Bark Busters Des Moines Reviews


289 Reviews ★★★★★(Average 4.92 out of 5)

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  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    I did learn ways to make my minischnauzer be more aware of me! That seemed to be the biggest problem. She listens much better. With continued practice I am sure she will continue to get better than ever...

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    We had a weak moment when we saw Sammy on the shelter website--Musky's sister/littermate had been returned by her original owner and we had to have her! But by the end of the first week we knew that having 2 assertive 17-month-old Lab/ husky pups was more than we could handle on our own. After the first lesson with Deb we were impressed with how much progress we saw and how well the techniques worked. Now Sammy and Musky have much better front door manners, I have a much calmer household and we will soon be able to walk Sammy and Musky together. We couldn't have made this much progress in such a short time without the thoughtful guidance and lessons from Deb. Thank you, Deb!

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    My 2 dogs were out of control (well actually they were controlling us). Bark Busters had been recommended to me over a year ago by a friend from another city. I finally called. I'm soooo glad I did. Deb is great. I had a trainer before who was terribly condescending to the owner, I just quit going. Deb comes to our house and treats both my husband and myself as well as our dogs with total respect. She seems to fully understand every issue we have (and there are many). I saw an immediate change in my dogs and we will continue to change their behavior (and ours). I'm so thankful for Deb and Bark Busters. It's giving us a road map we didn't have before. I can see the light at the end of the barking crazy dogs!!

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    We were leery about the cost, but in less than 1 hour of our first visit with Deb, we were SOLD. Deb is so knowledgeable, patient and well, she's just plain FANTASTIC!!! During the first lesson our dogs stopped jumping up and actually responded to our commands, they seemed to be much more relaxed. We cannot wait to see what will be accomplished in our second lesson.

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    Thank you Deb for assisting us with Wyatt and Hayden. Their front door behavior is greatly improved. Wyatt and Hayden are good dogs, but now after several training sessions with Deb, they are responding better to various commands and much happier... so are we!

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    We decided to get our 2nd Great Dane after our first was such an angel. Winbley, our first, was so sweet and easy to train. We learned, however, that was not the case with all Danes! Kira, our 2nd, was a challenge from the beginning because she grew much faster than Winbley and had way more energy! It was really hard to control her, she had a dominant temperament, barked at everything, jumped on people, and lunged at little boys and babies. We didn't know how we were going to make a change! We took Kira to whole group training classes and had no luck! It seemed too basic and didn't address the problems we were having. We were actually told by our first trainer that we needed to get rid of her because there was no hope and she would corupt Winbley. We didnt stand for that because we knew she was a capable dog and we were the ones who didn't know how to handle her correctly. We werent doing her justice. Which is why finding Bark Busters was a miracle! Finally, a trainer who saw the good in Kira, wasn't fearful of her size, and made training easy for us. From the first day we met Deb, I had sooo much hope! It all made sense and I knew we were going to get through this. She made things very clear and seemed to have a way to handle anything! What I appreciate about Deb is that she doesn't move too fast. She works at our pace and Kira's. She wants to make sure the training sticks! We made progress the first day working with her and I felt we were seeing more good in Kira than before. I love the positive spin of this training method and how It focuses on what Kira does right. I catch myself praising her much more than before. After our first visit, I felt I knew exactly what to do because i understood her body language, but we did have some challenges because Kira wasn't picking things up quite as fast as I thought she would. This was frustrating. I think I expected miracles and that was not realistic, however, we were making progress in the right direction. Deb later told me to call her anytime we didn't feel things were going well. When she came back for the follow up she got us back on track and again we were so impressed with the growth Kira had made. Now, We have our 3rd visit around the corner, Kira is a much better listener, she is respecting us more, she barks less, and interacts with our guests better. We look forward to tackling our biggest problem of all, lunging at little boys, people holding babies, and people scared of her as we continue to work with Deb. I have all the hope we will overcome this with Deb's help because Kira is already less agitated around people. Thanks Bark Busters and Deb!

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    The barking was driving us nuts! Thanks to Deb, we've seen a huge improvement. Gracie not only barks less but she is much calmer and well behaved! We can now walk Gracie rather than Gracie walking us!!

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    Photo of Deb spent 3 hours with us the first night. Roxy and Romeo responded very well. We saw MAJOR improvements! The techniques work! When our daughter would visit she would be flattened by these 2 boxers. Last night they were like totally different dogs. She was amazed. Deb takes time to understand each of our concerns and focused on each individual problem, and each dog. We are learning to change our habits and become better dog owners. This training is so worth it!! We are more than pleased !!

  • Anonymous
    13 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    Photo of Deb is a miracle worker. We saw results immediately. Our collie was a pacing barking mess when Deb first arrived. A couple hours later he was calm, quiet and he stayed that way for a number of days. Deb left us with some insight, some training and a few tools to help us. During the 2 weeks on our own we made some progress and were really ready for Deb's follow up visit--and so was our collie--he was going to show all of us that no one was the boss of him and that he could bark like a crazy dog and drag us down the street. Deb was patient, kind and determined and the Bark Busters training methods are brilliant. We thought we'd never get our dog to behave. This system works and Deb is a fabulous coach. Best money we ever spent.

  • Anonymous
    13 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    Photo of Henry is doing very well! I talked with my neighbor and he said that he hasn't heard a sound from him in weeks! I don't have to use the Thundershirt when he's in the kennel anymore and I don't have to pick him up and put him in the kennel. He has no problem going in on his own. I've actually caught him going in there on his own when I'm getting ready for work. He is much calmer when I come home and he's doing very well with the no jumping on me. He's understanding that he doesn't get things when he wants them, but when I'm ready to give them to him. He's started taking bones or toys out of his kennel when I'm busy with something and chewing on those for awhile instead of just following me around. I've even caught him with some cat toys! Next I would like to work on walking outside with him. He does fairly decent but if we pass someone or he sees someone or another dog he gets all worked up. Thanks so much for your help!