Bark Busters Brooklyn and Staten Island Reviews


368 Reviews ★★★★★(Average 5 out of 5)

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  • Pat D.
    10 years ago — Staten Island, NY

    There are no words to describe how helpful and beneficial Rob Machi has been in the training of my 4 dogs. I must admit I had my doubts in how helpful would it be in having someone come and teach me how to train my dogs. After all, I have had dogs my whole life and I knew what I was I thought! Wow, was I ever wrong. Rob taught me a totally different way to understand and handle the problems I am experiencing with my dogs. I feel so confident in doing what I need to do and I now have 4 dogs who respect, trust and love me!! Contacting Bark Busters was one of the best decisions I made in my 37 years of being a dog owner.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Puppy management
    • #Sibling rivalry
    Trainer Note:
    Thanks so much! That really means a lot that you are happy and enjoyed what I taught you. You are now officially a "pack leader."
  • Valerie S.
    10 years ago — New York, NY

    Photo of B Robert was really helpful. We'd let our pug run the household since he was a puppy. Now he's 6 years old and we're fed up. Barkbusters approach really makes sense. Robert came over and worked with us very patiently, teaching us how to build a stronger and more healthy relationship with our baby and in the process curbing his bad behavior. We're a much happier, less frustrated family. I only wish we'd contacted Robert and Barkbusters sooner!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Jumping up
    • #Recall
    • #Toileting
    Trainer Note:
    Thank you for your kind words :)

    You guys were really fun to work with. Having clients like you guys makes it all worthwhile.
  • Deanna and John Q.
    10 years ago — New York, NY

    Photo of Fletcher and Rosie I'm writing to let you know what a stellar Dog Trainer you have in Robert Machi. I relocated from Texas to New York in August of 2012. My dear dog Fletcher is a rescued Border Collie mix with some deep other - dog fear and aggression issues.

    My fiancé, John Quinones, and I enlisted the help of Bark Busters in Dallas. We anticipated that Fletcher would have a difficult time transitioning to a high rise in Manhattan, and indeed he did!

    When John reached out to your company about our desperate situation, you sent us an Angel in Robert Machi. He is a true professional - kind, knowledgeable, and conscientious. He is the only trainer since I adopted Fletcher in 2007 that has made true life changes for the dog, and for us. We have learned so much, and continue to learn. Fletcher is much calmer and happier which means the world to me!

    You probably already know what an asset you have in Robert, but I wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sending us your "Dog Whisperer". He makes a long trip into the city from an outer borough simply because we requested one of your best, and that he is.

    Warmest holiday wishes to everyone at Bark Busters! We continue to recommend you to fellow dog owners.

    All the best,

    Deanna White, John Quinones, Fletcher, and Rosie

    • #Other
  • Sarah, Jeanette & Louis B.
    10 years ago — Staten Island, NY

    Robert has done an amazing job with working with our dog, Romeo, and teaching us how to be successful leaders. Romeo, who was once fearful and stubborn, has grown to trust and respect us, thanks to the tools Robert has given us and lots of practice on our part.

    All of the hard work paid off, as this process has been exceptional rewarding; Romeo's calm and sweet disposition can finally shine through. Using Bark Busters training methods, we were also able to get our new puppy, Milo, off to the right start. Because of everything Robert has done for us, we can now better understand our dog's needs and can effectively communicate with them so that we may provide a happy and healthy life for them.

    Sarah, Jeanette & Louis Bucceleto

    • #Puppy management
  • Danielle & Mike P.
    10 years ago — Brooklyn, NY

    We adopted a shepherd mix named Brooklyn (previously named Taz after the Tasmanian Devil) at 6 months old and she had horrible separation anxiety. Whenever we left her she would start barking non-stop, to the point our neighbors started to complain. After sharing the issue with a co-worker he recommended Bark Busters based off of the success his dog had with the program.

    I'll admit I initially had sticker shock, but when I realized this offers customized training for the life of the animal (and had no success with my past dog at standard puppy school) we realized we needed to make the investment. We couldn't have made a better decision! Rob has helped our puppy successfully complete each item on our wish list, and we are now working on more advanced needs. Everyone, including our neighbors, are much happier.

    Brooklyn is always excited to see him and is exhausted by the end of our session - a nice bonus.

    Thanks Rob!
    Danielle & Mike Pedro

    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management
    • #Separation anxiety
    • #Other
  • Laura and Richie R.
    10 years ago — Staten Island, NY

    We have two dogs Casey and Sable, Robert started training them on April 1st. We are extremely pleased with the results to date. Casey is a very nervous dog and is afraid of strangers. When Robert first came to our house Casey lunged at the door, and was barking and growling. Now when Robert comes to the door Casey obeys our commands and sits at the door. At the last training session Robert was able to come into our front yard and Casey would go over and give him licks, Casey is now very comfortable with him. Whenever my husband and I would come home Casey and Sable would always jump on us, now they sit and stay and wait for our command to greet us without jumping. Sable is a very sweet dog and her issue was when she would see another dog, her fur would stick up and she was very hard to control . Robert taught us the skills to correct Sable when she would see another dog. In just a short time Sable was listening to us.

