Your dog loves
fresh air and sunshine as much as you do! Try some of these outside games and
activities to keep your dog happy and healthy. In addition, playing with your
dog enhances the bond you share and helps him keep his focus on you!
Freestyle Obedience - Take you dogto a large open area or yard and have him follow you around as you delivercommands such as Sit, Down, Stay, Come, etc. Give lots of praise when your doglistens to you. If your dog does not come when called, have him on a long leador in an enclosed area.Obstacle Course - Try setting up a tunnel for your dog to run through, poles to jumpover, or cones to maneuver around. Start with your dog on leash and walk himthrough the course a few times, until he gets used to it.Batting practice - Grab a bat and dog safe ball to hit across the yard and have yourdog be "the outfielder". He should bring back the ball before you hit anotherone.Hidden Treasure - Start with your dog in a Sit/Stay, allowing him to smell a treat,then hide it in the yard. Release your dog from the Stay and let him find it.You can make it more difficult by hiding a number of treats in advance. Scatterfeeding your dog's kibble at mealtime (throwing it around the yard) will keepyour dog busy for hours as he enthusiastically hunts for every last morsel.Group Walks - Organize awalking group for your neighborhood or apartment complex. Pick different places - such as dog friendly parks, trails and even the beach!Biking - There are avariety of devices specifically made for "bikejoring" that attach your dogsafely to a bicycle. Never attempt this just by holding your dog's normal leashin your hand while steering. Start slowly and keep the rides short until youand he gets used to it.Remember that
basic dog obedience is the foundation for having fun with your dog games and
activities should be fun and a rewarding bonding experience.
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