16 years ago
— Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey
Mr. Pagano helped us with our rescued mutt, Monk. Monk was found in Newark, NJ. And then relocated to the popcorn Zoo in Lacy Twp. where we found him and a boatload of bad habits. He was aggressive, loud and a little wild. ~ Today he is one of the best dog's we have ever known. Thanks to Mr. Pagano, Monk is calm, happy and very loving to everybody.
17 years ago
— Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey
Sasha, our six-month-old stray rescue, was a bit out of control when we first got her. She is a very sweet dog, but had never been trained in any way. We read as much as possible about training, but it wasn't enough, so we called Paul. Paul is courteous, professional, an absolute model trainer. In just one fun visit, most of hr bad behavior was eliminated. We are incredibly impressed and proud to have "the most well-behaved dog" people have ever seen. We get comments from all who meet Sasha and we credit Paul. Thank you.
18 years ago
— Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey
Although the rescue agency said our dog was "good with cats," he proved to be otherwise and we were terrified he would hurt our two cats. Nick helped us to understand "pack leader psychology" and with lots of practice and consistency, our dog now considers the cats a part of his pack. We even feed the cats in front of him, and he sits obediently, waiting for his turn to eat. Amazing!
18 years ago
— Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey
Hi. I have a 7-month-old Boxer/Lab mix puppy who was completely out of control. I had people actually leave my home because the dog would not stop jumping on them. He was so wild that he fell out a second story window. While the vet was checking him for broken bones (thankfully the dog was fine) he recommended I call Bark Busters. After only 1 session with Paul, I have a completely new dog. It was truly amazing the results we got. I took him to the park that afternoon to watch my son play baseball. Kids were running by and people kept coming over to pet him He was as calm as can be and just sat by my side. One woman even said, "This is what I want -- a well-behaved Lab!" It's been only 24 hours and peace has been restored to my home. Thank you so much, Paul & Bark Busters!!
16 years ago
— Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey
17 years ago
— Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey
Sasha, our six-month-old stray rescue, was a bit out of control when we first got her. She is a very sweet dog, but had never been trained in any way. We read as much as possible about training, but it wasn't enough, so we called Paul. Paul is courteous, professional, an absolute model trainer. In just one fun visit, most of hr bad behavior was eliminated. We are incredibly impressed and proud to have "the most well-behaved dog" people have ever seen. We get comments from all who meet Sasha and we credit Paul. Thank you.
18 years ago
— Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey
18 years ago
— Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey
Hi. I have a 7-month-old Boxer/Lab mix puppy who was completely out of control. I had people actually leave my home because the dog would not stop jumping on them. He was so wild that he fell out a second story window. While the vet was checking him for broken bones (thankfully the dog was fine) he recommended I call Bark Busters. After only 1 session with Paul, I have a completely new dog. It was truly amazing the results we got. I took him to the park that afternoon to watch my son play baseball. Kids were running by and people kept coming over to pet him He was as calm as can be and just sat by my side. One woman even said, "This is what I want -- a well-behaved Lab!" It's been only 24 hours and peace has been restored to my home. Thank you so much, Paul & Bark Busters!!
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