— Breed of the Month —

Yorkshire Terrier

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Breed Traits and Characteristics

According to the American Kennel Club, here are some breed characteristic you can find in Yorkshire Terriers. 


  • Height

    7-8 inches

  • Weight

    7 pounds

  • Life Expectancy

    11-15 years

  • Coat Type/Length


  • 100 affectionate with family
  • 100 good with young children
  • 60 good with other dogs
  • 80 trainability level
  • 80 energy level
  • 80 barking level
  • 20 shedding level
  • 20 drooling level


The Yorkshire Terrier originated in Yorkshire and parts of Lancashire in the north of England. In the middle of the 19th century, when work was plentiful in the north of England, many workers travelled down from Scotland to seek work in the Yorkshire clothing mills, bringing with them their own canine travel companions.

The Yorkshire Terrier is part of the terrier group, bred to deal with rat infestations in the clothing mills that abounded back in 19th century Yorkshire England. Many of these workers brought with them several different species of small terrier type dogs. It was the mixture of these dogs and the selective breeding that followed, that culminated in creating the dog we know today as the Yorkshire Terrier.

Established in North America

The Yorkshire Terrier was introduced in North America in 1872 and the first Yorkshire Terrier was registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1885. See also what the American Kennel Club says about this breed below.

The Yorkshire Terrier

This month’s breed is the diminutive sized dog with the heart of a lion –the Yorkshire Terrier. These little “pocket rockets” are a determined breed. They will always attempt to hold their own against any foe and always “punch above their weight” in the dog world.

Affectionately called a Yorkie, they are extremely popular with both lovers of small dogs and those who suffer allergies to dog dander, as the Yorkie does not shed. They may be small but they have big personalities like most of the terrier types. They don’t back down for anyone or anything and are much loved because of their determination, mistrust of strangers and a size that is manageable if you live in an apartment or condominium.

According to the American Kennel Club, Yorkies were named for the English county from which they originally hail. Yorkshire Terriers were used in the nineteenth century to catch rats in clothing mills. Surprisingly enough, in its beginnings, the Yorkie belonged to the working class, especially the weavers; in fact, facetious comments were often made about how the dogs' fine, silky coats were the ultimate product of the looms. Eventually, the breed left the workforce and became a companion animal to families of European high society.


If considering this breed, you need to either possess a determined personality or a very tolerant one. The Yorkie will need management, especially when friends arrive, as they race to the door to see who is entering their den and if they approve.

They don’t need an abundance of exercise, but do love their walks. They should have regular controlled walks to help release some of their exuberance, but education and controlling their behavior on the walks works best.

The absolute worst thing you can do with your Yorkie is to try to pick it up to control it (something that the parents of small dogs commonly do). This type of action can lead to getting bitten or dogs running away to avoid the human hands. They love their family, but on their terms. They like to run the show and call all the shots.

They are one of those breeds that will have a favorite human in the household who they don’t like to let out of their sight. This usually makes someone in the household feel very special, but the reality is, the person they select is usually someone they can control.

This behavior definitely needs to be addressed or it can manifest into separation anxiety. Meaning, that barking and destruction could occur the moment you leave them alone. You also need to be sure that there is someone you can leave them with in an emergency.

In order to establish yourself as the “Top Dog”, you will need to provide a comfortable “time-out place” if you need to go to work or out for the evening.

In reality, you can’t spend 24/7 with your dog. For this reason, we recommend that you practice some good management of your Yorkshire Terrier for those times when you are not able to keep them actively engaged or have them close by or sitting on your lap. You will need to provide some kind of entertainment for them, something that keeps them busy and engages their brain. Be sure to pick an activity that does not over-excite the brain.

If you have a busy lifestyle, then consider day care or dog walkers. Always do your own research into the right people to care for your precious pet. Also check that they hold adequate insurance and have experience in dealing with this diminutive breed. Check out also what other breeds and the size of the breeds they might be walking at the same time.

