Technology and Your Dog

Technology and Your Dog. Using technology to improve pet care.
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There is no doubt that we humans are into technology. If we forget our cell phones, we feel naked. And where would we be without our computers, iPads and laptops? In fact, I read an interesting statistic the other day that there are more than 7 billion people on the planet today -- 5.1 billion of them own a cell phone, but only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush. Crazy!

It's no wonder then that the technology craze has invaded the world of dogs as well. At Bark Busters Home Dog Training, we try and keep you up-to-date on everything dog. Here's some technological innovations you might find fun, silly or just aids for keeping your dog healthy.

  1. Dog TV - Many dog owners leave the TV or radio on where they're away so the dogs won't be lonely. Now there's such a thing as a channel devoted exclusively for dogs that's only $10/month. As its founder says: "DogTV's 24/7 programming helps stimulate, entertain, relax and habituate dogs with shows that expose them to various movements, sounds, objects, experiences and behavior patterns, all from a dog's point of view." Move over Lassie!
  2. Puppy Tweets - Are you a Twitter lover? Do you like to tweet to let your friends know what's going on? Believe it or not, now your dog can Tweet too. Introducing Puppy Tweets which is an electronic dog tag that sends messages to your computer, then Tweets to you. Whenever your dog moves or barks, the Puppy Tweets tag detects it and sends a Tweet via Twitter. "As your puppy moves, barks, eats and plays throughout the day, motion activity is sensed by the tag and transmitted to the Puppy Tweets USB receiver on your home computer. Your dog's activity triggers one of 500 humorous Tweets to be broadcasted to Twitter. Set up a Twitter account for your dog and then follow their Tweets!"
  3. Pet Locator - There are many different products to keep track of your pet, some using GPS technology and others using radio frequency. One of the newest is The Zoombak Pet Locator. It attaches to a dog's collar and uses GPS technology to keep track of your animal's location. Anytime you want to identify his location, hop onto to or use your cell phone. You can also set up safety zones and request email or text updates when your dog wanders outside of these zones. The Zoomback is $79.99, with monthly service fees that start at $12.99. There's also the Loc8tor, and many more. Do your research and find the one that's best for you!
  4. GoDogGo Remote Fetch Machine. Does your arm get tired from throwing tennis balls? This automatic fetch machine launches balls more than 40 ft and is remote controlled. You can fill the bucket with one ball or launch several in succession depending on how your dog likes to play. The cost is steep -- $139.99.


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