— Breed of the Month —


Who doesn't love a beagle’s doe-like eyes and happy, easy-going nature? Their cute, floppy ears? As a member of the hound family, they live to use their nose and love to eat! They are excellent as scent detection dogs at airports and can search out weapons, drugs, and illegal food items with ease. Originally bred in England to hunt, the Beagle has long been popular as a family companion.

It is believed the name “Beagle” comes from the Middle French words “bee gueule,” which literally translated means “wide throat,’ or perhaps more colloquially translated as "loudmouth."

Back to Breed of the Month

Breed Traits and Characteristics

According to the American Kennel Club, here are some breed characteristic you can find in Beagles. 


  • Height

    13 inches & under, 13-15 inches

  • Weight

    Under 20 pounds, 20-30 pounds

  • Life Expectancy

    10-15 years

  • Coat Type/Length


  • 60 Affectionate with Family
  • 100 Good with Young Children
  • 100 Good with Other Dogs
  • 60 Trainability Level
  • 80 Energy Level
  • 80 Barking Level
  • 60 Shedding Level
  • 20 Drooling Level


Beagles have been around so long that no one is quite certain of their origins. Similar size and type dogs were found in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC to hunt rabbit and hare. Early Beagles during Medieval times were small and stood only 8 to 9 inches tall. They were called "pocket Beagles" because they were small enough to fit into a hunter's pocket. As larger dogs were needed for hunting larger prey, these smaller Beagles became extinct in 1901.

The more modern breed which is larger in size originated in Great Britain in the 1830s as a cross between two breeds: the Southern Hound, and the North Country Beagle. A man named Reverend Phillip Honeywood of Great Britain started a breeding program and King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth I fell in love with the breed. Wanting to improve on the breed, Thomas Johnson produced dogs that were more stately in appearance and better hunters.

General Richard Rowett from Illinois imported some Beagles from England and began breeding what is known as the standard Beagle today. The Beagle was accepted as a breed by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1884.

Today, the breed is as noteworthy as a family companion as it is as a hunting dog.

The Beagle

Beagles are loving, gentle dogs with a fierce independent streak. As a pet parent, you will have to be patient and persistent since this breed is so strong willed.

When training your Beagle, always have him on a leash or he will follow his nose versus your commands and head off in search of an enticing scent.

Before you go over the moon for this breed, know that they love companionship and do not like to be alone. Therefore, separation anxiety can be an issue.

As Bark Busters trainers, we have seen Beagles plow through drywall when left alone for too long. To cut down on the destruction, Beagles need a lot of exercise, education, and an outlet for their energy.

Beagles are often known as the “Goldilocks” of dogs – not too big, not too small, not too aggressive and not too shy. Because of their acute sense of smell, they are often called a “nose with feet.”

Know also that they are so vocal, they might not make the best apartment dwellers… you can hear them howl loudly. For a dog its size, the Beagle has a BIG voice. A Beagle’s voice is not only typically louder than other breeds its size, it has a passionate tone that other breeds do not have.

The breed is multi-talented and is often used by U.S. Customs to search for illegal food, plants and drugs because of their phenomenal sense of scent. It’s not uncommon to see beagles in airports, sniffing around the baggage lines.

Beagles are also great hunting dogs. Beagles are fiercely loyal, highly energetic and hunt with all their heart. Remember, they were originally bred to hunt hare and rabbit. They are particularly good at being left loose in the field and hunting their prey without instruction. It is this independent streak that contributes to their stubbornness. This is in contrast to dogs like Labradors who hunt on command.

However, the Beagle doesn’t have to hunt to be happy – he can he just as happy on the lap of a loving dog owner.

Fun Facts About Beagles

Beagles are a beloved breed of dog that have captured the hearts of many with their adorable and friendly nature. They are well-known for their exceptional sense of smell and their playful personalities. Whether you are a long-time Beagle owner or are considering owning one for the first time, here are some fun facts you might not know about the breed.

Beagle Points of Interest

  • Beagles are scent hounds and are wonderful escape artists so a fenced in yard or a leash on a walk is essential.
  • One of the most vocal dogs as they bark, bay and howl.
  • Pack animals that do well with other dogs.
  • Eyes are either hazel or brown and look like they are pleading.
  • Most don’t like to swim.
  • Not great as guard dogs-they are generally everyone’s best friend.