Day care centers can solve management issues, but Yorkshire Terriers won’t always be a good fit for these facilities because of their personalities. So do your research first and make sure that the facility you choose understands your dog’s needs.

Yorkshire Terrier Breed Traits

Points of Interest

  • Fearless and tenacious for their size
  • Very cute
  • Average weight is 7 pounds and 7 – 8 inches tall
  • Not the easiest breed to train-but they tend to get away with a lot, due to their size
  • Don’t shed but do need regular grooming and clipping
  • Hair is silky like humans
  • Controlling personality-but so cute that most humans don’t even notice it
  • Confident personality and temperament
  • Good family dog, but they will have their favorite family member
  • Good with children when supervised
  • Energetic but do not require a lot of exercise – short walk each day
  • Energetic and athletic and always ready for fun
  • Very protective of the family, can be aggressive and wary of strangers and other dogs
  • Quintessential lap dog but must be on their terms
  • Love toys and games
  • Must be actively engaged regularly
  • Highly intelligent, with a determined will of their own
  • Barking issues are very high on this breed’s list of behavioral issues and not easy to fix without dedicated education and training.


This is a highly inquisitive breed that will be up for anything, so don’t let their tiny size fool you. They have a giant personality and they will be leading the pack if you allow them. They are capable of doing almost anything other breeds can do.

  • Great dog for anyone who wants a small, energetic companion that does not shed.
  • Lovable, lively companion, that can double as a lap dog.
  • Capable of doing anything, but not always willing to please.
  • Excellent watch dog
  • Capable of performing tricks, highly intelligent, and competing in obedience and agility.
  • Great indoor dog that can easily live in an apartment
  • Great family dog, but will be more attached to one family member.
  • Good travel companion, compact and easy to transport.

Personality & Temperament

The ideal Yorkshire Terrier character or "temperament/personality" is typically confident and outgoing, with an air of arrogance.

The Yorkshire Terrier is an active breed, protective, curious, and always seeking attention. They have a very stable personality and are mentally alert and emotionally secure. They are not your typical lap dog type, but quite willing to oblige when the urge takes them.

Yorkies will usually select one main person in the family to bond to and this is usually not the children. Therefore, very young children can be at risk of being snapped at and controlled by a Yorkie.

They make ideal companions for older families. In fact, many reputable breeders routinely only home them to families with children older than about 8-years-old.

Yorkshire Terriers are trainable as any dog, if they are not over-indulged and spoiled. If so, many Yorkie’s bark at the slightest noise. Although tiny, they have a giant ego and won’t toe the line unless there is a strong leader in the home.

They are a highly intelligent and agile. Originally bred to control rats, they developed a fearless temperament which can be found in their aggressiveness to other dogs. They are always on the lookout for adventure and maybe even a bit of trouble. 


Training Your Yorkshire Terrier

If you feel you can train your own dog, you need to be mindful, that any type of training you wish to undertake, you need patience, direction and know-how.

We speak to many people who tell us that they started a training regime, only to find that this made their dog’s behavior worse and compacted the issues or they were told that their dog was beyond help.

There is no dog beyond help! When a young puppy comes to live with humans, it has come from a strong cohesive family group, a pack if you like.

Their mother has educated her puppies in the way of the dog. She is not teaching them the way of the human or how humans think and react because that will come from their new human family.

Bark Busters believes that dogs are predisposed and hard-wired at birth to want to belong to a social group that has a strong leader at its core. It’s what makes them feel secure, safe in their environment, and less anxious, knowing that their needs are going to be met.

There are several different types of dog training available, such as treat training or clicker training as well as other types that use force or pain.

Bark Busters training employs ‘communication’, praise and body language, aimed at emulating the way dog’s naturally communicate. We speak to dogs in a way they understand and they respond quickly. We train in the home and we teach owners how to ‘train their dog’s brain’ and to look for comprehension, cooperation and understanding from their dog. Why in home? Because this is where most problems occur, where a dog is most comfortable and able to focus.

