Bark Busters Denver Reviews


129 Reviews ★★★★★(Average 4.99 out of 5)

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  • Katy C.
    19 months ago — Arvada, CO

    Photo of Ava We first hired Scott around 2 months ago and the difference in our dog Ava has been night and day. Ava had been showing signs of aggression towards both dogs and people, Scott has since given us tools to manage both areas of aggression and given us tools to handle so many other scenarios as well. Ava was never particularly good on leash and now she can do 40 minute walks without leaving our side. Scott explains to you what your dog is likely feeling from their point of view and is able to advise dog owners on how best to approach situations without ever making the owners feel as though they had screwed up or were bad dog owners (this is not something that we can say about a good portion of trainers that we have talked to). Scott is very flexible, able to meet with people on the afternoons and weekends in their own home which is incredibly helpful as me and my fiancée are both working full time. I would and have recommended Scott to anyone who is wanting to train their dog. I and so thankful that we have Scott’s help while training Ava.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Recall
  • Kimberly Barnett R.
    21 months ago — Broomfield, CO

    We signed up with BB a fwe years ago and were very happy with the service/ training. Once COVID hit, we lost some ground with changing employment and remote work. Otis needed a tune up! and so did we :) We purchased the BB package primarily because it was 'lifetime' and we had a young pup. I don't remember the exact date we started, but it was a few years ago. We called our trainer, Scott, and within about 20 minutes we were back on track. Highly recommend both the trainer and the lifetime engagement.

    • #Barking
    • #Pulling
    • #Separation anxiety
  • Ryan K.
    22 months ago — Arvada, CO

    Photo of Bokhee Scott is a miracle worker! Our dog has unlimited energy, likes to jump on anyone that walks through the door and was a terrible walker. Within literally minutes, Scott put an end to all of that! Well worth the investment.

    • #Digging
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Separation anxiety
  • Iztel A.
    2 years ago — Denver, CO

    OMG Scott is AMAZING! I initially sought out a trainer as my elderly dog who is 14 years old, who was used as a bait dog before I adopted her, is aggressive when she sees other dogs. Like seriously, she can spot them from a mile away and will even growl, jump, and lunge when she sees them on TV. I contacted Bark Busters-Scott, as I was DESPERATE. We could not go on one normal walk EVER, without her growling at other dogs and wanting to lunge, jump and pull on the leash every time she spotted one from far away. While on walks I can only describe it as her walking me, instead of the other way around. When I called to set up an appointment for her, I was told Scott could take me but not until the end of July, and admittedly I was disappointed as I was just SO DESPERATE for help with her. When he was told of our situation he was able to move his schedule and booked me for the 3rd of June instead. Within the first 10 minutes I noticed a huge improvement, not only with my dog Jaz, but mainly with me as I am not usually a very authoritative person. He helped me SO QUICKLY after starting our session. I liked that we practiced in doors before even heading outside to try to attempt to go on a walk. I was FLOORED once we walked outside and she didn't even bat an eye at other dogs while walking at the lake. My jaw dropped and i'm pretty sure its still on the floor, because my dog has never EVER been as attentive and in sync with me throughout the four years I've had her. I am excited to work on homework with her, because if she was able to listen, stand by my side, and not lunge, growl, pull on the leash within 20 minutes of the session, I cannot imagine what consistent practice will do. I have nothing but great things to say about Scott. I am floored!!! If you are on the fence about it, it is worth EVERY PENNY and you should call immediately to book their services!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Pulling
    • #Recall
  • Izzy A.
    2 years ago — Denver, CO

    OMG Scott is AMAZING! I initially sought out a trainer as my elderly dog who is 14 years old, who was used as a bait dog before I adopted her, is aggressive when she sees other dogs. Like seriously, she can spot them from a mile away and will even growl, jump, and lunge when she sees them on TV. I contacted Bark Busters-Scott, as I was DESPERATE. We could not go on one normal walk EVER, without her growling at other dogs and wanting to lunge, jump and pull on the leash every time she spotted one from far away. While on walks I can only describe it as her walking me, instead of the other way around.

    When I called to set up an appointment for her, I was told Scott could take me but not until the end of July, and admittedly I was disappointed as I was just SO DESPERATE for help with her. When he was told of our situation he was able to move his schedule and booked me for the 3rd of June instead. Within the first 10 minutes I noticed a huge improvement, not only with my dog Jaz, but mainly with me as I am not usually a very authoritative person. He helped me SO QUICKLY after starting our session. I liked that we practiced in doors before even heading outside to try to attempt to go on a walk. I was FLOORED once we walked outside and she didn't even bat an eye at other dogs while walking at the lake. My jaw dropped and i'm pretty sure its still on the floor, because my dog has never EVER been as attentive and in sync with me throughout the four years i've had her. I am excited to work on homework with her, because if she was able to listen, stand by my side, and not lunge, growl, pull on the leash within 20 minutes of the session, I cannot imagine what consistent practice will do.