Beagle Trivia

  • Beagles have approximately 220 million scent receptors compared to the 5 million in people.
  • The "Beagle Brigade" patrols the baggage-claim areas at more than 20 international airports and other points of entry into the United States. They are used for this purpose because of their appeal and the fact that most passengers don’t fear this breed.
  • The Beagle has ranked among the top 10 most popular dogs since its acceptance into the AKC in 1885
  • The “Peanuts” character Snoopy was a Beagle and possibly was the reason behind some of this breed's more recent popularity.
  • One of the identifying marks of a purebred Beagle is some white in its tail. It may only be a few hairs at the tip, or it may be mostly white, but a "Beagle" without any white in its tail is probably a mix.
  • President Lyndon Johnson had 2 beagles named Him and Her.
  • Although we know Queen Elizabeth II as a huge Corgi fan, the first Queen Elizabeth loved the miniature “pocket” Beagles.
  • Barry Manilow owned a Beagle named Bagel and featured this breed on his album covers.

Advantages of Beagles

  • Inquisitive, determined, loving, easy going
  • Compact, short-coated, easy to groom
  • Alert, curious & busy
  • Gentle
  • Intelligent, friendly and easily won over
  • Rarely shy or aggressive
  • Mischievous and funny

Beagle Personality & Temperament

There are two Beagle varieties: those standing under 13 inches at the shoulder, and those between 13 and 15 inches. Both varieties are sturdy, solid, and “big for their inches,” as dog folks say. They come in such pleasing colors as lemon, red and white, and tricolor. The Beagle’s fortune is in his adorable face, with its big brown or hazel eyes set off by long, houndy ears set low on a broad head. A breed described as “merry” by its fanciers, Beagles are loving and lovable, happy, and companionable—all qualities that make them excellent family dogs. No wonder that for years the Beagle has been the most popular hound dog among American pet owners. These are curious, clever, and energetic hounds who require plenty of playtime.

Beagles are often described as: “they never met a person they didn’t like”. They get along well with kids and other breeds because they are carefree and cooperative. In fact, the Beagle has a fun and curious nature, much like many children. They can thrive both in the city and country, although they do best with plenty of room to roam. If you are looking for a couch potato – this is not the breed to choose as they require a lot of exercise.

The two biggest dog training problems with the Beagle involves coming when called and walking by their pet parent’s side on a leash. Why? Because Beagles have their nose to the ground and prefer to follow that versus you! They will wander around whether supervised or not.

Some people will say that Beagles are not intelligent, but this is far from the truth. Consider the fact that they often get away with NOT following your commands. Beagles are free thinkers, and unlike Labradors who live to please their pet parents, Beagles follow the beat of their own drummer. This does not mean they can't be trained. In fact, the Bark Busters style of training which is based on the way dogs naturally communicate is perfect for this dog. Although training can be a challenge, with persistence and patience you can succeed. He will have to develop respect for your leadership and perceive you as the leader of the pack.

Beagle Health

Like many popular breeds, the Beagle has a number of hereditary health issues, like eye problems and allergies. Most reputable breeders now have their breeding stock checked and scored for these hereditary ailments by a vet. You can request proof that the puppy you are purchasing comes from parents that have been checked for these issues.

Because many other health issues are also hereditary, you should do some research on the ancestry of your puppy and any health issues of that particular breed.

Many rescue organizations also check for common-ailments before making them available for adoption.

At any stage of life, here are some of the most common injuries and illnesses you should be aware of when bringing home a Beagle:

  • Allergies
  • Cruciate ruptures
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Intervertebral disc disorder
  • Lameness and limping
  • Masses
  • Urinary tract infections

Common Behavioral Issues with Beagles

Beagles are regularly in the top 10 most popular breeds. Even though Snoopy is probably the most well-known Beagle, all dogs are priceless to their families. Beagles' incredible abilities really can come in handy - you may see them at airports as detections dogs, trained to find bed bugs and termites, and you may even see them as therapy dogs.

However, just like any breed, they present unique challenges.

Beagles are scent hounds which means that even more than some other breeds they are ruled by their noses. They will naturally follow a scent until they either find the source or they find a more interesting scent.

Due their prodigious ability to follow a scent they make excellent hunters and trackers.

Tracking is an activity they were born to excel doing. Following their noses however can make them challenging to walk.

Recall, or coming when called, can also be a challenge for Beagles. These are probably the two areas of behaviors that Bark Busters Trainers deal with consistently with Beagles.

Beagles can be prone to becoming anxious when left alone so, as puppies, they definitely need to be confined or crated or you may come home to find holes in your walls.  Their “chase first, ask questions later” has caused more than a few Beagles to run through screen doors or to run into glass doors that they forgot were there. 