We believe that hands should only be used to pet and praise the dog and that no dog should ever fear being touched by their owner’s hands.

Treats might be one way to make the experience a pleasant one and might achieve that goal, but many dogs either come and take the treat and run off or they don’t care because they are not hungry and their human’s requests are ignored.

Either way, the treats have their limitations and that type of training does not offer the complete answer for all dogs. They prefer to be able to use a few simple commands and have their dog stop in its tracks, return to them and actually love them for who they are, not what they are holding in their hand.

Yorkshire Terrier Common Behavioral Issues

We get lots of calls from the parents of Yorkshire Terriers, as they are prone to barking and controlling their family. They are high on the list of breeds that are barkers and control biters.

They have to know everything that is going on and control the whole household. They want to choose who enters the den and what they do while they are there.

Generally their size creates more tolerance from their family, but some doggie parents reach their wits end and cannot take it anymore.

Barking in the car, barking at people on bikes, and barking at passers-by, is high on the list of behavioral issues that Bark Busters training addresses with this breed.

Dogs do not have great discerning abilities. They see something whizzing past or hear a noise outside their home and it concerns them. The Yorkie barks to let anyone nearby know this is their territory and that they need to be on their way.

How to Stop Barking at Passers By

You can try limiting your dog’s exposure to windows and limit their access to front door areas, where there is more likelihood of them wanting to protect that area. Things like doggie doors or crates (dens) can assist you to control the barking.

Barking issues should always be addressed when they happen and preferably when your dog is not in an adrenalized state.

To address barking, you must catch your dog in the act and let them know, via communication that what they are doing is wrong.

You should never try to address any behaviour after the fact or try to punish your dog with smacks or threatening behaviour. This will only lead to other unwanted behaviour such as biting or aggression.

How to Stop Barking on the Walk

If you have adequately addressed barking issues indoors with success, you should be able to then transition that control outside. The big difference now will be the fact that your Yorkie will be on a leash and possibly feeling braver since you are along. Dogs also have a natural response known as ‘flight or fight’. When a dog is on a leash, it has no ‘flight’ option. We will qualify that by also saying that we have never seen a Yorkshire terrier ever run away from a fight.

Using obedience, with commands such as “sit” or “down” while on a walk, only serves to make your dog feel more vulnerable.

When your dog is barking at people or other dogs on the walk, you could try a flick of the leash to indicate to the dog that you are not pleased with his behaviour versus the approaching person or dog.

This might sound like a silly thing to say, but many dogs will increase their aggression if they feel that their human is backing them up. This stems from the human’s inability to correctly relay their feelings to the dog. Remember, your dog does not speak your language, it speaks dog!

You must have effective control in the home first, before you try to control your dog’s behavior when on the walk.

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Need help training your Yorkie? Call 1-877-500-BARK (2275)or enter your zip code.

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Bark Busters Trainer Donna Ryan on the Yorkshire Terrier

This month I have a great story to tell that involves a rescued Yorkshire Terrier that we named Chowzie. He went on to perform on stage and completed 14 performances for the Illawarra production of Gypsy the stage play in 1987.

We first encountered the Yorkshire Terrier in 1987 when my mom Sylvia Wilson (co-founder of Bark Busters) worked as manager of the RSPCA. She was asked by the local theatre group to train a Yorkshire Terrier for the stage play ‘Gypsy’. The little dog had very little to do on stage really, as its role in the play was just to be carried around throughout the whole performance. An easy role for a little dog you would think and an easy task for the trainers, Sylvia and Danny Wilson and myself.

The first job we faced was to find the right dog for the role and we knew it had to be a Yorkshire Terrier.

The RSPCA never and I repeat, never had a Yorkshire Terrier surrendered to the Illawarra shelter in the ten years that my mom had managed that shelter. This seemed like a daunting task, but still she put the wheels in motion.

She went next door to the dog pound and told the pound manager about the breed of dog she was looking for and asked him to keep an eye out for one.

