Bark Busters Greater San Diego Reviews


146 Reviews ★★★★★(Average 5 out of 5)

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  • Allison D.
    27 days ago — San Diego, CA

    Photo of Rocco Incoming Rocco update! So it’s been 2 weeks since Rocco’s session and you guys, he is a DIFFERENT DOG! We are in constant disbelief. It’s as if a switch was flipped. He doesn’t do any of the bad behaviors anymore! • He doesn’t bark at random noises when we’re home. • He doesn’t bark and run towards the windows when the neighbors pass by. He literally looks and doesn’t react! • He doesn’t have any aggression whatsoever towards our cleaning lady. I was able to bring him out on leash with the training cushion in hand, but he didn’t do anything! He was green zoning the whole time. • I’m able to bring him along to do errands and he just sits by my feet when I’m paying or waiting for something. Even if men come up next to me, he looks but then relaxes and doesn’t react at all. • yesterday Mauro had a friend over for dinner 🥹 and I wasn’t home when he first came over but Mauro said he was super calm and totally accepted Claudio in the house and let him pet him!! I was worried when I arrived that he would turn and start being aggressive, but he stayed in the green zone alllll night. We kept him on leash but were 👌this close to taking it off because we were THAT confident that he wouldn’t behave badly. • when we take him out to cafes he literally just sits calmly under my seat and looks around (💚 zone), even with other dogs and babies walking right in front of him. We’ve been very diligent on the 👏 and “bah” when he steps a toe into the 💛 zone. I’ve let up on the leash yanking when were out because he started to look scared of me haha. He’s really good on leash. He now waits for me to step in/out of the elevator before walking and doesn’t lunge or even notice people walking by. I don’t know how you guys did it, but you totally fixed Rocco!!! We cannot believe the transformation!! I can see in his eyes he is HAPPIER and at ease. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what you did 🥹🙏 You guys literally changed all of our lives!!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
  • Tina D.
    5 months ago — El Cajon, CA

    Photo of Max Our family selected Bark Busters for our in-home training needs and it was the best decision we made. Max is 4.5 years old Pitbull, Beauceron, Lab mix, 80lbs & was adopted into our home 2.5 years ago. We were discussing the process of re-homing our beloved dog Max when I found Bark Busters on google. Max was aggressive when visitors came to the home and we had to keep him lock in a crate or separate room. He would incisively bark at mail man, delivery persons, neighbors walking by the house on the sidewalk. Max began becoming aggressive with my oldest son and his girlfriend over the last 8 months. After doing a ton of research and reading countless reviews regarding correcting aggressive and protective dog behavior I was willing to give it a try in hopes we could enjoy many more years with our dog. From the first phone call to the first visit; the service was 10/10. Marcus called and completed a thorough intake of Max and the behaviors we had experienced. We were sent instructions to follow leading up to the first consultation. We sent videos of Max prior to first meeting to allow our assigned behavior specialist an opportunity to observe Max behavior. The first visit was extremely educational. The trainer went into depth about why Max behaves the way he does and helped us develop communication skills with Max that he understood that would allow us to correct these behaviors. Within in the first 2 hours Max went from a dog that would jump through a window to guard this house from anyone passing by on the sidewalk or attempting to approach the door, now he sits calmly on the floor not triggered in the slightest by the Fed Ex delivery people. Our walks have become more enjoyable and easier now that Max understand that I am his pack leader. There is respect, boundaries, trust and communication. All things that were lacking for the last 2.5 years since we had adopted Max from the shelter. Our first visit with Bark Busters was 2 weeks ago and Max continues to build on his confidence daily in learning to trust his humans and that we will handle any situation. Max is much friendlier, calmer, respectful, playful, chill. The family is learning to exhale and trust Max again and the children are also building confidence in correcting Max when if he is triggered.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
  • Tina D.
    5 months ago — El Cajon, CA