    I have nothing but great things to say about Scott. I am floored!!! If you are on the fence about it, it is worth EVERY PENNY and you should call immediately to book their services!

    • #Aggression
    • #Pulling
    • #Other
  • Ti S.
    2 years ago — Denver, CO

    Scott helped save my relationship with my puppy and made me into a dog lover!!
    I never had a dog and finally decided to get a puppy because my sister did. I hated being a dog mom! I didn’t understand my dog, he brought stress and anxiety to my already chaotic life. Where was this “man’s best friend” and “dogs will comfort you” stuff people talked about?! I didn’t get it and I had 3 back up plans of people who said they would take him….enter Scott
    I literally called Scott crying one morning and said I hated the puppy and I was going to give him up. Scott responded instantly and was at my house that day!!! His purpose was to save my relationship with my puppy and to train me.
    It worked! It took a few visits and phone calls (and yes, I cried a few more times), but I still have my gorgeous pup. I learned how to communicate with my dog and how to create a positive relationship with him. Scott and Bark Busters really know what they are doing.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Chewing
    • #Digging
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
  • Carol C.
    2 years ago — Arvada, CO

    Scott was so amazing! The first time he came to help with our two pitbulls it was to stop barking and listening to commands on the first time. It was a miracle I could have kissed him (?) but it wasn’t professional. I was so excited and pleased by how fast and quick they picked it up. But the most important result was helping me and educating me to know that they're very loving. I learned the dog language for the first time. Lol. It has been so educational and rewarding for our Pits, the family and myself. I so appreciate Scott and his knowledge. Thank you Scott.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Chewing
    • #Recall
    • #Sibling rivalry
  • Cheryl F.
    2 years ago — Denver, CO

    After doing some online research, we decided to work with Scott on some behavioral issues for both our 14 year old dog and 7 month old puppy. They were barking aggressively at the door and visitors, lunging at other dogs on walks, begging at the table, licking dishes in the dishwasher, and the pup had begun to dig and chew sticks in the yard. Scott came over for about 1.5 hours last Saturday for our first session, and it has already made a WORLD of difference! They wait for us to let them approach guests, respect us and our commands regarding food and barking, and we even were able to start walking training with them that first day! I cannot recommend Scott and Bark Busters enough. It is more training for you, the owners, than it is for the dogs. Scott also made some dietary recommendations that we are looking forward to trying. If you are considering making the investment in Bark Busters -- DO IT!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Chewing
    • #Digging
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management
    • #Sibling rivalry
    • #Other
  • Glenda C.
    3 years ago — Broomfield, CO

    Photo of Hubba I am so happy with the behavioral training that Scott has provided. My 160lb Saint Bernard was fearful of strangers; other dogs; and the vet. This manifested itself in excessive barking and aggressive behavior while out in public, having people at the house, and visiting the vet. Almost immediately after working with Scott, Hubba gained confidence, and began to change. One day we were working in the front yard and Hubba was off leash with us. Suddenly the FEDEX guy stopped, grabbed a package and came running up our driveway to deliver the box. I was surprised as I didn't see him. Hubba saw him and came over and stood my me and watched. No barking, no chasing, no aggressive behavior. Thank goodness, that could have been a disaster. A few month's later, Hubba had his annual wellness exam at the vet. Before training, the vet couldn't even put a stethascope on him to listen to his heart. This year, the vet got a blood draw, gave shots, trimmed all his toenails, listened to his heart, and looked in his ears, and eyes. It was a miracle! Currently we take our daily walks and have people over to the house without incident. I have even had a stranger comment on how well behaved my Hubba is.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
  • Matthew F.
    3 years ago — Denver, CO

    Scott Schwab at Bark Busters has our little guy back on track! After only a week, we are seeing drastic improvement with our dog, Alfie, a Havanese who has always struggled with anxiety, leash aggression, and incessant barking. Now Alfie follows commands, stops barking when we ask him to, and best part, he is walking like a champ. We're no longer embarrassed to walk him down our street and past other dogs. We are very happy with Alfie's progress so far, and we can't wait to see where he is in another week or two. It's really working!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Pulling
    • #Recall
    • #Separation anxiety