He laughed at her, telling her that he felt this was a hopeless task. He told her that he had never seen a Yorkshire Terrier brought into the pound in his 20 years.

A week later the manager of the shelter came into her office to bring her some good news. He told her that he could not believe her luck, but a Yorkshire Terrier had just been brought in and she should come and officially put her name down for it. He went on to say that he really felt that it would be reclaimed and pointed out that the pure breed dogs are not the type of dogs that people abandon.

Sylvia put her name down and waited the obligatory 14 days.

But amazingly, after 14 days, no one claimed the little dog, so she went in to purchase him. She called him Chowzie, the same name as the dog in the play

That was the good news. The bad news was this little dog hated people and most of all hated being picked up. It was now becoming clear why no one had claimed him.

We had our work cut out for us. Mom sat with the little dog in his pen for about a half an hour, finally winning him over before attempting to place a collar and leash on him. The big work of training him to ‘like’ people and to cope with being carried around was ahead of us.

Over the next few weeks we spent time getting the staff to take turns at offering him treats while they carried him around. In no time he began to seek people out and almost begged to be picked up.

One day one of the kennel workers told Sylvia that when they let Chowzie into the exercise yard for a run, that it took them ages to capture him again. He flatly refused to come when they called him.

Sylvia asked the girl to let him out into the exercise yard again, so she could go and start some recall training with him.

This training was the start of what Bark Busters does today and consisted of vocal corrections and lots of praise, accompanied by the appropriate body language. If you want a dog to come when it’s called, you must lower your height and use an enticing voice. You must never chase him because that only serves to make the dog run more.

After about 10 minutes, Chowzie was coming to her every time she called. For safety she introduced a ‘stop’ command, which means; stop what you are doing and come straight back to me. All was achieved vocally and without touching or harming the dog in anyway.

That night Sylvia and Danny took Chowzie to his first rehearsal. My role in the training was going to be more involved in the stage performance, when we reached the actual on stage training.

Unbeknown to Danny and Sylvia, one of the girls had loosened Chowzie’s collar, as she felt it was too tight. As Danny went to get Chowzie out of the back of the car outside the rehearsal hall which was near a busy highway, he slipped out of his collar and headed off in the direction of the busy road. Unfortunately, a truck was fast approaching.

Sylvia desperately called out, “Chowzie come! Chowzie come!” He ignored her and kept right on going. She then remembered the ‘stop command’ she had taught him and called out “Bah’’, (the word she had programmed him to). He immediately stopped in his tracks and came back to her. She was convinced that if she had not carried out that little bit of training that day, that Chowzie would have been killed on that busy highway.

Chowzie completed 14 performances and won everyone’s heart. We found him a loving home after the show with a lady who lived on her own and wanted a real lap dog and we knew that Chowzie had become the quintessential lap dog, that would enrich this ladies’ life.

The moral of the story is that it is vital that you train your Yorkshire Terrier to ‘come when called’ and other obedience training. It could save his/her life, just like it saved Chowzie’s life that night.

Case Study: Aggressive Guarding

Lucy the Reluctant Doggie Day Care Guest

Lucy’s family told us that she was a well behaved dog when she was at home. She never barked, she came when called, she loved her family and loved nothing more than spending time with them.

The only problem was they all worked long hours and they felt terrible about leaving her alone all week long. So during one family meeting, they decided that she needed a play outlet and booked her into a nearby doggie day care center.

Her first day there was uneventful, but the next day and subsequent days, she became a big problem for the staff and management when she started to guard any toy or water bowl in the exercise pen. She would growl and snap at any dog or human that came near. This was causing a big disruption in the center.

The owner of the facility rang the family and was threatening to ban her completely. This worried her family, as then it would be back to leaving her alone all day. If they could not get this issue fixed, that was all that was available to them.

Bark Busters was called in to help fix her behavior.

We started Lucy’s training in the home as we knew that the root of the problem lied there. It was easy to see what was behind her behavior at the center. She was in complete control of her family at home and everyone avoided her when she had a toy, was eating, drinking or just anywhere there was an item she felt should be hers. This was a complete surprise but it was something they now had to face; she was not perfect.