    Photo of Max Our family selected Bark Busters for our in-home training needs and it was the best decision we made. Max is 4.5 years old Pitbull, Beauceron, Lab mix, 80lbs & was adopted into our home 2.5 years ago. We were discussing the process of re-homing our beloved dog Max when I found Bark Busters on google. Max was aggressive when visitors came to the home and we had to keep him lock in a crate or separate room. He would incisively bark at mail man, delivery persons, neighbors walking by the house on the sidewalk. Max began becoming aggressive with my oldest son and his girlfriend over the last 8 months. After doing a ton of research and reading countless reviews regarding correcting aggressive and protective dog behavior I was willing to give it a try in hopes we could enjoy many more years with our dog. From the first phone call to the first visit; the service was 10/10. Marcus called and completed a thorough intake of Max and the behaviors we had experienced. We were sent instructions to follow leading up to the first consultation. We sent videos of Max prior to first meeting to allow our assigned behavior specialist an opportunity to observe Max behavior. The first visit was extremely educational. The trainer went into depth about why Max behaves the way he does and helped us develop communication skills with Max that he understood that would allow us to correct these behaviors. Within in the first 2 hours Max went from a dog that would jump through a window to guard this house from anyone passing by on the sidewalk or attempting to approach the door, now he sits calmly on the floor not triggered in the slightest by the Fed Ex delivery people. Our walks have become more enjoyable and easier now that Max understand that I am his pack leader. There is respect, boundaries, trust and communication. All things that were lacking for the last 2.5 years since we had adopted Max from the shelter. Our first visit with Bark Busters was 2 weeks ago and Max continues to build on his confidence daily in learning to trust his humans and that we will handle any situation. Max is much friendlier, calmer, respectful, playful, chill. The family is learning to exhale and trust Max again and the children are also building confidence in correcting Max when if he is triggered.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
  • Michele S.
    5 months ago — Chula Vista, CA

    Photo of Ellie Mae We are absolutely amazed! We have a 3 year old Cockerpoo that we purchased during COVID. Because of that, she didn't get the socialization that she would have received. Ellie Mae was anxious, barked all the time at anything, people walking their dogs by our house, delivery trucks, basically anything or for no reason. We have had 4 trainers for Ellie Mae in 3 years and we never saw a difference in her behavior. That is until we found Jenna at Bark Busters!!
    Oh my goodness! What a huge difference! Our home is so much more peaceful! We now have the tools to stop the barking before it escalates. Now when she barks, which is less and less, we stop it! Bark Busters are dog behaviorists and that makes all the difference.
    There are still some things that we are working on, like when people come to the house and how to keep Ellie Mae in her place when we open the door to let our guests in, but we have such harmony and Ellie Mae seems so much happier! She's not on guard all the time and not on high alert. She is much more relaxed!
    We had friends over the other night and they couldn't get over the change in Ellie Mae. It's so noticeable.
    We are absolutely thrilled and so grateful to have found Jenna and Bark Busters. We are clients for life!
    Thank you so much,
    M~ & M

    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Other
  • Jeanne P.
    6 months ago — San Diego, CA

    Absolutely the BEST money I ever spent!!! I was at my wit's end. I got my dog during covid so she never experienced people coming in my house. Once people started coming over again, she would bark and bark. She followed anyone who came over around and barked at them. She is a Shepard mix so it was very scary for my guests. She would never calm down. It got to a point where I just did not have anyone over. She also barked at other dogs on our walks. It was all very stressful and not enjoyable. After ONE VISIT with JD, she was a changed dog!!! Unbelievable. JD stayed for 3 hours and listened and learned all about my dog's behavior issues and of course experienced her barking when he arrived. He really took the time to understand her (and my) anxiety!! He taught me all about my dog's anxiety and how to help her relax. I started inviting people over right away, just to test it out. Everyone was totally amazed! As am I. Not only can I invite people over now, without barking, she actually wags her tail and says hi to my guests! If I had not experienced this miraculous transformation, I would not believe it. JD is the best. Oh, plus, we can go for walks without pulling or barking at other dogs. I would totally recommend JD to anyone having these issues. I am so happy. One last thing: these new behaviors started immediately!!! Again, best money I ever spent!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Pulling
  • Sue R.
    7 months ago — San Diego, CA

    Photo of Kobe We have been amazed at the response from Kobe! Justin is amazing! We have had just 2 sessions with him and Kobe has been transformed into quite the puppy! No more pulling, no more jumping and today he has not followed me ANYWHERE!!
    he has stopped chasing the cat too!
    I will post more pictures this weekend. We are so proud of him and THANK YOU JUSTIN!!

    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management
    • #Separation anxiety
  • Melanie T.
    7 months ago — La Mesa, CA

