We have a 6 month old, 43 lb, strong-willed girl. I have seen significant improvement in Carmen's behavior already with the techniques we were shown. She is no longer using my arms for a "chew toy" , she is walking better on the leash. Still have work to do, but I am very pleased with her progress.
Joanne was very professional and seems very knowledgeable. We were given clear, concise instructions with the assurance we could contact her at any time with questions or concerns. Though we are in the early stages of Birch's training, we are hopeful his progression will continue to be positive.
What a difference Bark Busters training made! It was like having 2 different puppies - becoming more well mannered. Also being able to understand dog behavior and language helped a lot! For the 1st time since I adopted my pups in May, I was able to sit with Penelope and have a one-on-one time with her without having Bae interrupt. Bae is more accepting for me to love him and Penelope. Thank you Joanne Rice!! We love you !!
Joanne was very informative and listened to all of our concerns. Wayne was responding to the techniques within the first few minutes. It is a new/different way of handling our dog, but hopefully in the end we are all happier.
Joanne came to help us with our new puppy. We are working on potty training and getting our other dogs use to her. Joanne gave excellent tips and advice....Would recommend to any of my friends! Thanks Joanne!!
I wasn't sure what to expect about a dog trainer and what would be expected of me. Joanne made things so easy to understand for me and my dog, Rosie. She is a very professional trainer. Joanne taught Rosie to wait at doorways. Rosie hasn't jumped in my lap anymore without me inviting her. She has stopped barking at our neighbors. We are still working on our outside walking but she is doing better. Thank you Joanne for your good service.
Very professional and organized. On time for appointment. Had confidence that Joanne could do tasks required for Bandit to be an enjoyable friend/companion. After 1 day of following her directions with Bandit outside, he understood the commands not to be aggressive or barking. Bandit now is patient, not hyperactive when preparing to go outside and exit through front door properly.
It's been a couple of weeks after our training and I think Nike is 70% better. He is listening much better with very little nipping, which was my biggest concern. The pulling has been an ongoing problem. He did great when Joanne was here, but is still giving me trouble. I will keep doing the exercises and hope it does work. In all we are very happy we used Bark Busters.
Thanks for the feedback April. Obviously puppies as young as Nike need a lot of work and require continued guidance and training. One session certainly will not resolve everything. I have sent you an e-mail with some additional tips and reminders, so please keep an eye out for that.
Marge M.
8 years ago
— Riverview, FL
We have a 6 month old, 43 lb, strong-willed girl. I have seen significant improvement in Carmen's behavior already with the techniques we were shown. She is no longer using my arms for a "chew toy" , she is walking better on the leash. Still have work to do, but I am very pleased with her progress.
PermalinkJoe F.
8 years ago
— Greater Tampa Bay, Florida
Joanne was very professional and seems very knowledgeable. We were given clear, concise instructions with the assurance we could contact her at any time with questions or concerns. Though we are in the early stages of Birch's training, we are hopeful his progression will continue to be positive.
PermalinkMarylou T.
8 years ago
— Greater Tampa Bay, Florida
What a difference Bark Busters training made! It was like having 2 different puppies - becoming more well mannered. Also being able to understand dog behavior and language helped a lot! For the 1st time since I adopted my pups in May, I was able to sit with Penelope and have a one-on-one time with her without having Bae interrupt. Bae is more accepting for me to love him and Penelope. Thank you Joanne Rice!! We love you !!
PermalinkMichelle E.
8 years ago
— Greater Tampa Bay, Florida
Joanne was very informative, knowledgeable and helpful. My dogs responded right away to the methods and I have been pleased.
PermalinkAlexa Van B.
8 years ago
— Greater Tampa Bay, Florida
Joanne was very informative and listened to all of our concerns. Wayne was responding to the techniques within the first few minutes. It is a new/different way of handling our dog, but hopefully in the end we are all happier.
PermalinkTonya G.
8 years ago
— Plant City, FL
Joanne came to help us with our new puppy. We are working on potty training and getting our other dogs use to her. Joanne gave excellent tips and advice....Would recommend to any of my friends! Thanks Joanne!!
PermalinkEloise C.
8 years ago
— Greater Tampa Bay, Florida
I wasn't sure what to expect about a dog trainer and what would be expected of me. Joanne made things so easy to understand for me and my dog, Rosie. She is a very professional trainer. Joanne taught Rosie to wait at doorways. Rosie hasn't jumped in my lap anymore without me inviting her. She has stopped barking at our neighbors. We are still working on our outside walking but she is doing better. Thank you Joanne for your good service.
PermalinkErnest J.
8 years ago
— Greater Tampa Bay, Florida
Very professional and organized. On time for appointment. Had confidence that Joanne could do tasks required for Bandit to be an enjoyable friend/companion. After 1 day of following her directions with Bandit outside, he understood the commands not to be aggressive or barking. Bandit now is patient, not hyperactive when preparing to go outside and exit through front door properly.
PermalinkKim E.
8 years ago
— Greater Tampa Bay, Florida
Joanne was very thorough and gave us some great strategies to try with Jax. So far her methods are working!
PermalinkApril B.
8 years ago
— Greater Tampa Bay, Florida
It's been a couple of weeks after our training and I think Nike is 70% better. He is listening much better with very little nipping, which was my biggest concern. The pulling has been an ongoing problem. He did great when Joanne was here, but is still giving me trouble. I will keep doing the exercises and hope it does work. In all we are very happy we used Bark Busters.
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