993 Reviews ★★★★★(Average 4.97 out of 5)
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One household of yappy, barking little dogs is no more!
The training techniques were explained in a way that was easy to follow and understand.
Very interesting, and it really works . . . I wish that more people knew these training methods! Colin and June were very understanding and patient. I liked working with them a lot!
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16 years ago
— Naples, Marco Island, Florida
One household of yappy, barking little dogs is no more!
16 years ago
— Naples, Marco Island, Florida
The training techniques were explained in a way that was easy to follow and understand.
16 years ago
— Naples, Marco Island, Florida
Very interesting, and it really works . . . I wish that more people knew these training methods! Colin and June were very understanding and patient. I liked working with them a lot!
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