They are short and stocky so, like most of us, you have to watch their weight as they get older. This can become a serious problem as it can lead to other health issues especially if they get lazy.

Bark Busters training can help you to understand your dog and how to not only have your dog love you, but to show him that you are also are a capable leader worthy of his respect.

Connect with Us!

Need help training your Beagle? Call 1-877-500-BARK (2275)or enter your zip code.

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Hear from Bark Busters Clients Who Have a Beagle

The methods worked very quickly and even my 10-year-old beagle picked up on the command's. They are quickly learning; I look forward to working with my doggies to get them over the finish line.
Amazing! We have a Beagle who has some severe anxiety. We tried as many routes as we could before Bark Busters to no avail. I was starting to wonder if I was just an unfit pet mom. In a few sessions and staying consistent with training, my dog is much calmer and even more playful. I would recommend Bark Busters to anyone.
Kevin gave my husband and I some fantastic lessons and advice for our 2 year old beagle mix, Smokey. He spent 3 hours with us going through dog psychology and helping us address basic behavioral issues, such as barking at strangers, exerting more control while on walks and establishing boundaries. He also shared some great training tools and toys. I highly recommend Bark Busters! Their tips and advice are fact-based and they actually work!
Nicole is the absolute best dog trainer that we have ever used! We have a 3 year old rescue beagle that would not let anyone into the house including extended family. She would bark, growl and intimidate any visitors and was completely stressed out. On walks, our dog would lunge at UPS trucks, cars, people and other dogs would create a complete meltdown for her. We had used a former military person who specialized in dogs with PTSD as well as another dog trainer and neither one of them produced the immediate results that Nicole has in just a few sessions. What I really appreciate about Nicole is that her methods are completely understandable and there is NO physical treatment to the dog. After the first session, my sister was able to enter my home after I used a few verbal commands. The dog was relaxed and at ease and so was my sister! I give Nicole top marks for her training methods. She truly loves animals and understand how they behave and react to certain environments! We also have another rescue pup and Nicole has given us tips that produced immediate results correcting him from jumping on people, on the furniture and now we can walk both dogs together in peace!
Tonight was my first training session with Kayla — AMAZING.
I have 2 dogs - both 4 years old (one with very bad separation anxiety that poops in my house weekly and one that will not stop barking when someone is at the front door)

I was at my wits end with my dogs & after my first session with Kayla, I actually feel hopeful regarding my dogs again. She gave us tips that I have not found while doing research on YouTube or Google - she is like a dog whisperer. If you can afford it or can save up to afford it, it is 100% worth it. The price honestly isn’t bad when you think about it being a lifetime of working with your dog.

She also gave so many amazing recommendations from food, treats, chews, dental health - honestly felt like a wellness visit - she is extremely educated and up to date on the best products for your pup!

