Bark Busters Greenville Reviews


55 Reviews ★★★★★(Average 4.97 out of 5)

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  • Colleen N.
    6 years ago — Taylors, SC

    Photo of Biscuit When we started, Biscuit constantly barked aggressively at our neighbor or anyone who walked past our yard. Additionally, he would charge out the door whenever it was opened and run right into whoever was trying to get out the door. With Larry’s help, he now will sit and wait. When he is outside and we say “in,” he immediately goes to the door. He has also quit barking at our neighbors! We were a little taken aback by the price but now believe it was a fantastic investment. Clearly, WE needed to be trained!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Recall
    • #Other
    Trainer Note:
    Thank you Collen. I am glad I was able to help out you and Biscuit.
  • Michelle R.
    6 years ago — Easley, SC

    Photo of Samson The first session was extremely informative. Larry taught us valuable techniques needed when working with Samson. He has responded very well in a controlled environment (at home). We look forward to our additional training sessions and hope they will help him carry over his learned skills in other settings.

    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management
    • #Other
    Trainer Note:
    Thanks it was great working with you and Samson.
  • Kay C.
    6 years ago — Greenville, SC

    We were very happy that Charlie responded so well to the first training session. Where we see a lot of changes in Charlie, we also see a lot of changes in us. We feel very positive about this training.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Separation anxiety
    Trainer Note:
    Kay you and Charlie are doing great. Keep up the good work and he will get better each day.
  • Russell & Cindy D.
    7 years ago — Moore, SC

    JUST WOW what a improvement!! When Larry came to our house the first time Roux was a hand full form the time she woke until bed time. We saw improvements after the first visit and equal improvements after each additional meeting. Today we continue to work with Roux regularly and are still seeing improvements. Cindy and I are convinced "Uncle Larry" speaks puppy dog and understands their response. So if you need help with a unruly pup look no further than Barkbusters and Uncle Larry.

    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management
    Trainer Note:
    Thank you Cindy & Russell - Roux was a great dog to work with !
  • Cathryn R.
    7 years ago — Moore, SC

    Photo of Indi Wish I would have heard about Larry and Bark Busters sooner! Our dog is a new and improved version of himself! After two sessions, he comes when called, waits calmly when the door bell rings, and walks properly on a leash by my side. Most of all, my tool bag is being filled with techniques to communicate to my dog in the kindest, most effective manner. I love the reassurance of frequent communication with my trainer. I don't feel alone and helpless in the raising of my dog anymore!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Pulling
    • #Recall
    Trainer Note:
    Thank you Cathryn. I have enjoyed watching Indi's growth and progress too. Keep up the good work.
  • Cherri W.
    7 years ago — Spartanburg, SC

    I searched for trainers that would help me train my dog inside my home. I'm glad that i went with bark busers. Larry was great and ladybug is responding to the training greatly!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Separation anxiety
    Trainer Note:
    Cherri - It was great working with you and Ladybug. I enjoyed seeing Ladybug learning, enjoying the training and becoming a sweet loving dog for guests coming to your door.
  • Michelle K.
    9 years ago — Greenville, SC

    We are encouraged that this will help us with Charlie. We saw progress while Larry was here and we have been able to use the communication for other issues that we haven't gone over yet with success.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
  • Traci T.
    9 years ago — Greenville, South Carolina

    Photo of Quinn My dog is a puppy and I wanted to make sure that I trained him correctly as he is going to get bigger.I have only had one session, but so far so good. I can definitely tell a huge difference just after 1 session.
    Yes, I would recommend Larry, he is great with my dog and very easy to understand and work with.

    • #Chewing
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management
    • #Recall
  • Fran R.
    9 years ago — Greenville, South Carolina

    Photo of Luka & Nico I needed help with jumping, walking on the lead, and running the fence line.
    Larry listened to my concerns and walked me thru the training program and each of the modules.
    In one week - I definitely see an improvement. My trainer Larry Rudginsky was very helpful, very knowledgeable and kind. Larry was incredibly good with demonstrating good leadership skills while being very kind to my dogs which is extremely important. Did a great job putting it in easy to understand modules that were repeatable.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Chewing
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Other
  • Anna C.
    9 years ago — Greenville, South Carolina

    Photo of Brio I purchased Bark Busters Home Dog Training when I realized Brio and I needed a better relationship.Brio would bark, growl, and snap at people when they arrived. He would not drop or release anything in his month - he would threaten you with a growl and then bite. He also tugged on leash and refused to listen. I starting searching for trainers that fitted my way of thinking toward positive behavior and not harsh methods. Larry told me about his company and their methods and gave me the information I needed. From day one he taught me methods of positive enforcement, leadership, body language; that I use get Brio to listen and obey. Larry knows canine psychology and he had the situation under control from the moment he met Brio. After two sessions Brio continues to improve. Larry makes his instructions easy to follow and takes his time to make sure you understand your homework assignments. I feel confident that Bark Busters is just the right thing for Brio and he will be a happier dog because of his training.

    • #Aggression
    • #Chewing
    • #Pulling
    • #Recall
    • #Toileting