out) and getting our home back to normal instead of organizing it around the dog! We can now get the home ready to list for sale. Best money ever spent on our home harmony! Kendra answered our questions after the lesson quickly and encouraged us as we stayed on course. She's the best!
Absolutely amazing. When we initially spoke to Kendra she explained they don't sell visits, they sell results. She wasn't kidding. We got results! Zoe and Fred's behavior was appalling. We honestly felt little hope after three courses of group training. Our family member used Bark Busters in Florida and politely recommended them when visiting after being jumped on and constantly bombarded by our dogs. Literally after ONE session our dogs are new dogs who no longer pull, jump, run to the door to bombard guests and they listen to us. Kendra was firm in letting us know that we had to do the homework to reinforce the results. We appreciated this because it would have been easy to slack off. She became our personal coach and trainer and held us accountable. She let us know to reach out immediately with questions and when we did, she answered quickly and thoroughly. The lifetime support, if we need more help in the future, gives us peace of mind. We recommend Kendra and Bark Busters without hesitation! We are happier owners and our dogs are happier dogs!
Kendra was very professional and fun. My dog, Sophie, is aggressive and also very shy and timid. Getting her to leave the house was a chore! Kendra was patient and explained what I needed to do differently to help Sophie. Our homework was clearly outlined and Kendra emphasized that we would move at Sophie's pace, which I appreciated. I also needed time to learn and am also caring for a parent so we need an individual approach. We have been working slowly and surely and Kendra is readily available whenever I have questions. She never pushes us to be ready for another session, but is supportive of the progress we make on our time. I am pleased with our progress. I would recommend Bark Busters for their approach, methods and results. I would recommend Kendra because she cares and is patient and never makes me feel bad that we may be slower than the average client. She respects me.
Kendra helped explain the fact that dogs and humans think very differently and in order to train you must understand this. Kendra was very professional, friendly, knowledgeable. She was very helpful and knew how to best teach us according to not only our puppy's personality but our own, as well. Importance of homework was emphasized. Repetition and ingraining an idea in a puppy/dog is important for future behaviors. We would recommend Bark Busters because learning to communicate with our dog in a ways she understands is valuable.
We felt we learned so much about how our dogs think and how our actions impact them. We felt very comfortable [with Kendra] we felt we could ask any questions that came to mind. She went over [homework] with us and explained how to do it effectively. She explained the importance [of practicing homework] and the importance of consistency. We recommend Bark Busters because we are very excited about the new better behaviors our dogs are showing!
We could not believe how quickly it helped us understand Max. Kendra provided with us with great homework and answered our follow up questions quickly. We recommend [Kendra] Bark Busters because anyone who has adopted a new dog needs to provide the best home possible for their new family member. Bark Busters taught us to be the best family for our new best friend. Thank you for helping us understand our dog and make our home better.

Professional Dog Training Near You!

Servicing: Berea, Bryantsville, Burgin, Danville, Georgetown, Keene, Lexington, Midway, Millersburg, Nicholasville, North Middletown, Paris, Richmond, Versailles, Wilmore, Winchester

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