If you feel like you’re not sure on where to start with training your dogs or if there is just something really bothering you about your dog’s behavior and you need help, contact bark busters and ask for Kayla if you’re in MA/NH region.
Kayla is amazing! She’s great at communicating with both humans and dogs. She’s been really helpful as my new rescue dog and I get used to each other and work through things like separation anxiety.
We had Kayla come for the first time this past Saturday. She was so informative and my husband and I both really learned a lot. You can tell there is so much passion behind her work. She was really patient as she coached us to begin training our dog, Ivy. We can’t wait to build consistent routines that will last with Ivy!
Kayla is absolutely wonderful. We have learned so much about dog behavior, nutrition, and positive reinforcement training. Remington has responded very well to her instructions. Training is just as much for us as it is for the dog. It takes daily work and consistency, she has helped us draw up a plan to keep on track. Highly recommend Bark Busters and Kayla.
Excellent instruction. Easy for us to follow and we saw an improvement with both dogs. Orlando is very patient, helpful and knowledgeable!
We just moved our 9 year old rescue from New Hampshire to the city and she is having a hard time adjusting to seeing other dogs and being alone in our apartment. We had Kayla come over to help address some issues with separation anxiety and leash reactivity. She provided us with easy changes to make throughout our day that will help her adjust to her new life in the city and help us to become Luna’s leader. She’s only been here about two weeks but already we are seeing improvement in Luna’s separation anxiety and reactivity. Kayla was so helpful providing us easy changes to make and I am already feeling some relief that Luna will be just fine as a city girl! Looking forward to continuing training with Kayla and making Luna feel safe in her new environment! Thank you Kayla!!
Kayla at Bark Busters has been instrumental in our training process. We have two Bernese Mountain Dogs, one of which has high energy and a bit of anxiety. We have been struggling with a few behaviors including, excessive barking, door control, and jumping on guests (from being overly excited). We tried a few different training methods and were not having success. After two training sessions with Kayla, we are seeing significant progress. We are very thankful and look forward to continuing working with her!
The Miracle Worker------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever felt as though all you efforts to help your dog behave and be a productive member of your family are in vain? If so...read on. There is a savior!
I owned two french bulldogs--Rocky--3 years old and Gizmo--1 year old. Sadly, Rocky began having seizures daily. No medicines or surgery would help him. He was rushed to the emergency room last February and passed, not from an unsuccessful surgery but from the seizure he had AFTER the successful surgery, It was not only a heartbreaking day for our family but for Gizmo .
Weeks passed and Gizmo became very aggressive to other dogs on walks. He'd pull on the leash and tried to fight them all despite his small stature. He'd growl, tug, and jump up on us as if to say-- let me loose! Taking walks along the beach used to be his favorite hobby.. However, he was walking without his brother. Days turned into weeks---weeks into months--- his behavior was getting worse.
He would bark at the mailwoman, Amazon drivers, UPS drivers, friends, family, and anyone who just passed by our home-- walked on our sidewalk... He was a different dog....
He also became very protective over me-his mom. No one could come to our home without him barking incessantly at them. No one could walk near me....say hello to me..sit near me.....kiss me hello or goodbye without him attacking them.
My son owns a frenchie who is 5 years old... We all helped raise Grooty. He frequents "grammy's" home... Not any longer. We cannot havr him here because Gizmo attacks him. He wont let Grooty near me.. his toys... his couch... his bed... or near any of us.. I can't even pet my son's dog. I had to tell him he could no longer bring him here to our home.
That was my last straw-- or---the straw that broke the camel's back!
I was hopeless and helpless. I didn't know what to do... So, I grabbed my laptop and "googled" trainers. I scrolled through pages of trainers and read reviews. Then, I stumbled upon Michael DiStassio's reviews from Barkbusters.
I began reading. Five star after five star reviews!! I regained my HOPE... Have I finally found HELP???? YES!
I found Michael DiStassio's number and texted him this story. I told him we just had had our huge Italian Thanksgiving Family dinner and my french bulldog Gizmo was biting my guests--my family--his family!
I proceeded to tell Michael that after hours of me sitting with Gizmo on the couch, him literally on my lap for hours, me forfeiting my dinner, I picked him up and placed him in OUR bedroom (he sleeps with me).
My kids were leaving and tried to kiss their mother good-bye. Not allowed. Gizmo growled and leapt at them. I felt defeated. I asked Michael if he could and would help me...I told him I was hopeless and helpless.. I truly didn't know what to do. Saying "no" to Gizmo never worked..."Stop" never worked. "Time-outs" never worked. Neither yelling nor aggression were my mojo.
Michael literally messaged me back the day after Thanksgiving.. He told me not to worry.. He could and would definitely help me!! "Don't give up!" he reassuringly said in the calmest tone. He told me he would call me, and we could talk on the phone and set a date and time. I was ecstatic!
Michael and I agreed upon a time during the week when my husband and older children would be home.. Michael wanted everyone who had regular contact with Gizmo to be present for the training.
Michael texted me a list of instructions before his arrival.. He wanted to figure out my little guy's "issues."
Michael watched as Gizmo barked at him.. he was a tyrant.. I was actually embarrassed by his behavior; I didn't want Michael to think badly of me as a "Dog Mom."
Michael asked us all to sit down and explained so many behaviors to us all that we were impressed! Michael concluded that Gizmo was acting out because he had lost his older brother who was the ALPHA male. He determined that Gizmo was a "BOP" (bottom of the pack) dog. He wasn't meant to be the ALPHA. He was doing his brother's job yet didn't have the ability to do it. He wasn't cut out for that job. But, sadly, he would have to be employed to do so.
Michael gave us some homework, being a teacher and a mom, I was familiar with the term! Michael told me that I needed to show Gizmo that I was in charge--not him! I needed to be the ALPHA/OMEGA--not him. Showing my fresh frenchie that I had all situations under control meant that he was "relieved"of his duty to protect... What an epiphany!!!!!
After a month or so of me practicing my new teachings, Gizmo was a new dog. He was more relaxed..no barking at strangers...no biting our family...no more aggression. Wow!!!! I had just witnessed a miracle with my own eyes from the miracle worker himself-- Michael Distassio
Very easy to understand concepts, good rapport with Jamie and her humans.
We have a very high-energy sporting breed puppy, and we reached out to Mark for help on how to curb nipping, jumping on people, leash pulling, and other puppy behaviors that we worried would become bigger problems as she got older.