    Photo of Mochi My 4 year old Pomeranian had a lot of behavioral issues that I was struggling so hard to correct. He was always territorial of his food, places in the house and me and would even resort to biting to guard these things. He would also bark nonstop in the house when he heard dogs outside and no command could stop him. He would also be very reactive to other dogs in public which would always stress me out when we were out to the point where I wasn’t able to enjoy being out with him. This always made me so sad to have to leave him in the house all the time because of his reactivity. I was desperate for change and was so scared that he wouldn’t be able to change since he is already almost 4 and has very severe habits. However, Justin has completely changed him. I was skeptical when they said we would see results within the first session but it was absolutely true. After just one session, he became the quietest dog on our block. He wouldn’t respond at all to the dogs barking around our neighborhood. He became so well behaved, some family members became worried because of how quiet he stayed. The biggest miracle is him not being territorial anymore. This has ensured my family of complete safety around the house. I never thought my dog would be able to learn how to heel, but Justin showed him how in the first session which completely astonished me. A few days after our first session, I was able to take my dog out to the mall and it was the first time I was able to enjoy being out with him. He would quietly wait under the table while we ate and didn’t react to dogs he would come across while we were walking. Justin has been absolutely amazing. It is so comforting to have someone of his caliber and expertise guiding you and genuinely caring about you and your dog. He makes every effort to make sure he is able to help with whatever you need and always emphasizes that he is only one text away. He always finds a way to fit you into his schedule and is a complete joy to be around. When they say he is the last trainer you’ll ever need, they mean it. Investing in training my dog has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Both me and my dog have become less stressed and are both now able to enjoy life to the fullest.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Toileting
    • #Other
  • Kathryn P.
    8 months ago — Greater San Diego

    Photo of Last evening we were able to have dinner out with friends and leave Wally at home without worry…a first in the year since we adopted him! Thank you Justin for your help with Wally’s separation anxiety!

    This sweet 8-year-old little dog would always want to be near us, but could be skittish, shy, and somewhat distant. He was quiet, calm, and well behaved until left alone. Then the separation anxiety caused non-stop barking and howling and we would return to find him wide-eyed, panting, and agitated. Our activities became limited to those that could include Wally, basically avoiding and likely worsening the problem.

    Justin spent nearly 3 hours at our initial visit, listening patiently to our worries and frustrations and evaluating Wally’s behavior. He explained his approach and demonstrated some techniques, then left us with a solid plan for the coming week. Justin participated in these “homework assignments” via text or phone call and we saw immediate steady improvement in the first week - Wally went from barking & howling to a little whining & panting. Now three weeks out we hear a quiet sigh or moan in the first few minutes and that’s it. He’s happy to see us when we return and he settles down quickly.

    An unexpected benefit of this work on Wally’s separation anxiety has been a reduction in his general anxiety. He’s no longer skittish, doesn’t run after us if we leave a room, and has become a lap dog. We can’t thank Justin enough and recommend him highly. His work is not just about solving an annoying problem – it has created a whole new much healthier dynamic for this little dog family and we are so grateful!

    • #Barking
    • #Separation anxiety
  • Arah S.
    8 months ago — Greater San Diego

    There aren’t enough words to express how grateful I am for Justin’s help with training Ranger. Here’s a bit about Ranger when we first started:
    - He was 90 lbs and pulled on a leash, even with a prong collar.
    - He was extremely reactive and could not contain the malamute in him. He just HAD to say hi (bark) at every person and dog to meet them.
    - He was constantly on high alert, and his solution for every situation was the craziest solution.
    Walks were unpleasant for both of us, I would constantly just yell and be frustrated and he didn’t have the correct guidance.

    The first session with Justin, he was able to get Ranger to loose leash walk next to him in 5 seconds. That’s when I realized, it’s not Ranger. It’s my fault and our miscommunication. I didn’t know how to tell him properly that he shouldn’t be pulling on the leash. I didn’t know how to tell him that he has to be calm to be able to great people and dogs.
    We’ve only had about 4-5 sessions, 30 mins each. His teaching style is very clear and super EASY! Ranger and I now have better communication and work better as a team. Ranger is now my service dog in training, he comes to my classes with me every week and flies with me. He can now:
    - Loose leash walk, and heel properly.
    - Ignore people and dogs when we’re out
    - Be CALM everywhere we go.
    - Realize the difference between play time and work time.

    Justin doesn’t teach service dog tasks, but he WILL make sure your dog can become calm and confident. He was able to help me turn my reactive dog into a service dog. I am so so grateful for everything Justin did for us!
    I highly recommend BarkBusters. This is the best decision we ever made! Both Ranger and I now have a better and happier life with better training and communication.

    • #Barking
    • #Chewing
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Other
  • Alex
    9 months ago — Encinitas, CA

    The team at Bark Busters is truly unique in all aspects of their training. The in-depth understanding of canine behavior and the connection to the training method is why all these reviews are so great. We realized very quickly that this process was going well below the surface level symptoms, identifying the root causes and then utilizing the techniques to change the behavior. The amount of nuance and insight applied to every detail is remarkable.

    Justine, JD and Jenna are 100% committed to solving the issues, making the pup happier and empowering the owners through knowledge and tools. Their communication and availability is superb and if you commit to doing the work, the results will bring a smile to your face. This is an investment into the relationship you will enjoy with your dog for a lifetime and without a doubt would recommend Bark Busters.

    • #Aggression
    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management

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