    Bark Busters has a great trainer in Robert, he taught us many useful skills that work to help us with Casey and Sable. We highly recommend Robert and Bark Busters! Thank you for all your help Robert.

    Laura and Richie Ramirez, Staten Island, NY

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Sibling rivalry
  • Dolores M.
    11 years ago — Brooklyn, NY

    Photo of Jem & Scout I originally contacted Bark busters to help me with my 15 month old Yorkie, Scout's food aggression. Since the moment Rob Machi walked in, with his calm yet assertive demeanor, my dogs immediately knew he was the boss and listened to him! He explained everything very clearly and left me with detailed instructions. I saw an immediate change in one visit! It is definately a work in progress, but at least I know now how to get my dogs to listen to me! I also now have Jem's barking when someone enters the house under control with one word and Rob witnessed it on his second visit. Rob has made himself available saying I can contact him at anytime with any concerns. I will definately recommend Rob Machi and Bark busters to anyone who needs help with their four-legged family members!

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Jumping up
    • #Toileting
  • Viki & Michael K.
    11 years ago — Brooklyn & Staten Island

    Originally, I contacted BarkBusters when I was living in Westchester County. Nate (chihuahua mix) had been bit by my landlord's dog and my vet recommended contacting BarkBusters to help with his separation anxiety, dog aggression, and general sense of not being safe. Laura was wonderful. She helped me to understand Nate's behavior and how to address without re-traumatizing him. Years later, I met my now husband and Nate and I moved to Brooklyn. I wanted to help Nate get acclimated to our new living situation and address some issues that were left over from the incident in Westchester, so I called BarkBusters. They set us up with Rob and it was the best call we ever made. Rob has educated us on dog behavior and helped us to understand what Nate is thinking in every circumstance. Nate was still exhibiting dog aggression, some separation anxiety, and had a propensity for barking at everything in our hallway (no thanks to a terrible neighbor). Rob came in with loads of ideas on how to correct each behavior. He's even helped us to get Nate eating out of a bowl (ridiculous I know, but he refused to eat out of one) and back into his old harness which he had become afraid of after I accidentally pinched him with it. Rob has come by as many times as we have needed and has even done a Skype session. Every time he watches us and Nate and helps us to see what we are missing in the most gentle way possible. He is obviously great with dogs but he is awesome with people, too. It can be hard to hear you're doing something wrong or not in the best manner possible, and Rob makes it easier to hear. He has a great way of encouraging you to see things differently and take a new approach. Nate went from trying to eat the face of any dog in his line of sight to now reacting that way intermittently on walks (which we can now correct effectively), has made friends with two little dogs in our building, is more comfortable around new people, and even tried to play with two dogs he had never met before at a friend's house the other day. Nate is now the dog he was meant to be - healthy, happy, secure. And we cannot thank BarkBusters and Rob enough for helping us to make that possible.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Pulling
    • #Separation anxiety
  • Heather I.
    11 years ago — Staten Island, NY

    Photo of Pre When we brought Pre, our 1 year old Boxer, home from the city shelter we had no idea how much "baggage" he was coming with. We experienced a range of behavior issues from barking to becoming aggressive with us on the leash to challenging our leadership. Things got so bad that we didn't know what to do. We loved Pre so much but couldn't seem to get him under control. Rob is a miracle worker. After 5 sessions we went from only being able to walk him in front of our house to walking more than 2 miles a day in the park. Rob also helped us to work through all of the leadership behavior we were experiencing too. Every time Rob worked with us he was calm, clear and compassionate. We find it amazing how excited Pre gets whenever he sees him. Thanks to Rob Pre is becoming the well behaved dog we knew he could be.

    • #Aggression
    • #Barking
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Recall
    • #Other
    Trainer Note:
    I consider myself a teacher...but I'm only as good as my student. Heather and her family are great people. They are 100% committed to Pre and following the plan I put them on. Great job!
  • Jennifer & John M.
    11 years ago — Brooklyn & Staten Island

    I just would like to leave a testimonial about trainer, Rob Machi. I don't know what we would do without his help. Our puppy, Brady, is a lab/pointer mix, 10 months old. As soon as Rob walked in the door, our lives changed forever. He is the dog whisperer! Rob was not only caring, training only with voice commands & no treats, he retrained us to handle our ball of energy. There was an instant change in only one visit. Never knew how quick it can work. Of course it takes consistency & dedication on our part but when he left we were confident & our puppy started learning his place in the pack. The second visit helped re-instill what we were doing & even helped our 12 year old son to not be afraid of being attacked & run over by our powerful energetic puppy. Rob was also kind enough to be available to talk at no additional charge & see how we were doing. I can't say enough about the help we all got from him & he will definitely make a difference in your dog's behavior. I'm so happy to know he is out there to help people from possibly getting rid of their pup for behavioral issues that can be fixed & save their lives.
    Sincerest thanks,
    Jennifer, John & Blaze Martin

    • #Barking
    • #Chewing
    • #Hyperactivity
    • #Jumping up
    • #Pulling
    • #Puppy management