Stuff Your Turkey Not Your Dog

Tips & Advice → Stuff Your Turkey Not Your Dog

Are you one of the 56% of dog owners who admit to giving their dog table scraps from Thanksgiving dinner? After all, who can resist turkey and sweet potatoes?

Say yes to

  • Actually, turkey meat is a great source of lean protein for your dog once you remove the fat, skin and bones. Cut it up into small pieces and choose the white meat over the dark because it is easier to digest.
  • Dogs can also eat a small amount of cranberry sauce (watch the sugar intake)
  • Fresh vegetables like plain green beans (not green bean casserole) can be good for your dog.

Say no to

Unfortunately, this list is longer. For your dog's safety, avoid:

  • Onions, garlic, leeks or scallions
  • Potatoes with excess butter, cheese, sour creme
  • Grapes or raisins
  • Cooked bones (too brittle)
  • Gravy (substitute turkey broth)
  • Chocolate
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Alcohol
  • Unbaked bread
  • Sage

Don't buy certain plants

  • Poinsettias, holly berries, mistletoe and Cedar Christmas trees are toxic to dogs.

    A small amount of table food probably won't hurt your dog, but don't let him overindulge or he could experience vomiting, diarrhea or worse. Or if you have trouble resisting his begging smile, try putting some small pieces of turkey into Bark Buster's new Game Changer. It will keep them occupied for hours!


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