Bark Busters Charlotte, Fort Mill & Waxhaw Reviews


60 Reviews ★★★★★(Average 4.98 out of 5)

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  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Charlotte South

    Photo of I had a 2 year old Schnauzer/Shih Tzu mix that I obtained from a rescue facility. At the time, I couldn't understand why anybody would leave a great dog like that at a shelter... until somebody came to my house. She bit my visitor! Actually, she bit 7 visitors over the next few months. She also would almost go insane at the sight of another dog anywhere on "her" street. I was desperate as I was sure it was just a matter of a few months before I would start hearing from somebody's lawyer. I called Bark Busters. Ms. Price came out to the house and spent a morning with me and Bowser (yeah, I know: odd name). That was the LAST TIME I had a behavioral problem with her. Suddenly she caught on to the concept of walking on heel. She no longer defended the street or even my house. She was friendly with visitors and incurably inquisitive. I took to walking her without a leash and simply used voice commands to control her. Amazingly enough, I could stop her from chasing a cat simply by telling her "NO", though I had to do it before she got a full head of steam. After all, she was a terrier... anything that moved was potentially something to chase. But she had no violence in her any more. Even when she caught a cat it was just to play. I had to put Bowser down a few months ago at the age of 10 because of a neck injury and I miss her tremendously. Nobody in my new neighborhood can believe that she was the dog I described from so many years ago. She was so well behaved. The amazing thing was this complete turn around was from one session! Even though I was offered lifetime services, I never needed them. Bowser was an absolute joy once we came to an understanding as to who ran the pack.

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Charlotte South

    It is hard to overstate how wonderful Christie was as a trainer and friend. We had four standard poodles when we called her into a very difficult situation. She dealt with a health impaired owner, recalcitrant spouse, oblivous support team and a suspicious group of animals. She was dedicated to achieving success with us and commited way more time, energy and love than she should of. Our dogs love her as do we. I cannot imagine a better trainer and recommend her to the highest degree!

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Charlotte South

    Photo of We presented Christie with a rather unique situation, but she was determined to help us achieve success. I am so happy to say that we have, with her help. We had adopted a blind Springer Spaniel who developed severe separation anxiety after we had to put her companion down. She is normally a very docile, sweet little girl, but no matter what I tried, she would turn into a drooling, frantic, hot mess whenever I left the house. It got so bad that she was ripping trim from the door, and I was becoming a prisoner in my own home. We even tried anti-anxiety meds prescribed by our vet, with absolutely no success. Zinny didn't exhibit the normal separation anxiety symptoms, but Christie spent long hours with us and followed up with phone calls, which I must say was very comforting for me in my desperation. Her work ethic is superb. After we worked with Zinny for several weeks, we felt it was time to introduce a new pack member. Christie offered to help us with our choice and today we have Jet, who is the perfect companion for Zinny. We no longer have to worry when we leave, because they keep each other content. I can't say enough about Christie, her expertise and knowledge!

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Charlotte South

    Christie is a miracle worker! Our 9 year old dog Riley has accomplished so much in just 2 visits. Our dog is doing things now that I never imagined she would be able to do. Bark Busters has been such a positive influence to our family's overall peace of mind. Riley is such a different animal now and it has greatly helped our family. It's a winning situation all around. Thank you Christie!!

  • Anonymous
    13 years ago — Charlotte South

    Well.... all I can say about Bark Busters is BOW WOW. BOW to Christie Price for being a great trainer and WOW to the Bark Buster training program. Jasper,(Yorkie) was wearing me out barking at everything that moved. Now I can enjoy peace and quite and he listens to me when I correct him. thanks again

  • Anonymous
    13 years ago — Charlotte South

    Photo of Christie is an amazing trainer! I thought my three year old dog would never get over his anxiety and had almost given up. Through Christie's dedication and explanation of the Bark Busters method, I have gained control over my dog in a way that I never thought possible. After Christie's visits, my dog is much more relaxed and has an all around happier demeanor. Christie has taught me more than I could have ever picked up from books or a training class and I would give her my strongest recommendation. Any dog owner would benefit from Christie's training and the Bark Busters' method.

  • Anonymous
    13 years ago — Charlotte South

    Christie is an extraordinary and highly committed trainer, and quite simply--I'm not sure what I would have done without her! I have known Christie for several years now, as she worked with me with my previous dog and now with my new puppy. Christie and the Bark Busters approach have transformed my relationship with my dog to be healthier and also highly rewarding, for both the dog and for me. With the Bark Busters method, you will see results immediately....and Christie is there every step of the way to ensure the new behaviors "stick." Because the methods are based on positive reinforcement and communicating in canine "language," dogs quickly relax and understand their role. Christie always goes the extra mile to make sure that things are working well. She is truly committed to ensuring that dogs and their owners have the best possible relationship, and she gets amazing results.

  • Anonymous
    14 years ago — Charlotte South

    We love, love, LOVE Christie and the Bark Busters program!! Within weeks, days even, of Christie's first visit I saw a huge transformation in my pack. Christie taught me to notice and then address small signs and non-verbal cues in my pack that had previously led to fights and insecurity. She taught me to lead my pack with confidence and trust. The program has brought peace back to my household. Christie is always there to help me whenever I need her with advice or another training session. I have recommended Christie to several of my friends with 100% confidence that they will love Christie as much as I do. I can never thank Christie enough for all the help and guidance she has given me. THANK YOU, CHRISTIE!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Charlotte South

    My husband and I are extremely happy with Christie and the Bark Busters methods. We did expect results but not so quickly. After our first session with Christie, Maggie (our boxer pup) is calmer and happier, listening to us and eager to do what we tell her to do. Even if you have some past experience with dogs, this training is so helpful. No need to use treats to entice your dog anymore, after learning this method, they will want to please you! Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Charlotte South

    We were so pleased with how well our training sessions with Christie went. I will recommend Bark Busters to anyone with a dog! Christie taught us how to communicate with our dog in a way he could understand, and the whole process was definitely about training us, not him. He seems more relaxed and almost relieved that he doesn't "have to be" the leader anymore. The training has made a huge difference, and we continue to work with him so he can relax and be a happy pup!