We explained that the behavioral issues that she had at home, were all part of the issues she had at the day care. She needed education at home and it had to come from her family. They all adored her, but they were way too tolerant of her antics. If they wanted to stop her behavior at the center, they needed to educate her at home, letting her know what was right and what was wrong.

Lucy was a great student and she caught on to the “resource guarding” training very quickly. The family took a bit longer while they identified what she did at home that needed addressing.

We helped them through the process by first helping them create a list of do’s and don’ts. Then we set about showing them how to address them in a way that Lucy would understand.

Once her bad behavior had ceased at home (with the owner’s approval), we arranged a meeting with the doggie day care management to explain how to address her behavior at the center. In no time Lucy was their favorite guest.

Footnote: Many humans will tolerate behavior at home because they feel it harms no one. They do not see how allowing their dog to get away with behaving badly in the home, can be detrimental to their well-being psychologically. A dog that has no leadership or direction is going to feel vulnerable and will want to act out. All dogs, regardless of their breed or mixed heritage, need education and leadership to keep them healthy and happy.

Yorkshire Terrier Health

Common Illnesses and Injuries

Your Yorkshire Terrier’s health concerns will change over the course of their life. A puppy might be more prone to a leg fracture while they’re still developing, a 2-year-old Yorkie may be more likely to show signs of dental disease, and a senior Yorkie is far more likely to develop arthritis as they age. Yorkshire Terriers also have personality and physical traits that may make them more prone to certain conditions—a bold Yorkie that leaps off the couch or porch to run around the yard may be more prone to rupturing their knee ligament.

At any stage of life, here are some of the most common injuries and illnesses you should be aware of when bringing home a Yorkshire Terrier:

  • Allergies
  • Dental disease
  • Heart disease
  • Eye problems
  • Diabetes
  • Luxating patella
  • Masses

If you are ever concerned about your dog’s health, your local veterinarian is a great resource—no matter how small the question.

Genetic Health Concerns

Like many popular breeds, the Yorkshire Terrier has its fair share of hereditary based issues, like luxating patella. Most reputable breeders now have their breeding stock checked and scored for these hereditary ailments by a vet. You can request proof that the puppy you are purchasing comes from parents that have been checked for these issues. Because many other health issues are also hereditary, you should do some research on the ancestry of your puppy and any health issues of that particular breed.

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Hear from Bark Busters Clients Who Have a Yorkshire Terrier

Trixie, my 5 pound Yorkie, was having a hard time adjusting to my newly mobile grandson. As he was crawling around, she would not stop licking his face and nipping his fingers while constantly following him around. Tommy came over and Trixie responded immediately. He stayed for a couple of hours to take us through a few scenarios and practice on location. Trixie and I both loved having Tommy over. He is extremely personable and very good at what he does. I highly recommend him.
I thought I could train my 2 Yorkie puppies myself but they proved me wrong, they are just 5 months old but with every passing day they became just a bit more crazy & not listening, with full attention & treats they do well, but obviously I can't carry treats with me all the time, not that it would matter because when they're crazy they're uncontrollable, our biggest issue was the pups chasing the cats, they saw them as big toys, James explained "dog" speak to us & how to start gaining some control, I must say the pups are doing pretty well, but the adults still need some work, but we're trying, the night after the 1st session I woke to find the pups sleeping on the bed but the amazing part was the cat was sleeping on the bed within inches of them, that never would have happened before; the pups & people, have a long way to go but I know we'll get there, especially as they grow older; making the 1st call & speaking with Michelle was very encouraging & James has reached out several times for support & encouragement, it's nice to know that all I have to do is make a phone call if I need help in between sessions, I can't say how things will be in the future but I'm hopeful, as of now I would definitely recommend giving Bark Busters a try
Highly Effective Dog Training Experience with John Corr

I recently had the pleasure of working with John Corr, a remarkable and experienced dog trainer, who provided training for my two Yorkies in the comfort of my own home. I cannot express enough how impressed I am with the results and the positive impact it has had on my dogs' behavior.

