Family Time, All the Time

A Guide to Managing More Time at Home with Your Pet. Read Bark Busters Home Dog Training's tips & tricks for handling this uncertain time at home.
Tips & Advice → Family Time, All the Time

Dogs Looking Up at Dog Owner at Home

A Guide to Managing More Time at Home with Your Pet

Tips and tricks for handling an unexpected increase in time with your canine companion.

Recent events have led to a sudden rise in at-home time for all family members – including the four-legged ones! Moving work, school, and other responsibilities into our homes means navigating new distractions and tackling unique challenges for canines and humans. Luckily, we’ve learned a thing or two over our 30-plus years working with dogs to help pet owners manage the current situation – and even have some fun doing it!

Working from Home with Your Dog?

A productive work-from-home day can be a challenge if your dog is not used to your ongoing presence – to them, it means more opportunities to train you to give them what they want, when they want it! Carving out a dog-free workspace and setting consistent breaks for pooch playtime are just two solutions that can make a huge difference in a positive work from home experience for us humans while still giving our pups the attention they seek.

Indoor Games to Play with Your Dog

Pets love their outdoor playtime, but when circumstances won’t allow for it, a little creativity is in order. From Where’s the Treat? and Hide & Seek to Circus Clown and Recall Reprise, we have 10 of our favorite Bark Busters-approved indoor games to share with you.

Set Yourself Up for Success – Do These Things Now for Less Issues Later

One wonderful, comforting benefit of more indoor time is spending it with your furry best friend, but routines will eventually return to normal. Dogs are creatures of habit, and an abrupt change from lots of attention to much less can lead to separation anxiety and its accompanying, less desirable behaviors. Learning a little now can help pet parents prepare even the most well-behaved pup for the ensuing change in routine – and keep the good vibes going when schedules reset.

New Arrivals?

Home environments are changing daily, with many families adopting or fostering dogs and welcoming new puppies into their homes. Whether it’s the first of the brood or another addition to a growing family, we can help maximize joy and minimize stress. Crates and other essentials are perfect for puppies, and be sure to adjust your expectations for your new arrival, plus learn to manage interactions between pets for a lifetime of harmony.

More Complex Challenges? We Can Help!

More time under one roof may present a challenge for dogs and humans, but a little communication – spoken in a language dogs understand – can ensure happy pet owners and equally pleased pups.

No matter what the need, Bark Busters trainers are just a call away to answer your questions, offer support via video conference tools, and more – so you can live a happier life together with your dog! Find your local trainer now!


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