Within just a few hours, we saw a dramatic improvement! We also felt very confident that we knew how to apply Mark's methods to keep the progress going. The training has made us enjoy our puppy even more, and she seems happier and more relaxed, too.

If I could give more than 5 stars, I would! I will not hesitate to recommend Mark to other dog owners, and I look forward to continue to work with him in the future!
John was very thorough and caring. He really helped us and I would highly recommend him to anyone.
Our follow up is critical! Took us only 2 weeks to layout our plan for each dog & implement it - works like a charm! Repetition and consistency is the key. The dogs know what to do, we were the ones being "trained". Thanks Pat!
After searching for months for a dog trainer, I finally settled on Mark with Bark Busters based off two things: 1. No e-collar which meant I wouldn't have to constantly be holding something and 2. A google review mentioning how Mark was up front and honest with a client and let them know he would not be a good fit to train their dog after meeting them. This level of honestly showed me Mark wasn't in business for the money.

I have an English Bull Terrier and they are extremely hard headed, stubborn and have never ending energy along with a high prey drive. I honestly did not expect much to come from just 3 hours of training.

Prior to Mark, my dog would charge up and down the stairs (knocking me down them twice), bulldoze his way past me to the door, bark constantly at any and everything outside, jump on everyone I had over, bark/lunge at the TV, and would drag me all over on walks.

It's been one day... ONE day and what a difference! It seems like I have a completely different dog at home. He has waited at the top/bottom of the stairs before being allowed up/down them. Has not barked once at people/animals outside. He has waited to be released before greeting visitors (and didn't jump on them!) and what was most shocking to me was he did not pull a single time on our walk today.

I have used e-collar training methods in the past and I would recommend Mark and Bark Busters over those methods any day! My dog is now receptive to me and my commands without having to rely on a device.
Joshua was excellent help and provided wonderful guidance with addressing concerns with our dog. He provided lots of information and training to address those concerns.
I cannot say enough good things about James and Bark Busters! My dog, Pepper, was extremely reactive to other dogs and would pull so hard on walks that I was often getting dragged. I spent eight months trying different training methods with little success—until I found James.

In only eight weeks, Pepper has completely transformed. After the very first lesson, I saw an immediate change in her behavior. Thanks to James’ incredible guidance and training techniques, she now walks calmly on a leash, listens to me, and—most importantly—we can walk around other dogs without fear of a meltdown. Our walks have gone from stressful to enjoyable, and I finally feel confident handling her.

If you’re struggling with a reactive dog, I highly recommend James. He is patient, knowledgeable, and truly understands how to bring out the best in your pup. Thank you, Bark Busters, for giving us the tools to succeed!
Absolutely 5 stars!!!
One of the best phone calls we’ve ever made.
We’ve only had the initial session but it’s obvious that Todd is a talented trainer. We’re very happy with our choice.
Natalie Wexler came over today and helped us with our dog Bear! She was amazing and I was so happy with every tool she gave us to help Bear! Would 100% recommend!
Natalie was the most incredible trainer/teacher that we could have asked for!! Our rescue puppy struggled walking on the leash before and had several bad habits that needed breaking. With Natalie's guidance we were able to rapidly see improvements in our dog's behavior and helped us understand her better as owners as well. I highly recommend Natalie for anyone looking for a trainer in the Eastern Shore/Annapolis area!!
Thank you for all you do, Natalie. We love working with you!
Joshua was knowledgeable, attentive, and eager to help us as much as our dog. We feel so much better about everything, and we are so grateful to have a plan that will help our whole family + Tucker included.
John was very knowledgeable and gave hands-on instructions with video. We feel confident in embarking on our new training routine.
John is making a difference with our puppy pack of 5. We are very hopeful!
My dog was a huge barking problem when new people came over. In the first lesson Steve showed me some strategies that immediately worked. What is amazing is they don’t involve treats or shock collars. He is patient and I love doing the Home work with my dog. We are on the path to a calmer dog and a happier home.

Need Dog Training Assistance with Your Beagle? Find Your Local Trainer Now!

CALL TODAY 1-877-500-BARK (2275)

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