Prior to John's intervention, my Yorkies were struggling with excessive barking and anxiety when they saw our neighbors or encountered unfamiliar dogs. It was a constant source of stress for both my dogs and myself. However, after just one session with John, I witnessed incredible transformations.

John's expertise and unique approach to dog training were truly remarkable. He not only addressed the specific issues we were facing but also taught us effective communication techniques that resonated with our dogs. His ability to literally speak to our dogs in a way they understood was awe-inspiring.

The results were immediate and astounding. My Yorkies no longer bark incessantly at passing bicycles or larger dogs. Their anxiety has significantly reduced, allowing them to remain calm and composed in situations that previously triggered distress.

What impressed me most about John's training style was his ability to tailor the session to meet our specific needs. He took the time to understand the root causes of the barking and anxiety and provided us with practical techniques and strategies to address them effectively. His patience, knowledge, and genuine passion for helping dogs and their owners create a harmonious bond were evident throughout the session.

I wholeheartedly recommend John Corr as a dog trainer. His expertise, professionalism, and exceptional results speak for themselves. If you're seeking a skilled trainer who can transform your dog's behavior and provide valuable guidance, John is the person to turn to. I am incredibly grateful for his expertise and the positive impact he has made on the lives of my beloved Yorkies.

Thank you, John, for your exceptional training skills and for empowering us with the tools to create a peaceful and harmonious environment for our furry companions.
Best thing I've ever done for myself and my dogs! I have a Yorkshire terrier and a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix and I absolutely love them, but I felt as if they took over my entire life. Leaving the house for work in the morning, or leaving for anything, gave me so much anxiety because they would start whining and barking. I tried several things and it either didn't help or made it worse. I felt bad because I didn't want to upset the neighbors and I hated that my dogs got so anxious whenever I would leave them alone. After one training session with Cody, my dogs don't make any noise when I leave and I couldn't believe it happened that fast! Cody was very pleasant to work with and took the time to address all of my questions and concerns during and after the training session. I am absolutely amazed how much my life has improved by learning how to properly communicate with my dogs. I look forward to working with Cody in the future so I can continue to improve my relationship with my dogs.
Orlando is amazing!!! We've seen such improvement with our dogs in one day. Orlando is a professional who is well educated in his profession. We feel so at peace now regarding our dogs safety and future.
Very informative with training our Draco. Will refer Barkbusters & Orlando to others. We are very pleased with Barkbusters and Orlando very personable.
It was super helpful understanding the dynamics at play in the home and how we are unknowingly contributing to Georgie's belief that he is the leader. I'm looking forward to implementing the tips Carrie showed us!
We had a great session! Our dog is already responding to the exercises and Carrie was great with her. Carrie was very helpful to us humans too with how best to interact with our dog for consistent results. I'm shocked by how well our dog is behaving already and can't wait to see how she improves with continued practice.
Loved working with Jared with our 2 year old Mini Aussie with reactivity issues. As many others have mentioned, there is no quick fix to these type of problems but Jared is great at providing a really unique and thorough perspective to look at your pet's issues! We use his techniques daily and his method of thinking like a dog has really helped us. Beyond that, he is easy to work with on scheduling and follows up regularly. Highly recommend!
We recently had the opportunity to work with Jared. What a terrific trainer! The results we experienced with our dog Franklin far exceeded our greatest hopes. He is much more relaxed, responsive to us, and his behavioral issues with other dogs have mostly been resolved. Best of all, Jared shared his expertise with us to help us continue working effectively with Franklin on our own. Jared's love and understanding of dogs made all this possible. We recommend him highly!
We feel confident in the tools we were given by Pascha and look forward to applying them moving into this season with Polly.
We couldn’t be happier with the progress our dogs have made thanks to Jared! We started our journey with Jared last December, and from the start, he was incredibly understanding of the issues we were facing. Our dogs were experiencing serious sibling rivalry that led to intense fights, so we had to keep them apart. We also mentioned to Jared that neither of our dogs had any prior obedience training, to which he assured us that it would not be an issue and he would be happy to work on that as well.

During our first couple of sessions, Jared focused on basic obedience training, which we diligently put into practice at home. We truly believe that it was this consistent obedience training, along with our commitment, that helped slowly reduce the sibling rivalry. Over time, the fights have been reduced to zero, we no longer separate them and they play together once again! Of course with a watchful eye to make sure no tension arises.

Jared has been so understanding and patient with both us and our dogs, and it really feels like he’s become part of the family. If you’re thinking about giving him a shot, we highly recommend it! Just keep in mind that progress takes time, so be patient with your pet(s) and yourself. It takes commitment from both you and your dog, but it’s absolutely worth it. We still have a long journey ahead with Jared but we couldn’t be more excited for it!

Picture: Our adorable dogs Biscuit (left) & Koffee (right) relaxing next to each other once again!
My dogs responded well to the commands and showed reasonable improvement. The session was engaging and positive. I appreciated the structured approach.
We noticed an immediate change in Kody's behavior. Joshua was great at teaching us the proper body language and tone so our pup would understand. So happy we decided to work with Joshua!
We described our dog's behavior and shared the goals we wanted to accomplish with reactivity and Bark Busters gave us clear insight on how to be successful. Demonstrations were provided and we got the chance to apply those techniques on our dog ourselves with visible results!
I saw noticeable difference in Toby's behavior today - I feel I've been given some great tools to improve our behavior.
Amazing improvement
Trainer worked fast and well with me and my dogs
Trainers are very professional and experienced
Deb is very knowledgeable and our family needed this in depth education. Deb's observations gave us a few quick changes that worked along with our mutual understanding why it is best for our dog to be her leader! Deb agreed to support us going forward and the price was worth it to have her help us.
The biggest lesson I learned today was posture and intensity make a difference.
I was very skeptical that it would work, but within a few minutes, she started responding. By the end of the training, she stopped barking
Josh was great. We saw noticeable improvement while he was here with regards to barking! We look forward to putting the training in to use. Thank you, Josh!
Just had my initial meeting with Deb and 100% recommend! She explained everything thoroughly and took my questions/concerns seriously while giving me guidance on how to address them. She showed me the techniques and I have seen great response from my girl in such a short time and cannot wait to keep working with her!
Both Angelina, my daughter, & I cannot believe the difference in US, as leaders, & Millie, as the perfect student since your precious, calm, professional, friendly, fabulous husband Mike arrived this week!!!! Like he said, “No one is late to the party, they just suffer longer than they need to!” … as for Angelina, she will be on track the rest of her life with this approach & ‘tools’ in her mind! She even mentioned it to her sister, who came in last night with her Maine Coon cat, Phoebe, & WOW all around positive changes that she noticed all night long!!!
She loved hearing about it & also amazed what a difference in just ONE session!!!!
I can finally have family and friends come over without my dogs going crazy. My nephew and friends stopped coming over because my dogs would go crazy, barking and jumping up on them. I had people tell me I have little dogs and that’s just how they are. Put them in a crate and get them a collar to buzz and beep to correct that behavior. That’s all you can do. Pascha showed me different. Pascha was amazing. He explained things clearly, and was very professional. He followed up with me and I let him know how things were progressing. The one dog trying to attack the washing machine and vacuum cleaner, done. The bad crazy behaviors are gone. Things are so much nicer now, thanks to Pascha
John was very knowledgeable, personable, and a dog lover. He taught us effectively and efficiently. Now it's up to us to continue the new lifestyle.
Excellent help. Very clear instructions. Immediate results.
It was incredible to see the immediate results. I have a lot more confidence in her ability to live a calm and happy life. John was amazing! I wish I could have him work with my entire family's dogs.
We had a wonderful experience with John and looking forward to continue working together.

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